Atomo idrogeno Flashcards
What is the importance of the hydrogen atom in the study of atomic structure?
The hydrogen atom serves as the basis for the study of the structure of all atoms.
What are the relevant coordinates for the hydrogen atom?
The relevant coordinates for the hydrogen atom are the 3 cartesian coordinates for the nucleus and the 3 cartesian coordinates for the electron.
What is the formula for the Hamiltonian in terms of cartesian coordinates?
The formula for the Hamiltonian in terms of cartesian coordinates is H = (1/2)M(·X^2_1 + ·Y^2_1 + ·Z^2_1) + 1/2m(·X^2_2 + ·Y^2_2 + ·Z^2_2) + V(r).
Why is it impossible to separate the variables in the Schrödinger equation using cartesian coordinates?
It is impossible to separate the variables in the Schrödinger equation using cartesian coordinates because the potential energy of interaction between the nucleus and the electron mixes the coordinates of the nucleus and the electron.
What is the motion of the hydrogen atom that can be separated from the internal motion?
The motion of the hydrogen atom that can be separated from the internal motion is the global translation of the atom in space.
What is the form of the kinetic energy term in the Hamiltonian after separating the global translation?
The form of the kinetic energy term in the Hamiltonian after separating the global translation is 1/2m(·x^2_2 + ·y^2_2 + ·z^2_2) + 1/2M(·X^2_1 + ·Y^2_1 + ·Z^2_1).
What is the formula for the kinetic energy term in the Hamiltonian after using the center of mass and polar coordinates?
The formula for the kinetic energy term in the Hamiltonian after using the center of mass and polar coordinates is 1/2(m + M)(·X^2 + ·Y^2 + ·Z^2) + 1/2M(·x^2_1 + ·y^2_1 + ·z^2_1).1/2m(·x^2_2 + ·y^2_2 + ·z^2_2).
What is the formula for the Laplacian operator in spherical coordinates?
The formula for the Laplacian operator in spherical coordinates is ∇^2 = 1/r^2(∂/∂r(r^2∂/∂r) + 1/sinθ(∂/∂θ(sinθ∂/∂θ)) + 1/sin^2θ(∂^2/∂ϕ^2)).
What is the relationship between the Hamiltonian and the angular momentum?
The Hamiltonian commutes with the angular momentum and its components.
What are the common eigenfunctions of H, L^2, and Lz?
ψ(r, θ, ϕ) = R(r)Ylm(θ, ϕ) with l = 0, 1, 2, 3, … and m = −l, −l + 1, …, 0, …, l − 1, l
What is the equation for the radial part of the wavefunction?
∂^2R/∂r^2 + 2/r ∂R/∂r + (2Za/r - l(l+1)/r^2 + 2Ea^2/(-2E))R = 0
What is the general form of the radial part of the wavefunction for E > 0?
It’s equal to the free particle equation, R(r) = e^(±i√(2E/ae^2)·r)
What is the general form of the radial part of the wavefunction for E < 0?
R(r) = K(r)e−cr, En = −μe^4Z^2/(2h^2n^2)
What do the solutions for E ≥ 0 correspond to?
They correspond to unbound states where the electron dissociates from the nucleus and moves freely without feeling the Coulomb attraction.
What is the general form of the hydrogen atom wavefunction?
ψnlm(r, θ, ϕ) = Rnl(r)Ylm(θ, ϕ) = Rnl(r)Slm(θ) 1/√2π e^imϕ with n = 1, 2, 3, 4, …, l = 0, 1, 2, 3, …, (n − 1) and m = −l, …, +l.
What is the constant a used in the radial wavefunction?
a = h^2/μe^2
What is the value of b0 in the ground state of hydrogen atom?
b0 = 2(Z/a)^(3/2) according to the normalization condition.
What is the total wave function for the ground state of hydrogen atom?
Ψ100 = (1/√π)(Z/a)^(3/2)e^(-Zr/a)
What is the value of the Bohr radius?
a = h^2/μe^2 = 0.5292 Å.
What is the representation of a s-type function in a polar coordinate system?
A spherically symmetric function like s-type has a representation of a sphere.
What is the representation of a p-type function in a polar coordinate system?
A p-type function with m=0 has a representation of two tangent circles in a plane or two tangent spheres in space.
What is the radial distribution function?
|Ψ(r)|^2dr = |Rnl(r)|^2r^2dr.
What is the Zeeman effect?
The Zeeman effect is the splitting of energy levels with different magnetic quantum numbers (m) due to the interaction between the magnetic moment associated with the electron’s rotation and an applied magnetic field.
What causes the degeneracy of energy levels with different magnetic quantum numbers?
The degeneracy of energy levels with different magnetic quantum numbers is caused by the electron’s rotation, which is associated with a magnetic moment.
What happens to the degeneracy of energy levels when an atom is immersed in a magnetic field?
The degeneracy of energy levels is lost when an atom is immersed in a magnetic field due to the interaction between the magnetic moment associated with the electron’s rotation and the applied magnetic field.
What is the formula for the magnetic moment associated with an electron’s rotation?
μ = βe√l(l+1), where βe is the Bohr magneton and l is the orbital angular momentum quantum number.
What is the Hamiltonian for an atom in the presence of an applied magnetic field?
HT = H + HB, where H is the unperturbed Hamiltonian and HB = LzBβe/h is the perturbation due to the applied magnetic field.
What are Slater orbitals?
Slater orbitals are a set of orbitals that describe the behavior of electrons in a polyelectronic atom, taking into account the interaction with other electrons in addition to the attraction with the nucleus.
What is the radial part of a Slater orbital?
The radial part of a Slater orbital is given by Rnl(r) = CnR^(n-1)e^(-ζr/ao), where cn is a normalization constant, n is the principal quantum number, l is the azimuthal quantum number, r is the distance from the nucleus, ζ is the orbital exponent, and ao is the Bohr radius.
What is the effective potential for a Slater orbital?
The effective potential for a Slater orbital is given by Veff = -ζn/r + n(n-1)/2r^2 - l(l+1)/2r^2, where ζn is the effective nuclear charge, n is the principal quantum number and r is the distance from the nucleus.
What is the role of the orbital exponent in Slater orbitals?
The orbital exponent in Slater orbitals represents an effective nuclear charge that takes into account the screening effect of other electrons. It is used as a parameter to adjust the shape of the orbital and can be estimated for different atoms.
How are the orbital exponents in Slater orbitals related to the screening effect of other electrons?
The orbital exponents in Slater orbitals are related to the screening effect of other electrons in that they represent an effective nuclear charge that is reduced by the screening effect. The larger the screening effect, the smaller the effective nuclear charge and the larger the orbital exponent.