AR 95-1 (helicopter) Flashcards
When can you deviate from AR 95-1?
Individuals may deviate from provisions of this regulation during emergencies.
What must you do if you deviate from AR 95-1?
Deviations from the provisions of this regulation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or host country regulations require reporting details of the incident directly to their unit commander. The incident must be reported within 24 hours after it occurs.
What publications are required to be in the aircraft during flight **per AR 95-1 **?
- Operators Checklist
- Operator’s Manual including changes and SOF or TBs
- Current DD Form 365-4 Form F
- Equipment Log Book Assembly (Computer log book, HIT Log, PMD Checklist, Identiplate, Binder)
When does flying time start? Fixed and Rotary wing
Flying time starts when an airplane begins to move forward on the takeoff roll or when a helicopter lifts off the ground.
When may aviators alone select landing and takeoff areas?
Aviators may select landing and takeoff areas when on:
- lifesaving missions
- or when further flight is inadvisable.
When will position lights be on?
Position lights will be on bright between:
- official sunset
- and sunrise.
When will anti-collision lights be on?
Anti-collision lights will be on when aircraft engines are operating
_except_ when conditions may cause vertigo or other hazards to safety.
What are the circumstances that Army Aircraft may transport civilian personnel?
When danger to public health or safety prevents prior approval, Army aircraft may transport civilian personnel in the following situations:
(1) Personnel engaged in search and rescue.
(2) When severely injured or seriously ill patients in CONUS require immediate lifesaving aeromedical evacuation. This applies in major fires, earthquakes, flood, industrial or transportation accidents, epidemics, or similar natural or man-caused catastrophes.
(3) Volunteers with special search and rescue equipment who volunteer to help and have no other means of transportation. Their services must be requested by the Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service (ARRS).
Can you use Army Aircraft to renew your FAA rating?
Passengers are restricted from what types of flights?
(1) Maintenance, engineering, functional or experimental test flights.
(2) Aerobatics flights.
(3) Aerial demonstrations (only mission essential personnel authorized) as defined by DODI 5410.13 and AR 360-1.
(4) Flight crew emergency procedures training.
(5) Night Vision Device (NVD) qualification or refresher training in accordance with the appropriate ATM.
(6) Aeronautical record attempts.
(7) Aircraft acceptance flights.
What happens when you do not meet your ATP requirements?
When ATP requirements other than the pilot in command requirements are not met, the commander will investigate.
After the investigation, the commander may take what actions?
(a) Authorize the crewmember up to 30-day extension to complete the requirements. The 30-day extension will start after the commander completes his investigation. Commanders are not authorized to grant themselves an extension.
(b) Request a waiver determined by first 0-6 in Chain of Command.
(c) Recommend or convene a flying evaluation board. (2) Restrict aviators from performing pilot in command duties in the aircraft (primary, additional or alternate) and if applicable, briefing officer duties, until the missed ATP requirements are met.
(3) Enter restrictions imposed and extensions granted in the Individual Aircrew Training Folder (IATF).
(4) Enter extensions and waivers granted to the crewmember on DA Form 759.
Flight time in a civilian aircraft cannot be used as the following:
(1) Training instead of unit training assemblies.
(2) Additional flight training periods (AFTP).
(3) Entitlement to aviation career incentive pay, total operational flying duty credit, or retirement points.
How many days of no flight will make you un-current?
If 60 days have elapsed since the last flight as pilot or pilot in command in the aircraft
and series (or series, group, per the applicable ATM)to be flown,
the aviator will be administered a proficiency flight evaluation in the aircraft per the ATM.
How are air mission commander’s selected?
AMCs will be chosen based upon recent
- aviation experience,
- maturity,
- judgment,
- their abilities for mission situational awareness,
- the understanding of the commander’s intent and not necessarily upon rank/grade.
Rules you must follow. (Army personnel engaged in the operation of Army aircraft shall comply with applicable—)
(1) Federal aviation regulations, laws, and rules.
(2) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations.
(3) Host country regulations, laws, and rules.
(4) Military regulations.
(5) Non-aviation federal and state laws applicable to Army aviation operations.
(6) DOD flight information publications (FLIP).
(7) Aircraft operator’s manuals and checklists and applicable airworthiness releases.
Smoking or Open Flames
Smoking or open flames are prohibited in, or within 50 feet of, Army aircraft.
