Single Parent Family Trends Flashcards
How many children today live in a single parent family?
1 in 4
How many single parent families today are headed by women?
9 out of 10
What was the average age of a single parent with dependent children in the UK in 2011?
38.1 years
In 2011, what percentage of single parents were under 20?
What percentage of single male parents have never been married?
What percentage of single female parents have never been married?
Why are 9 out of 10 single parent families headed by single mothers?
- women are more likely to take the caring responsibilities for any children when relationships break down and therefore become single parents
How do societal attitudes/ beliefs result in 9 out of 10 single parent families being headed by single mothers?
- the statistic reflects a widespread belief that women are suited to an expressive/ nurturing role
What do divorce courts do that result in 9 out of 10 single parent families being headed by single mothers?
- they usually give custody of children to mothers, this basically exhibits sexism and results in campaigns such as ‘fathers for justice’
What does research reveal about male attitudes towards caring for children?
- they are less willing to give up work to care for children
In the past, most SPFs emerged as a result of divorce. What trend contributes to SPFs occurring when the parent hasn’t been married?
- increase in cohabitation
Provide a statistic that shows some mothers are single by choice and can be happier to have children without marriage
- 52% of female single parents have never been married
Why do you think there are so few SPFs headed by fathers?
- less willing to give up work
- divorce courts favour giving women custody
- research has shown the women are more prepared to enter into SPFs than men
- it is possible that the mother was bearing the child and didn’t tell the father/ he didn’t know
How does the media generally represent SPFs?
- demonstrate parent as irresponsible and reliant on others eg. family and benefits, often teenage mothers, single fathers are rarely depicted
Does the media reflect the view shared by those on the political left or right and why?
- the right, the SPFs aren’t praised and presentation is often critical. Most media platforms are right wing
Explain what is meant by the idea that SPFs are a transitory family type?
- family type open to change, the parent may marry which means the child becomes part of a reconstituted family
Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of living in a SPF
- Ad: children/ child may benefit from living in a more peaceful environment if their life in a two parents family was full of arguments and conflict/ abuse
- Disad: statistics show that the standards of living are lower in a SPF and money problems are more of a possibility, children may not be disciplined properly so may become criminals
How do right wing commentators feel about single parent families and what do they praise?
- they traditionally criticise single parent families and praise/ idealise the nuclear family
What are the 3 key factors that mean the New Right are critical of single parent families? Expand on these factors a bit
- believe they are expensive (rely on state benefits more)
- lacking moral responsibility (content to live off the state, dependency culture, biggest threat to nuclear family as they have children out of marriage which is morally irresponsible)
- dysfunctional (concerned about boys especially being brought up without a father as they lack a role model and women can’t discipline as well)
Why do those on the political left question the assumption that benefits as an incentive to become single parent families?
- there is a significant link between low living standards and single parent families
How do most single parents feel about relying on benefits?
- they don’t like being reliant and dependent and would rather work if it was practical (ie. with children)