Sintaxis 1 Flashcards
A word used to unify parts of a sentence:
ej: que, si
Words we use to explain the meaning of the noun they accompany.
ej: sus, este, bastante
The subject of a sentence
A group of words that serve a function in a sentence
Indicates qualities of the subject using ser, estar o parecer
la, el, los, las, eso, estos, aquellos,
- demonstratives, possessives, quantitative, indefinite, numerals, distributives, interrogatives and exclamatives.
Substantive Subordinative
a sintagma that has the proper functions of a noun or a noun phrase in a simple sentence
when a section of a sentence could be replaced by a
Oracion Subordinada
a sintagma that is structurally dependent on the nucleus of the sentence
ex. queiro (que vayamos juntos)
Oracion Adverbial
when there is an adverb that is part of the CC
for example: (cuando) estaba interrogado/when they were interrogated
Oracion Adverbial Propias
all adverbs sentences when the CC is de modo, de tiempo o de lugar
Oracion Adverbial Impropias
any adverb sentences when the CC is something DIFFERENT THAN de modo, de tiempo o de lugar
you can tell because the adv is used as a nexo
Oraciones Subordinadas Adjetivas
sentences where one section compliments the subject the same way an adjective would
La manta (que me compre) ayer es verde
Oracion Predicativa
has a verb at the start that predicts the rest of the sentence
Interrogative Adverbs
cuándo, dónde, cómo y cuánto
Functions of Grupo Nominal (GN) (6)
- Subject
- Complemento Directo
- Complemento Indirecto
- Atributivo
- C.C.Tiempo
- Aposición Explicativa
Complemento de Regimen
when there is a preposition and the sentence wouldn’t make sense if it was removed
Termino de Preposition
when there’s a preposition and the following part ends the sintagma