Sin and Forgivness evidence Flashcards
…not kill”- The Ten Commandments.
Catholics on capital punishment evidence.
Capital Punishment FOR argument (other christians).
Absolute morality evidence.
Crime and sin evidence.
UK Christian laws evidence.
…the other cheek”- Jesus.
Capital punishment AGAINST argument (Catholics).
life, my body, my choice”- Humanist slogan.
Humanists on Capital punishment evidence.
thy neighbour”- The Gospels.
Relativism evidence.
Rehabilitation evidence
eye for an eye”- The Bible.
Retribution evidence.
Deterrence evidence.
“I tell…
you, seventy-seven times”- Jesus
Forgiveness & punishment evidence.
Catholic death penalty evidence.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son”- Gospels.
Salvation evidence.
Redemption evidence.
is risen!”- The Gospels.
Paschal mystery evidence.
External design of the church- church facing east evidence.
“They ate…
the fruit”- Genesis.
Free will and the problem of Hell evidence.
“I believe…
in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church”- The Nicene Creed.
Four marks of the Church evidence.
“Holy Mary…
Mother of God, pray for us sinners”- Hail Mary prayer.
Mary a model of faith evidence.
“You are…
the body of Christ”- St Paul.
Church as the Body of Christ evidence.
Four mark of the Church- ‘One’ evidence.
“I am…
the way, and the truth, and the life.- The Gospels.
NO salvation outside the Church evidence.
without works is dead”- St James.
YES salvation outside the church evidence.
is necessary for salvation”- The Gospels.
Font (features of a Catholic church) evidence.
Baptism (water and white clothes) evidence.
is my body, broken for you”- The Gospels.
Altar (features of a Catholic church) evidence.
“I am…
the light of the world”- The Gospels.
Baptism (Paschal candle) evidence.
“Do this…
in memory of me”- The Gospels.
Eucharist evidence.
and make disciples of all nations”- Gospel.
Evangelisation evidence.
Evangelii gaudium evidence
Four marks of the Church-‘Catholic’ evidence,
the Sabbath day holy”- The Ten Commandments.
Christian traditions in England evidence.
“There is…
no space to reform character except in this life”- St Augustine
Catholic death penalty evidence.
“Hell is…
wanting to be distant from God”- Pope Francis.
Catholic Hell evidence
“Christ has…
no body now but yours”- St Teresa of Avila
Church as the Body of Christ evidence.
“I prefer…
a Church which is bruised because it has been out on the streets”- Pope Francis.
Evangelisation evidence
“They have…
crossed the line, but do we really want to join them?”- Humanist slogan.
Humanist view on death penalty.
holy because I am holy”- God in the Bible.
Four marks of the church- ‘Holy’ evidence.
this rock I will build my church”- Jesus to Peter in the Bible.
Four marks of the church- ‘Apostolic’ evidence.
crucified him”- Gospels.
External design of a church- church built in shape of cross evidence.
“The seven…
sacraments touch all important moments of Christian life”- CCC
Sacraments evidence.
“The Eucharist is…
the source and summit of Christian life”- CCC
Eucharist evidence.
“The decade…
2011 to 2021 saw a fall in the number of people identifying as Christian- Office for National Statistics.
Evangelisation in modern Britain evidence.