Sistemi semplici Flashcards
What is a simple system in quantum mechanics?
A simple system in quantum mechanics is a system for which it is possible to solve the Schrödinger equation explicitly and obtain exact eigenfunctions and eigenvalues.
What is the Schrödinger equation for a free particle?
The Schrödinger equation for a free particle is Hψ(x) = -h^2/2m * d^2ψ/dx^2 = Eψ(x).
What are the boundary conditions for the wave function of a free particle?
The wave function of a free particle must be finite for all x between -∞ and +∞.
What is the general form of a solution to the Schrödinger equation for a free particle?
The general form of a solution to the Schrödinger equation for a free particle is ψ(x) = N * e^(i/h * kx), where N is a normalization constant and k = √(2mE)
What is the condition for the energy of a free particle?
The energy of a free particle can take any positive value, as long as it is real.
What is the value of the momentum of a free particle?
The momentum of a free particle is p = √(2mE) = k.
What is the probability of finding a free particle between x and x + dx?
The probability of finding a free particle between x and x + dx is N^2 * dx, which is independent of x(respects the indetermination)
What is the potential inside and outside the box?
he potential inside the box is constant and equal to 0, while outside the box it is infinite.
What are the possible solutions for the Schrödinger equation outside the box?
The possible solutions for the Schrödinger equation outside the box are ψ = 0, meaning the probability of finding the particle outside the box is zero.
What is the general solution for the Schrödinger equation inside the box?
The general solution for the Schrödinger equation inside the box is f(x) = A cos(kx) + B sin(kx), where k = sqrt(2mE)/h and A and B are constants.
What are the two possible solutions for the wave function inside the box?
e two possible solutions for the wave function inside the box are f1 = e^(ikx) and f2 = e^(-ikx), corresponding to waves propagating in the positive and negative x direction, respectively.
What is the most general solution for the wave function inside the box?
The most general solution for the wave function inside the box is f(x) = c1e^(ikx) + c2e^(-ikx), where c1 and c2 are constants.
What is the value of B in the normalized wave function?
The value of B in the normalized wave function is sqrt(2/a).
What is the energy of the particle inside the box?
The energy of the particle inside the box is E_nx = h^2 * n^2/(8ma^2), where n is the quantum number.
What is the form of the wave function for a three-dimensional box?
The form of the wave function for a three-dimensional box is ψ(x,y,z) = f(x)g(y)h(z).
What is the energy of the particle in a three-dimensional box?
The energy of the particle in a three-dimensional box is E_nxnyz = h^2/8m * (n^2_x/a^2 + n^2_y/b^2 + n^2_z/c^2), where n_x, n_y, and n_z are the quantum numbers.
What is the condition for the quantum numbers in a three-dimensional box?
The condition for the quantum numbers in a three-dimensional box is n^2 = n^2_x + n^2_y + n^2_z.
What’s the degeneracy for energy levels
Degeneracy in the context of energy levels refers to the situation where multiple states have the same energy.
What are some situations that can be approximated by the particle in a box model?
Some situations that can be approximated by the particle in a box model include an electron in a metal, molecules of a gas in a container, and an electron in a conjugated system.