Single Pilot IMC
Single pilot operations in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) are prohibited.
Weather Planning Requirements acronym (D.E.A.D.) Pilots will obtain….
c. Flight weather planning.
Pilots will obtain
- departure,
- en route,
- destination,
- and alternate (if used) weather
information before takeoff.
Flight Into Icing Conditions
Aircraft will not be flown into known or forecast severe icing conditions. If a flight is to be made into known or forecast moderate icing conditions, the aircraft must be equipped with adequate operational deicing or anti-icing equipment. (OH-58D-intentional flight into icing is prohibited.)
Flight Into Turbulence
Aircraft will not be intentionally flown into known or forecast extreme turbulence or into known severe turbulence. Aircraft will not be intentionally flown into forecast severe turbulence unless ACOM, ASCC, DRU, or NGB commander has established clearance procedures and—
- Weather information is based on area forecasts.
- Flights will be made in areas where encountering severe turbulence is unlikely.
- Flights are for essential training or essential missions only.
- Flights are considered extremely high risk.
- Flights are terminated or depart turbulence if severe turbulence is encountered.
Flight Into Thunderstorms
Aircraft will not be intentionally flown into thunderstorms.
Where will Army Aviators obtain there WX briefing?
Weather information will be obtained from a U.S. Military weather facility. If U.S. Military weather service support is not available, consult DOD/US Government FLIP for guidance.
Who is responsible for the flight plan?
The PC has flight plan authority.
File an IFR Flight Plan Unless…
(1) All Army aircraft that are instrumented for IFR flight and are flown by an instrument rated pilot will operate on IFR flight plans except when—
- Flight is primarily for VFR training.
- Time will not permit mission completion under IFR.
- Mission can only be accomplished under VFR.
- Excessive air traffic control (ATC) departure, en route, or terminal area delays are encountered.
- Hazardous weather conditions must be avoided.
- Aircraft is being flown single pilot.
What is required for selection of an Alternate Airfield?
(1) An airfield may be selected as an alternate when the worst weather condition for that airfield is forecast for ETA through 1 hour after ETA to be equal to or greater than—
- Ceiling 400 feet above the weather planning minimum required for the approach to be flown and visibility 1 mile (or metric equivalent) greater than the weather planning minimum required for the approach to be flown; or
- VFR minimums and descent from en route minimum altitude for IFR operation, approach, and landing can be made in VFR conditions.
(2) An airfield will not be selected as an alternate except per f(1)(b) above—
- If the approach procedure to be used at the alternate is shown not authorized (NA) in FLIP.
- If radar is required for the approach procedure to be used at the alternate.
- If the instrument approach navigational aids to be used is unmonitored.
- If a Class B, C, D, or E surface area airspace does not exist or is not in effect at the airport to be used.
- If the global positioning system (GPS) is required for the approach.
What are the PC responsibilities concerning Weight and Balance?
(1) The accuracy of computations on the DD Form 365-4 (Weight and Balance Clearance Form F-Transport/ Tactical). (2) That a completed DD Form 365-4 is aboard the aircraft to verify that the weight and center-of-gravity will remain within allowable limits for the entire flight. Several DD Forms 365-4 completed for other loadings also may be used to satisfy this requirement. In this case, the actual loading being verified must clearly be within the extremes of the loading shown on the DD Forms 365-4 used for verification.
When can an Army aviator take off with no weather minimums?
When the Aviator has logged 50 hours or more of actual weather time as pilot-in command
Class B (commo, weather)
ATC Clearance Required, 2 Way COMO Required, 3 Statute Miles Vis., Clear of Clouds
Class C (commo, weather)
ATC Clearance for IFR. All require 2 way radio contact, 3 SM Vis., 500’ Below, 1000’ Above, 2000’ Horizontal
Class D (commo, weather)
ATC Clearance for IFR. All require 2 way radio contact, 3 SM Vis., 500’ Below, 1000’ Above, 2000’ Horizontal
Class E (below 10,000 MSL) (commo, weather)
ATC Clearance for IFR. All IFR require radio contact. 2 Way COMO required under IFR Flight plan. If Temporary Tower is present then 2 way COMO required. Below 10,000’ MSL: 3 Miles Vis., 500’ Below, 1000’ Above, 2000’ Horizontal.
