Origins and meanings- Evidence Flashcards
“In the beginning, ….
God created the heavens and the earth”- Genesis 1
(Christian) creation evidence
God being transcendent and eternal evidence
there be light!”- Genesis 1
Creation Ex Nihilo
“On the…
seventh day, God rested”- Genesis 1
“All things came into being…
through him, and without him not one thing came into being”- The Gospel of John
“You must have…
created them from nothing…For there is nothing you cannot do.”- St Augustine
“Blessed be He…
who spoke, and the world came into being”- The Jewish prayer of praise
“Do not…
kill”- The Ten Commandments
Abortion evidence
“Before I…
formed you in the womb, I knew you”- The book of Jeremiah in the Bible
“Human life is sacred…
because from it’s very beginning it involves the creative action of God”- CCC
“The Big Bang theory…does not…
contradict the intervention of a divine creator but depends on it.”- Pope Francis
“There is no…
conflict between evolution and the doctrine of faith regarding man and his vocation.”- Pope John Paul II
“The universe…
can and will create itself from nothing”- Stephen Hawking
Humanist creation evidence
“It is not the…
strongest species that survives, but the ones that are responsive to change”- Charles Darwin
Evolution evidence
Natural selection…
has “no purpose in mind”- Richard Dawkins
Evolution (humanist) evidence
“So, God…
created humankind in his image”- Genesis
Imago Dei evidence
Creation of Adam evidence
CST and social justice evidence
Interfaith dialogue evidence
SVP and CAFOD evidence
Abortion evidence