Simulator Knowledge Flashcards
What should the FMC screen’s be set to for landing?
PNF - Direct / Intercept
PF- Legs Page
Anything other than ILS we use LAVS, what is the procedure?
L - LNAV /LOC (Add Localizer)
A - Altitude
DDA Minimums, minus 100 feet.
Monitor VNAV Path Capture on FMA
S - Speed Intervention - Set Speed
Initial 2 engine pitch on takeoff?
15° Nose Up
How do you know you are at the right height in the seat?
You can see the bottom of the triangle.
When you disconnect the AP at 300 feet or lower when on an approach, what should you expect on the control column?
Heavy pitch up, the aircraft has been auto trimming for the landing.
When you select HDG Select or LNAV at 400 Ft on a missed approach what happens?
We go from 3 AP’s to 1 AP and you should expect the rudder to be out of trim.
Low Level - Level Off Call-out’s?
Climb Thrust Set Speed - Ref 80
Initial pitch on a V1 Cut or Single Engine Miss
12° Nose Up
FP - Land 2 Minimums?
FP - Land 2 Minimum RVR | 600 | 400 | 300
FO - Land 3 Minimums?
FO - Land 3 Minimum RVR | 300 | 300 | 300
Flap Cleanup Schedule
In-between the bugs On the bug In-between the bugs
Steep Turn “Tip”
At 30° of Bank - Add 1/2 knob of power.
Crack the outer engine 1/2 knob of power and then match the inner engine.
Stall tips
The sim stalls around 15° of pitch.
Lower the nose to 2.5°.
(Trim nose down if the AP trimed the nose up for the stall)
Roll wings level.
Add Power.
Climb at Command Airspeed Bug until level off.
Clean up.
“Center Command, FLC”
When you get a Route Change select what page on the FMC?
RTE Page
When on a single engine in cruise, what should the power / fuel be set to?
6.7 Fuel Flow
83% on the N3 (Flaps 1 - 5)
Configure early and allow the aircraft to slow.

What power should be set when on a single engine approach?
4800 lbs of fuel flow at the Final Approach Fix

When should we configure the Gear and set Flaps 20° on a single engine ILS?
Just above the middle dot.
What is the ratio for setting trim based on fuel flow?
1 Unit of Trim per 1,000 lbs of fuel flow.
When on downwind reset trim to match fuel flow. Approximately 5 units of trim.
Visual Approach Tip
5 Miles from the runway - 1500 Ft. AGL
3 Miles from the runway - 900 Ft. AGL
Single Engine Speed?
Clean Manuever Speed.
Clean Stall Speed
158-160 Knots
Dual DCU Failure?
Page 10-9 RB211 QRH
EFI Switch to ALT
The DA Uses Barometric altitude above sea level
The DH uses radar altimiter for the aircraft height above ground level
Review Categories of ILS Approaches

Decision Altitude (DA) is usually used with CAT I approaches.
DA is referenced above MSL
Decision Height (DH) is usually used with CAT II and some CAT III approaches.
DH is referenced to the Radio Altimiter above the runway threshhold height elevation or touchdown zone.
Alert Height (AH) is an altitude above the touchdown zone.
Height above which a CAT III approach must be discontinued and the MAP executed for failure of an aircraft or ground based system.
Below this height, the approach, flare, touchdown, and if applicable may be safely accomplished.
No external visual references are required. The decision made at the AH is weather or not the auto flight systems remain fail operational.
A Go-Around can be initiated up until?
Thurst Reverser Actuation
Runway lights can be used to determine visibility for takeoff. How is this done?
Count the number of viewable lights and muliply by 100 and then divide in half to find actual visibility from the runway.
12 x 100 = 1200
800 x 1/2 = 600 feet
During a Go Around with the autopilot engaged what modes will be annunciated?
During a Go Around the aircraft will climb what rate and speed?
2000 FPM
While maintaining the speed existing at the initiation of the Go Around.
Upon Reaching Missed Approach Altitude the FMA annunciations change to? (767-300)
CFIT Initial Pitch
Windshear Initial Pitch
CFIT Initial Pitch - 20°
Windshear Initial Pitch - 15°