Life after death- Evidence Flashcards
“I am…
…the resurrection”- The Gospels.
Resurrection evidence.
“God breathed…
…life into Adam’s nostrils”- Genesis.
God giving Adam his soul.
The survival of the soul evidence.
“Our father…
…who art in Heaven”- The Lord’s prayer.
Catholic beliefs about the afterlife evidence.
“We assist…
…the souls in purgatory through our good works and prayer”- Pope Francis.
Purgatory evidence
“I tell you…
…seventy-seven times”- Gospel of Matthew.
Jesus on forgiveness.
Unmerciful servant evidence.
“In Hades…
…he was in torment”- Gospel of Luke.
Rich man and Lazarus evidence.
“For the…
…one life we live”- Humanist slogan.
Humanist beliefs about the afterlife evidence.
…you are, to dust you shall return”- The Torah.
The Torah on your body returning to the ground after death.
Jewish views on life after death evidence.
…are the peacemakers”- The Gospels.
The importance of dying well evidence.
“Those whose…
…lives are diminished or weakened deserve special respect”- CCC.
Catholic palliative care evidence.
“God made…
…mankind in his image”- Genesis.
Sanctity of life evidence.
Catholic beliefs about euthanasia evidence.
…life, my body, my choice”- Humanist slogan.
Quality of life evidence.
will test what work each has done”- 1 Corinthians.
Catholic evidence of purgatory.
“I look…
…forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come”- Nicene creed
Catholic beliefs about resurrection evidence.