General Mix Flashcards
A device used to collect solar radiation
parts per million
Fire assembly
A complete fire-resistive assembly consisting of a fire door, fire damper or fire window and its mounting frame and hardware.
The rate at which a specific thickness of a given material conducts heat.
conductance (c)
chill factor
a fictitious temperature assigned to a combination of actual temperature and wind velocity which has the same physiological effect as still air at the chill factor temperature.
The tendency of a gas or air to rise in a vertical shaft because its density is lower than that of the surrounding gas or air.
stack effect
calking made from hemp fiber strand or rope soaked in oil or other substance to make it waterproof and rot-resistant.
effective temperature
A fictitious temperature which would produce the same physiological effect as the combined effects of temperature humidity of air movement.
Energy received from solar radiation.
A gaseous fire-extinguishing medium which smother fire often used in automatic systems in computer rooms.
Materials used to store and release heat by means of their latent heat capacity that is they alternately melt and solidly in the normal solar operating temperature range of 80-160º
Eutectic Salts
Ratio of reflected to incident light falling on a surface
The number of hours needed for 1 Btu to pass through 1 sq.ft of a material when the temp. differential is 1ºF
Total in a substance, including latent heat and sensible heat.
Abbreviation of products of combustion usually relative to smoke detection.
The drain which removes dirt which builds up in the floor pool of an evaporative cooling tower or the discharge of sediment from the bottom of a boiler or heat exchange.
The time rate of heat flow which combines the effects of conduction, convection and radiation.
heat transmission
The total of sensible plus latent heat stored in the air.
acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene: a plastic used for drainage waste and vent piping and sewer systems
A single-number system for specifying a maximum SPL level in a given location using standardized reference contours.
NC curves
The waste from urinals, water closets and fixtures of similar function.
A cooling system that provides refrigerated air using solar radiation as the prime source of energy.
solar AC
Any device used for transferring heat from one fluid to another where fluids are physically separated.
heat exchanger
The pressure measured by a pilot tube consisting of static pressure and velocity pressure.
total pressure
A fire detector which deflects the products of combustion (POC) even before they are visible to the naked eye.
ionization detector
A valve consisting of a circular plug or disc which is raised or lowered against a circular opening or seat used for adjusting or throttling flow.
globe valve
Two or more cells which utilize the reaction of a chemical solution on two dissimilar metal to produce an electromotive force.
The weight of water vapor per unit volume of air.
absolute humidity
A faucet having a nozzle that is bent downward.
The transfer of heat by direct contact from hotter molecules to cooler molecules.
The end of a pipe which is enlarged to receive the end of another pipe so as to form a joint.
Helmholtz resonator
A sound-absorbing device consisting of an enclosed body of air confined within rigid walls and connected by a narrow opening to the space around it.
The portion of a building’s electrical system extending from the utility company’s wires to and including the main switch and meter.
Any connection by means of which non potable used or contaminated water or other liquid can enter any part of a potable water system
cross connection
A common sewer that receives wastewater only from building sewers.
A sound-absorbing device consisting of an enclosed body of air confined within rigid walls and connected by a narrow opening to the space around it.
cavity resonator
The portion of soil or waste stack which is above the highest branch drain connected to the stack. Its sole function is to vent to the outside air.
stack vent
The tendency of gas or air to rise in a vertical shaft because its density is lower than that of the surrounding gas or air.
chimney effect
An unobstructed vertical path open to the atmosphere separating the outlet of a faucet from the overflow rim of the fixture it serves. The purpose is to prevent a momentary vacuum in the supply pipe from siphoning water from the fixture back into the supply pipe.
air gap
The thumping or rattling sound that occurs when a faucet is shut off rapidly
water hammer
A system of combining active and passive solar features
hybrid solar system
In sanitary drainage any vent which serves two or more traps.
circuit vent
The heat transfer process which occurs when a warm fluid rises displacing cold fluid which then falls.
The heat given off by a vapor condensing to liquid or the heat absorbed by a liquid evaporating to a gas without a change in temperature.
heat of vaporization
A room whose boundaries absorb all of the sound striking them. Also known as a free-field room.
anechoic room
A one-number rating system giving average sound absorption coefficient of a material at frequencies of 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz
noise reduction coefficient (NRC)
The property of permitting passage of water or water vapor through a material without causing rupture or displacement.
