Life and Death P2 Evidence Flashcards
‘care for…
our common home’- Laudato Si
Letter to the world sent by Pope Francis.
Ordinary magisterium evidence.
open the windows of the Church’- Pope John in the 60s
Extraordinary conciliar magisterium evidence.
Vatican II evidence.
Vatican II document- Worship evidence.
your neighbour”- Gospels.
Vatican II document- Joy and Hope evidence.
“God made…
them in his image”- Genesis.
Vatican II document- Joy and Hope evidence.
of the Jews’- Gospels.
Guards mocking Jesus
Sarcophagi evidence.
is found in no one else”- New Testament.
Reminds Catholics of the salvation possible through the death of Jesus.
Sarcophagi evidence.
Paschal candle evidence.
“I am…
the light of the world”- Jesus in Gospels.
Means that Jesus is everything good in the world and we should follow his example.
Paschal candle evidence.
‘In my Father’s…
house there are many rooms’- Gospels.
Shows the promise of resurrection.
Catholic funerals evidence
“The music..
gives faith and hope of eternal rest”- Gabriel Faure.
Catholic funeral music evidence.
them eternal rest O Lord”- Eternal rest prayer.
Resurrection evidence (can be used for anything that symbolises resurrection.
Praying for the dead evidence.
“I am..
the resurrection”- Jesus in the Gospels.
Resurrection evidence (can be used for anything that symbolises resurrection.
“For the..
one life we have”- Humanist slogan.
Humanist funerals evidence.
Praying for the dead evidence.
assist the souls in purgatory through prayer”- Pope Francis.
Praying for the dead evidence.
father, who art in heaven”- Lord’s prayer.
Formulaic prayer evidence.
your hearts and minds to God”- CCC.
Extempore prayer evidence as these prayers are said as a result of what we truly feel in our hearts.
on this rock, I will build my church”- Jesus in the Gospels.
Magisterium/Vatican II evidence
crucified him”- Gospels.
Pascal candle evidence (Cross feature).
“I look..
forward to the resurrection of the dead”- Nicene Creed.
Resurrection evidence (can be used for anything that symbolises resurrection.
“Pray for…
us sinners, now and at the hour of our death”- Holy Mary prayer.
Formulaic prayer evidence.
is risen”- Gospels.
Resurrection evidence (can be used for anything that symbolises resurrection.
“God breathed…
life into Adam’s nostrils”- Genesis.
Survival of the soul evidence.
“Fire will…
test the quality of each person’s work”- 1 Corinthians.
Purgatory evidence.
crown of thorns”- Gospels.
Sarcophagi (Crown of thorns evidence)