Simulator Terms and Definitions Flashcards
The instructor Station control function used to reset the simulator to a previous point in simulation.
A specific collection of data that serves as a comparison or control for future tests.
Best Estimate
Predicted reference unit performance data derived from engineering evaluation or operational assessment by Subject Matter Experts for specific conditions.
Computed Values
Parameters representing the state of reference unit systems or components that are calculated by the simulator mathematical models.
Configuration Management System (CMS)
Electronic database system used to track and manage simulator configuration issues.
Design Database (DDB)
The design documents, performance data, records,
assumptions, simplifications, derivations, and other definable data that form the basis of the design of the simulator hardware and software.
Differences List
A compilation of identified discrepancies that were not implemented on the simulator and are justified by a training needs assessment.
Any noticeable difference between the simulator and the reference unit.
Discrepancy Report (DR)
An electronic form used to identify discrepancies,
enhancements and necessary maintenance to simulator hardware and/or software.
A simulator modification that will increase the capability, maintainability, performance or operability of the simulator.
The controlled pause of simulation.
Initial Condition (IC)
A set of data that represents the status of the reference unit from which real-time simulation can begin.
In-Service Date
The date a plant modification was determined to be functional and placed in service.
Instructor Station
A user interface to control and monitor simulation.
Limits of Simulation
Points at which events on the simulator may progress beyond the reference unit design limits where simulation could possibly be inaccurate and create a potential for negative training.
A simulator feature or capability that provides for instructor-controlled degradation of performance of simulated plant components, equipment, or systems.
Override capability is not considered a malfunction.
Any change in the simulation software or hardware
Negative Training
Training on a simulator whose configuration or performance leads the operator to an incorrect response to or understanding of the reference unit.
Noticeable Difference
Any difference in the physical attributes or dynamic response between the simulator and the reference unit that can be distinguished by an observer and confirmed by a Subject Matter Expert.
Operating Procedures
Controlled copies of procedures, including normal, abnormal, off normal, emergency, surveillance, and alarm response procedures of the reference
A licensed operator, or senior licensed operator, or a person in training to be a licensed operator or senior licensed operator.
To interrupt or modify the input/output (I/O) data transfer between the simulator mathematical models and the panel instrumentation.
Passive Failure
A failure of a component or system that does not become evident until the affected component or system is called upon to function.
Performance Testing
Testing conducted to verify a simulator’s performance as compared to actual or predicted reference unit performance.
Physical Fidelity
The degree of similarity between the simulator and the reference unit, such as physical location of panels, equipment, instruments, controls, labels, and
related form and function.
Post Event Simulator Testing
Reconstruction of a plant event on the simulator to
ensure that the simulator is capable of reproducing the response of relevant reference unit parameters within the scope of simulation.
Real Time
Simulation of dynamic performance in the same time base relationships, sequences, duration, rates, and accelerations as the dynamic performance of the
reference unit.
Reference Unit
The specific nuclear power plant unit, identified by a unique docket number, from which the simulator control room configuration, system control arrangement, and simulator design database are derived.
Remote Function
A set of simulator features implemented in the math models, which enable the instructor to control a designated set of external conditions which are not
installed in the control room but whose status affects plant response such that it is perceivable in the control room.
Examples of remote functions include environmental
parameters, manually operated equipment, equipment operated by local controls, and lifted leads or jumpers.
The Instructor Station control function used to initialize plant conditions and instructor initiated actions to a previously saved initial condition.
The capability of the simulator to have successive tests of its dynamic performance conducted in the same time base relationships, sequences, duration, rates, and accelerations which, in turn, produce the same results within the limits required by this procedure.
The controlled resumption of simulation.
Any set of simulator operations performed in accordance with a lesson plan or guide for the purpose of familiarization, training, or examination of operators.
Scenario Based Testing (SBT)
Simulator testing that verifies that the simulator is
capable of being used to satisfy predetermined learning or examination objectives without exceptions, significant performance discrepancies, or deviation from the approved scenario sequence.
SBT package
The collection of an approved scenario guide, appropriate marked-up procedures, collected data from a defined monitored parameters file, an alarm summary and a scenario based testing checklist that serves as proof of a completed SBT.
SBT crew
At a minimum, one licensed SRO or SRO certified instructor in the SRO position and two licensed operators or SRO certified instructors in the RO positions.
Simulation Facility
Device-driven or computer-driven interactive equipment, which represents a system or group of integrated systems and which replicates the effects of
the reference unit used for operator training and examination.
The storage of the existing simulated reference unit status at any point in time for later recall as an initial condition.
Stimulated Components
Hardware/software components that are integrated with the simulator process via simulator inputs/outputs that perform their functions parallel to, and either independently of or synchronized with, the simulation process.
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
An individual who possesses the appropriate education, license, experience, or unique qualifications to perform assessments and make recommendations in a particular subject area.
Training Needs Assessment (Simulator)
An appraisal by a Subject Matter Expert of a simulator discrepancy, deficiency, or modification, and its relative importance to the operator as required tasks are performed.
Validation Testing
A form of software development testing performed by comparison of simulated component or system results against actual or predicted reference unit performance data in either stand-alone or integrated fashion.
Verification Testing
A form of software development testing performed by comparison of simulated component or system software design to the original requirements to ensure that each step in the software development process completely incorporates all requirements of the previous step.
Visually Simulated Hardware
Hardware that is present on the simulator control panels for realistic appearance and visual orientation, but has no dynamic interface with the simulation models.
How are simulator discrepancies reported?
Utilize a DR form, Attachment 1 of PNT 18, or the DR_entry icon on Instructor Station computers.
What information is needed for a DR, discrepancy report?
Name of initiator & Title
Date initiated
Problem description / requested enhancement - should include sequence of events, PPC trends, IC snapped for reference problem/condition or any information which will aid in recreating and resolving the problem.
Expected response
IC number
Instrument number (if applicable)
Training objective affected