SAT Terms and Definitions Flashcards
What is the Systematic Approach to Training?
A set of interrelated activities used to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate training.
What is the analysis phase of the SAT process?
The SAT phase that assesses performance requirements or deficiencies, determines if training is an appropriate action, and produces task performance data that serves as the foundation for training and qualification program.
What is the design phase of the SAT process?
The SAT phase that uses the products of job and task analysis to validate or identify instructional settings, develop test items and job performance measures, develop and sequence learning objectives, and write training and qualification program descriptions.
What is the development phase of the SAT process?
The SAT phase that organizes and produces the instructional program, training materials and methodologies using the design specifications.
What is the implementation phase of the SAT process?
The SAT phase that involves conducting training sessions and evaluating trainees’ mastery of the objectives.
What is the evaluation phase of the SAT process?
The SAT phase in which indicators (e.g. operating experiences, employee performance, job requirements, feedback) are monitored, assessed and used to maintain and improve the performance of a training and qualification program.
What is the Graded Approach to SAT?
The extent of application of the SAT process based on the importance of the job to personnel and nuclear safety, equipment reliability, and the complexity of the job performance requirements.
What is a job analysis?
A systemic process used to identify the tasks associated with a specific job.
What is a needs analysis?
A systematic process that is used to identify potential requirements for new or additional training as a result of changes in job scope changes, process changes, regulatory changes, or plant modifications.
What is a performance analysis?
A systematic process that is to identify performance gaps in equipment, personnel, processes, and/or procedures, which could result in personnel failing to perform as expected.
What is a performance gap?
The difference between actual performance (what is happening now) and desired performance.
What is a task analysis?
A systematic process used to define elements and skills and knowledge needed by employees for task performance.
What is an examination analysis?
A process of evaluating test items from an exam that has been administered to determine if there are deficiencies that need to be corrected.
What is a diagnostic exam?
An exam typically used to assess strengths and weaknesses in a specific area. Results of the exam may be used to determine continuing training topics or selected aspects of a specific topic.
What is a deselected task?
Valid tasks for a particular job function; they are performed by job incumbents, but have been omitted from formal training due to their simple nature based on the outcome of difficulty, importance and frequency (DIF) analysis.
What is a dynamic learning activity?
A learning activity that is used to improve personnel and station performance by providing an opportunity for line management to observe how workers use their skills and knowledge while performing tasks/activities in a simulated plant environment. In addition, a DLA can be used to detect latent organizational weaknesses, identify performance gaps, and improve work processes and procedures. A DLA is NOT used for initial training or to grant qualification.
What does Examination Reliability mean?
The measure of the consistency, repeatability, and the degree of confidence that the examination will result in valid pass/fail decisions.
What does Examination Validity mean?
The measure of how well an examination will measure what it is intended to measure. The examination should be linked to and based upon the learning objectives and/or task performance items that were developed from the job task analysis (JTA) and should address actual or conceivable knowledge and abilities required for job performance.
What is knowledge?
SAT Definition: What a worker needs to know to be able to perform a task or task element.
The man must know, and not merely read books and talk of what they contain. He must have ideas, which correspond to the words. - William Whewell, Fraser’s Magazine, Volume 40 1849
A little learning is a dangerous thing ;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring :
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again.
Alexander Pope -
What is a Facilitated Critique?
An interactive question session using a training program instructor, training program administrator, training management, discipline line management, or another independent person as a facilitator.
What is a Graded Approach to Training Lesson?
A lesson that provides an outline of content, including the sequence of topics and directions for presentation or delivery. It directs consistent use of training aids and reference materials that are attached and controlled in other lesson materials. These are typically used for one time training presentations such as group training, continuing training, or just-in-time training. These are NOT appropriate for initial training.
What is an Inactive Task?
Task removed from the task list of a training program. A task may be inactivated for several reasons including: the task is no longer performed by that discipline, equipment is no longer in use, etc.
What is an Infrequently Performed Task?
A task that is not performed routinely and may warrant refresher training or retraining prior to performance.
What is a JPM?
Job Performance Measure: A method used to evaluate an operator’s knowledge and proficiency on a specific task.
What is a Performance Exercise?
An exercise designed to reinforce skills and knowledge through hands-on practice related to a specific task. Performance exercises do NOT result in a qualification.
What is a Learning Objective?
A statement that specifies measurable and observable performance that the trainee should exhibit after instruction, including the conditions under which the action will take place and standards of satisfactory performance. There are typically two types of learning objections - Enabling & Terminal.
What is an Enabling Objective?
The steps that must be completed to satisfy and support the terminal objective ( e.g. conditions, action statement, and standards, as applicable).
What is a Terminal Objective?
The expected outcome, which contains conditions, action statement and standard that defines what the trainee is expected to be able to perform after training is completed.
What is a major revision?
A change or modification to training material that:
+ Adds or deletes a task or objective
+ Changes the intent of a task OR objective
+ Deletes or changes the intent of a commitment.
What is a minor revision?
A change or modification to training materials normally used to correct typographical or technical errors or to add material to clarify an objective. Addition of management expectations ( e.g. OE, human performance, industrial safety, worker fundamentals, or equipment reliability) is considered a minor revision.
What is a Practical Factor?
An exercise designed to reinforce fundamental knowledge and skills that may be applied during performance of multiple tasks or jobs.
What is a Task Standard?
A statement that defines a measurable criterion for task performance. Examples of criteria include time requirements, degree of accuracy, or allowable number of errors.
What is a Task-to-Training Matrix?
A document that correlates the tasks selected for training and the associated training materials for a specific discipline. The task-to-training matrix includes, as a minimum, tasks selected for training, where those tasks are trained, and continuing training frequency.
What are operator/worker fundamentals?
The essential knowledge, skills, behaviors and practices that need to be applied by operators, maintenance and technical personnel to operate and maintain the plant effectively.
What is knowledge per the Systematic Approach to Training?
What a worker needs to know to be able to perform a task or task element.
What is skill?
The ability to use one’s knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance. The capability of a worker to perform an action requiring coordination of body movements.
What is a job?
Duties and tasks performed by a worker in a qualified position.
What is a duty area?
A grouping of tasks within a job.
What is a task?
A well-defined unit of work having an identifiable beginning and end with two or more elements. It results in an observable and measurable output or accomplishment.
What is an element?
A discrete action or activity executed during the performance of a task.
What are must-perform tasks?
Tasks or task steps that are critical and complex, as well as tasks or task steps that are routinely performed that are key to successful day-to-day job performance.
What is a critical action step (critical element)?
An essential element that must be performed to complete a task successfully: an action step from which serious consequences may occur or an action that will result in an unrecoverable condition.
What does it mean to be qualified?
An individual is considered qualified to work independently once they have completed all the requirements including training, evaluation and management authorization associated with a specified activity.