The ratio of sensible heat to enthalpy
sensible heat ratio (SHR)
The phenomenon which occurs when sounds in a room that are within a narrow band of frequencies tend to sound louder than sounds of other frequencies.
room resonance
A valve consisting of a sliding plate or gate perpendicular to the flow intended to be fully open or closed.
gate valve
An automatic valve which admits air into a supply pipe to prevent siphoning polluted ware back into the supply.
vacuum breaker
pilot tube
An instrument used with a manometer or pressure gauge to measure the velocity of air or water in a duct or pipe
A passive solar system that utilizes a direct gain feature such as a greenhouse or atrium usually with a thermal storage well
sunspace system
A vent which connects from a drain to the stack vent of the soil stack to which the drain is connected.
loop vent
A device which converts alternating current to direct current and is used to recharge batteries or supply direct current for other purposes
Another name for a downspout
The area of a wire having a diameter of one mil (.001) of an inch used in specifying wire size
circular mil
The ratio of the solar heat gained through a window with shading devices such as blinds to the solar heat gained by a single pane clear glass window
shading coefficient (SC)
A vent which is a continuation of the trap and drain to which it connects.
common vent
Rating for the evaluation of a particular construction cross-section in terms of its transmission of airborne sound.
STC - sound transmission class
The unit of visible light emitted by a light source defined as the amount of light passing through 1 sq.ft. from 1’ away from 1 candlepower source
The perceived intensity of sound which depends mainly on the sound pressure but also on the frequency and waveform of the sound source
The rate at which a given material conducts heat/ in of thickness
conductivity (k)
A piece of wax or para fin which melts at a predetermined temperature setting off a sprinkler head and alarm system
fusible link
The total lifetime cost of an item or system which includes its initial, operating, maintenance and repair costs less any salvage value.
life-cycle cost
A complete light fixture including lamps
A balanced air valve positioned so as to admit air to the flue or stack of a furnace in order to maintain a constant amount of draft.
draft regulator
The use of air, especially under pressure usually to operate machinery.
National Electric Code
The adding of sensible heat to a supply air stream which has been previously cool.
A cooling process resulting from the absorption of vapor by a brine solution which is then heated to remove the moisture.
absorption refrigeration
Activated carbon
A form of specially treated porous carbon used to absorb various odors and vapors.
The process of removing calcium and magnesium ions from the zeolite resin in a water softener and replacing them with sodium ions by passing brine through the resin.
A passive solar system the utilizes a pond of water on the roof to maintain even year-round temperatures.
solar pond system
The unit of luminous intensity which is the amount of light emitted by a source.
An air-conditioning system in which a fan blows conditioned air over hot and/or cold coils into an occupied space
fan coil system
nominal pipe size - refers to the nominal inside pipe diameter
A device which starts the arc in a neon or fluorescent lamp or a contractor and overload relay used in starting some electric motors.
A damper provided with a fusible link and operated by gravity or springs which closes off an air duct in the event of fire preventing fire and smoke from spreading through the duct.
fire damper
A valve that allows the flow of a fluid in only one direction.
check valve
The basic unit of illumination arriving at a work plane.
A valve which releases a specific amount of water into a plumbing fixture each time it is actuated.
flushometer valve
The converting of sound energy into another form usually heat in passing through a medium or on striking a surface.
sound absorption
ground fault circuit interrupter
The property of an electrical circuit by which a change in current induces an electromotive force.
The measurement of light distribution illumination and the intensity of light usually with the aid of a photometer.
A logarithmic measure of sound intensity expressing the ratio between a given sound being measured and a reference level.
The heat added to or removed from a substance when it changes its state without changing its temperature as when water freezes or vaporizes.
latent heat
The unit of how loud a sound is perceived. Doubling the sone doubles the loudness.
The ratio of the volume of air supplied to or exhausted from a space/hr to the volume of the space.
air changes per hour
A device which changes the voltage of an AC circuit to a higher or lower level.
The flow of heat by electromagnetic waves bt two objects not in contact
Mass law
The theoretical law which states that for each doubling mass in a wall there is a 6-dB drop in the amount of sound transmitted.
A form of alternating current produced by a generator having three rotating coils positioned 120º apart
A measure of the ability of two or more closely spaced plates to store electricity.
A measure of the resistance of a specific thickness of a given material to the passage of heat.
An electrical current the flows in only one direction.
direct current (DC)
A structure used to evaporatively cool a liquid by contact with air.
cooling tower
A damper provided in a duct system to regulate the flow of air when the system is being balanced or tuned to design requirements.
balancing damper
The ratio of the longer to the shorter dimension of an air-conditioning duct which affects duct friction
aspect ratio
A u-shaped tube partially filled with a liquid used for measuring the pressure of a fluid.
The ability of a water heater to heat a specified number of gallons per hr of water to a specified temperature.
A unit of liquid flow used in sizing both supply and drainage pipes.
fixture unit
A plumbing arrangement on steam boiler to avoid rapid loss of water in the boiler due to a break in the condensate return line.
underwriter’s loop
An electrical device used with fluorescent and other lamps to provide starting voltage and regulate current flow through the lamp.