Class E (above 10,000 MSL) (commo, weather)
At or above 10,000’ MSL: Mode C transponder required 5 SM Vis., 1000’ Below, 1000’ Above, 1 Mile Horizontal
Army helicopter SVFR minimums?
1\2 mile visibility and clear of cloud unless higher minimum is required at the airfield.
What weight class is the UH-60M and what does that mean?
Class 2 - (look up other info)
How often must weight and balance file be reviewed?
All weight and balance records will, as a minimum, be reviewed every 12 months.
When will an aircraft need to be weighed?
a. Each aircraft will be weighed when— (1) Overhaul or major airframe repairs are accomplished. (2) Modifications of 1 percent or greater of the aircraft’s basic weight are applied. (3) Any modifications or component replacements (including painting) have been made for which the weight and center-of-gravity cannot be accurately computed. (4) Weight and center-of-gravity data records are suspected to be in error. (5) The period since the previous weighing reaches 36 months for a Class 1 aircraft and 24 months for a Class 2 aircraft.
What U.S. Army approved clothing and equipment will be worn by all crew members when performing crew duties?
(1) Leather boots and boots approved for aviation use in accordance with CTA 50-900. (2) Flight helmet. (3) Flight suit approved for aviation use. (4) Flight gloves. (5) Under layer clothing made of Cotton, wool, Nomex or materials approved for aviation use in CTA 50-900. (6) Identification tags.
If a part is removed, added or relocated how long can a temporary form be used?
90 days
How often will the AC weight and balance be checked?
Every 90 days
What will occur if the weighing requirements are not met?
aircraft is red X
Can a W&B be deferred?
A unit commander can request a 90 day deferment downrange when in a combat theater
When will checklists be used?
From preflight through before leaving aircraft checks. If time does not permit use of the checklist or when it would cause a safety hazard checks may be accomplished from memory
What should traffic pattern altitude be at army airfields?
At least 700 ft AGL for helicopters
What are the 3 steps of the mission approval process
Initial mission approval Mission planning and briefing Final mission approval
How many days can an unrated crewmember go between flights to maintain aircraft currency?
90 days
What information must be checked prior to flight?
PPC Departure, enroute, and approach data NOTAMs (including GPS, DAFIF, TFR, and local) host country or theater requirements (ACO/ATO/SPINS)
What are the fuel reserve requirements for helicopters?
20 mins VFR 30 mins IFR
What are the minimum weather requirements for VFR?
Must be greater than or equal to VFR Minimums for departure, enroute, arrival, and alternate (if used) at ETA through one hour.
On a VFR flight plan if there are intermitent WX conditions what will be used for planning?
Predominate WX will apply
What is the helicopter SVFR minima
1/2 mile visibility Clear of clouds unless otherwise stated for that airfield
On an IFR flight plan if there are intermitent WX conditions, what WX will be used for planning?
predominate WX will apply
On an instrument flight plan how much can helicopters reduce weather?
On Cat A can reduce VIS by 50% but not less than 1/4 mile, except on ‘COPTER’ approaches.
When will an area forecast be used?
When there is no weather reporting service
Can an aircraft be flown without a flight plan?
No they must file a flight plan OR complete an operations log.
What must the PC do after departing a nonmilitary airfield?
Advise the flight service station or other authority of the departure time.
When is an alternate airfield required?
- Radar required to execute the approach - NAVAIDS will be unmonitored - Predominant WX at the destination is forcast at ETA through 1 hr after ETA to be less than - 400 feet above the weather planning minimum required for the approach to be flown - Visibility must be 1 mile greater than the planning minimum
When can an airfield not be used as an alternate?
- doesn’t have forecast WX of 400’ and 1 mile greater than planning minimum - approach procedure to be used is shown not authorized - Radar is required - NAVAIDS unmonitored - B,C,D, or E does not exist at the surface - GPS required for the approach
What are the takeoff minimums for IFR flights for pilots with less than 50 hrs actual weather time PIC?
100’ ceilings and 1/4 mile visibility or 1200 ft RVR
When can RVR be used?
Only when the takeoff is from the runway on which RVR is reported
How long can you fly VFR over the top?
30 Min. unless…. A/C is equipped for IMC and not restricted from IMC flight All IFR rules and requirements can be met for the remaining flight
How will RVR be converted to miles?
a chart in a DOD FLIP must be used
Do army aircraft have to follow dual VOR requirements?
