Single Source Study Sheet - Systems Flashcards
Fuel Flow in the Engine
- Pump (engine driven)
- Fuel filter
- Liquid to liquid cooler
Mechanical Mixing (MMU functions)
Collective to Pitch - Compensates for rotor downwash
_Collective to Roll _- Compensates for Translating Tendency
Collective to Yaw - Torques Effect
Yaw to Pitch - Lift component of Tail Rotor
Electronic Coupling (explain to collective to airspeed to yaw)
Collective to Airspeed to Yaw - Compensates for torque effect in addition to Collective to Yaw mixing based on collective position and airspeed. FCC#2 commands yaw trim actuator 100% below 40 knots decreases until 100 knots, none above 100 knots.
AFCS five subsystems
- Trim
- Coupled Flight Director
- Stabilator
FPS purpose
Basic autopilot – Enhances static stability through long term rate dampening in pitch, roll, and yaw. When coupled with Trim, FPS has 100% control authority (10% per second).
FPS Below 50 knots and above 50 knots
_Below 50 Kts _ _Above 50 Kts _
Att. Hold ** Pitch ** Att. Hold
Att. Hold ** Roll ** Att. Hold
Hdg Hold **Yaw ** Head Hold/Turn coord
These systems must be on and operational for FPS to function at 100%
- SAS 1 and/or SAS 2
- SAS/Boost
- Trim
- Stabilator (helps, but not req.)
Trim purpose
Provides a gradient and detent holding force for pitch, roll, collective, and yaw.
**Trim consist of **
- 3 electromechanical actuators (collective, roll and yaw),
- 1 electrohydromechanical actuator. (pitch) (SAS/Boost required for operation.)
Trim slip clutches require ___ lbs of force during an actuator jam.
Yaw ___
Roll ___
Coll ___
80 lbs max in yaw,
13 lbs max roll,
22 lbs max collective
FCC monitors continuously, will turn off driving trim actuator.
AVCS purpose
Reduces cockpit and cabin vibrations by mechanically generating additional vibrations that are out-of-phase with the main rotor (90-105 NR).
Uses 3 Force Generators
SAS 1&2 purpose
Provides short term rate dampening in pitch, roll, and yaw axis.
SAS 1&2 enhances (1)_________ & (2)___________
(3)___________ Control authority ((4)_____________).
Controled by (5) ______________
- ) turn coordination >50 kts.
- ) Hover augment <50 kts.
- ) 5% control authority each.
- ) (total 10% control authority)
- ) respective FCC computer.
SAS Input:
- Pitch,Roll, and Yaw signals from respective EGIs (Nose)
- Airspeed – Air Data Computers
Malfunction indicated by erratic movement, Reset CPTR1/ 2, or turn off that SAS
Stabilator purpose
Variable angle of incidence airfoil that enhances the handling qualities in the pitch axis in forward flight.