The overall rate of heat flow of a particular wall section expressed in Btus/hr/ºF/sq.ft
Draws vaporized refrigerant from the evaporator, compresses it and discharges it to a condenser.
The wire or conductor in an electrical system which is equidistant in voltage from the phase conductors of the system.
A thermometer which measures the mean radiant temperature (MRT)
globe thermometer
A device for trapping grease, sand, etc., installed in the drains of certain types of fixtures.
A spring-operated check valve in a piping system in which pressure against a moveable ball allows fluid to flow in one direction.
ball-check valve
The heat given off by a liquid in changing to a solid.
heat of fusion
100,000 Btus
Used in calculating loss of pressure due to friction of a fluid flowing through a duct or pipe.
friction factor
Transmission loss (TL)
The reduction of sound which occurs when a given wall transmits sound from one room to an adjacent room.
Fusible sprinkler head
A sprinkler head normally closed by a plug of low melting point allow.
The amount of head required to raise the temperature of one lb of a given substance 1ºF
specific heat
A valve in a refrigeration system which controls the flow and reduces the pressure of the refrigerant allowing it to evaporate and absorb heat.
expansion valve
A device inserted in an air stream to modulate, restrict, or divert the flow of air
The frequency of a sound
The resistance to current flow in an AC circuit
The unit of sound absorption equivalent to the absorption of 1 sq.ft of an open window
A thermostat that responds to temperatures at two different location.
differential thermostat
The ratio of real power in watts to the product of voltage and current.
power factor (PF)
An electrical current which reverses its direction at regular intervals.
A valve that opens when pressure is applied and closes when pressure is released.
reversible-acting valve
A vent connecting one or more individual vents to a stack vent.
branch vent
The method of using a heated surface and the resulting convection to move a fluid out of a space.
A water supply system that uses the available water main pressure to supply water to fixtures on several floors.
upfeed system
A water supply system in which water is pumped intermittently to a tank above the roof of a building. Water from the tank then supplies fixtures on the floors below it.
downfeed system
The end of a pipe which is enlarged to receive the end of another pipe to form a joint.
bell or hub
AC system which accommodates thermal load changes by varying the flow of supply air into a conditioned space instead of varying the temperature of the supply air.
variable air volume (VAV)
the space bt a suspended ceiling and the structure above which is used as a very large moving air duct.
dual duct system
hot and cold air are supplied by separate ducts and mixed at each controlled space to provide the desired temp. consumes a great deal of energy
A device installed in a water line to minimize the effects of water hammer caused by quick closing valves
surge arrester
heat which changes the temperature of a substance without a change of state
sensible heat
The automatic drain valve at the base of a dry standpipe
ball drip
photoelectric detector
A smoke detector that uses a light source and a photoelectric cell to detect the presence of smoke.
Elevator collects calls and answers the up calls on the up trip, then answers the down calls
selective collective operation
Elevator answers all calls without differentiating bt up and down calls - wait time can be very lone.
collective controll
ADAAG: Accessible Lavatories : rim of lavatory
34” max
ADAAG: Accessible Lavatories : apron clearance
29” max
ADAAG: Accessible Lavatories : sink depth
6 1/2” max
ADAAG: Accessible Lavatories : clear area for forward approach
30” x 48”
Assembly suspended from the ceiling to prohibit movement of smoke.
curtain board / draft curtain
Wet-type transformers are used for ___ voltage applications and (in/out) doors.
medium-high voltage - outdoors
Sound intensity levels decrease __ dB for every ___ (distance).
6 - doubling
expansive clay that can push foundations upward
Holding pond or catch basin that prevents excessive stormwater runoff from overloading the storm sewer system by temporarily holding the water and releasing it at a controlled rate.
retention pond
Retains stormwater until it can seep into the ground.
Infiltration basin
Minimum corridor width = ____ : ___ (residential <50)
Uses a continuous flow of temperate water to extract heat from areas that need to be cooled and add heat to other areas
water-loop heat pump
Infiltration and Exfiltration rates can be influenced by:
wind pressure, stack pressure, HVAC fan pressure
Type of elevator used for high-speed/ high rise buildings
gearless traction
Type of elevator used for high capacity at a low speed
geared traction
Type of elevator typically used for building 2-50 stories
Photoelectric cells
Type of perimeter security system that passes a beam from one point to another.
Minimum standard U.S. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) = ___ for all residential air conditioning.
Transformer specifications include:
-type-phase-voltage-KVA (kilovolt-ampere) rating-sound level-insulation class