What is the minimum WX to initiate an approach?
An approach may be initiated regardless of ceiling and visibility
If a missed approach is required what are the steps that must be taken?
Follow published missed approach as published or as directed. Request and receive clearance to alternate (if desired) from ATC before proceeding to alternate airfield
What are the requirements to fly below MDA/DH?
1) approach threshold of the runway or the approach lights or other markings, identifiable with the approach end of the runway or landing area must be clearly visible to the pilot 2) The A/C must be in a position from which a safe approach can be made
When is oxygen required for Aircrews?
on flights above 10,000’PA for more than 1 hr on flight above 12,000’ PA for more than 1/2 hr on any flight above 14,000’ PA for any period of time
When are passengers required to have oxygen?
on flights above 14,000’ PA for any period of time
How is fire resistant flight clothing to be worn?
Collar up Pant leg un-bloused, Sleeves rolled down Fire resistant flying gloves
When must passangers be in their seats wearing seat belts?
Takeoffs Landings Turbulence
What are the required items on the ALSE vest?
First Aid Kit Extraction Device Approved survival Knife Fire Starter Signaling device Survival Radio
What are the requirements regarding life preservers
All personnel must have them available when beyond glide slope distance to land. If A/C is not single engine capable the preservers must be worn when not in glide slope distance of land
When planning for an alternate airfield what WX should be used?
**** req edit ***** Worst weather condition for that airfield forecast for ETA +1 hr
What are the weather minimums for class G above 1,200 feet AGL but less than 10,000 MSL
Day 1 SM Night 3 SM 1000 feet above 500 feet below 2000 feet horizontal
What are the weather minimums for class G above 1,200 feet AGL and more than 10,000 MSL
5 SM 1000 ft above 1000 ft below 1 SM horizontal
Position lights will be on _____ between official sunset and sunrise.
Each crewmember will hand carry between assignments and must present his or her IFRF and IATF to the new unit to which assigned/attached for ATP purposes within how many days?
Within 14 calender days after reporting for duty or placement on flight status orders.
Required equipment for day flights
Airspeed indicator, pressure altimeter, magnetic compass, fuel quantity indicator, clock w/ seconds, free air temp, FMC, radios, transponder w/ mode C, anticollision lights
Required equipment for night flights
Everything for day flights plus: Heading indicator, attitude indicator, VSI, radar altimeter, doppler, standby instruments, position/instrument lights, landing/search light, flashlight
Closing flight plans
When the flight terminates, the PC will ensure the flight plan is closed as shown in DOD/US Government FLIP.
Weight and balance forms will be checked for accuracy at least every ____ days
Weight and balance records will, as a minimum, be reviewed every ___ months.
An aviator may request ATC clearance to hold at any time if?
If fuel and alternate requirements can be met. Holding will be in accordance with DOD/US Government FLIP
Avoid over flying national security areas below?
2,000 feet above ground level (AGL).
When an instrument approach is necessary what procedures will be flown?
only approved DOD/U.S. Government procedures will be flown
Hooded approaches may be flown how low?
500 feet AGL, unless dual controls are installed and a pilot is at one set of the the controls.
When may an aircraft be flown below the MDA or DH?
(1) The approach threshold of the runway, or the approach lights or other markings, identifiable with the approach end of the runway or landing area, must be clearly visible to the pilot. (2) The aircraft must be in a position from which a safe approach to the runway or landing area can be made.
When does flying time end?
Flying time ends when the aircraft has landed and the engines are stopped or the flying crew changes.
What takes place during the Initial Mission Approval?
Commander approves mission by considering factors such as METL, A/C required and available, special mission equipment required, trained aircrews, mission impact, threat etc…
What takes place during Mission Planning and Briefing?
Detailed planning, risk assessment and risk mitigation by aircrew and reviewed by Briefing Officer.
What takes place during the final mission approval?
The Final Mission Approval authority reviews the mission, risk, and mitigation factors and authorizes the mission.
The PIC will be….?
1- Responsible for final authority of operating, servicing and securing the A/C. 2-Selected for each flight or series of flights. 3-Qualified, current and RL1 in the A/C mission, type, series and design. 4-Listed in the flight plan or operators log. 5-Responsible for crew/passenger breifings. 6-At a crew station with access to flight controls 7-Approved per the mission approval process before each mission.