Silence Flashcards
Author Name
Shusaku Endo
Main Character
a 17th Century Portugese Priest in Japan
Political climate in Japan at time of novel
at height of fearful persecution of small Christian Community
What was clashing
The Japanese culture and the Western mode of religion
Is faith evident
Yes the men show faith in faith denying situations
Copyright Year
Who was sent to Japan by the Society of Jesus from Portugal and was said to have apostatized, held high office of provincial and spent 33 years in Japan
Christovao Ferreria
Ferreria was also a theologian who secretly made his way to the Kamigata region to pursue what work
Apostolic work
From 1587 this regent reversing the policy of his predecessor initiated a frightful persecution of Christianity
26 priests and faithful were punished at Nishizaka in
Christians in the country were….
evicted, tortured and put to death
How many priests ignored the decree of exile and secretly remained hiding in Japan and did not leave on boats
37 and Ferreira was one of them (continued to inform superiors of captures and punishments)
What year did Shogun Tokugawa pursue the same policy as Hideyoshi and order the expulsion of all missionaries from Japan to Manila and Macao
5 religious apprehended for their faith in what year
1629 …Bartholomew Gutierrez, Francisco de Jesus, Vicente de San Antonio of the Order of St. Augustine, Antonio Ishida SJ and Franciscan Gabriel de Santa Magdalena
Magistrate of Nagasaki who tried to make them apostatize and ridicule our holy faith
Takenaka Uneme
Tactics used to shake resolution
immersion in the hell of boiling water at Unzen
The five priests, a wife and a daughter refused to give up faith. Put in hut and shackled and bound. Shown the boiling water. Made naked and ladled water on them. How many were claimed to have apostatized?
Only one, Maria because her pain was so bad. She denied that she apostatized. The other 6 remained 33 days.
Define ignominy
1.disgrace and dishonor: a total loss of dignity and self-respect, or an incurring of public disgrace
define jeering derision vocally: to shout or laugh at somebody or something in a mocking or scornful way
define zenith
- highest point: the high point or climax of something
- point straight up: the point of the celestial sphere that is directly over the observer and 90 degrees from all points on that person’s horizon
- highest point of astronomical object: the highest point reached by an astronomical object
What was the result of the priests not apostatizing?
spread the doctrine, strengthened the faith, turned out contrary to the intentions of the tyrant (as per letter from FATHERR FERRERIA)
IN 1635, four priests gathered around Father Rubino in Rome to make their way to Japan in the throes of persecution in order to carry on an underground missionary apostolate and to also what?
Atone for the apostasy of Ferreira which had so wounded the honor of the Church.
3 other priests also hoped to enter Japan secretly - Portugese priests. Their reason was different. They were Ferreira’s students and had studied under him at the ancient monastery of….
The three Portugese Priests were
Francisco Garrpe
Juan de Santa Marta
Sebastian Rodrigues
define ardent importunity
Importunity \Im`portu”nity\, n.; pl. Importunities. [L.
importunitas unsuitableness, rudeness: cf. F.
The quality of being importunate; pressing or pertinacious
solicitation; urgent request; incessant or frequent
application; troublesome pertinacity.
[1913 Webster]
1. characterized by intense emotion;
Map the path to Japan
Portugal - Lisbon - Goa - India - Japan. INdia was a missionary gateway to the East. GOa had two seminaries.
new SHogun that had instituted a policy of repression even more cruel than his father or grandfather
Shogun Iemitsu
IN 1629, magistrate Takenaka Uneme had inflicted inhuman and atrocious sufferings. The number per day could be as high as
60 or 70
who was born in 1610, in the mining town of Tasco Portugal and entered the religious life at age 17 attended the seminary of Campolide an dwas taught by Ferreira
Sebastian Rodrigues
When did Fr. R ship leave India down the brown river Tagus and into the blue sea
the ship encountered a storm where
off the west coast of africa
surviving the storm they reached this island on April 2nd
Porto Santo then on to Madeira
by 4/6 they arrived here and disease broke out on top of all their other problems
the canary islands
by 7/25 they left the canary islands and on the feast of st james rounded the cape of good hope and wind broke what
the ship’s mast, the ship ran onto rock and other ships helped
Journey was so long that food and water were scarce they rached GOA on
WHile they were sailing 35,000 Christians caused an insurrection at
Shimabara. All were slain.
In reaction to the SHimabara insurrection, Japan did what
cut off trade realtions with Portugal
With trade relations strained, Fr. R was stuck where 5/1
at Macao
The base of Portugal operation in the Far East and also a base of trade for China and Japan
SJ superior founded Macao College for missionaries bound for China and Japan
Visitor Valiganano
All news from the underground priests came to an abrupt end in
the new magistrate also known as Lord of Chikugo
translate Pax Christi
Praised be Christ
which priest could no longer go with Fr. R because of possible malaria
Juan de Santa Marta
who opposed the journey to Japan
Father Valignano the college rector; the sea journey is only the 1st obstacle
SInce 1636 the Japanese government suspected that who was connectd with the Shimbara rebellion
the portugese
ANother problem at sea were the warships from what countries firing on trading ships
English and DUtch
Ferreira’s fate was unknown because
his letters stopped abruptly
Terror for Christians
Inoue; architect of Christian persecution; more cunning than Takenaka FORMERLY BAPTIZED
former magistrate of Nagasaki who butchered Christians
words that arise in reading the apocolypse
honor and glory and power belong to god alone
where is macao
it is at the mouth of the great river Chu Kiang built on an island with no wall surrounding it
in macao what is the environment for missionary work
who said that Japan was the country in the Orient most suited for Christianity
St. Francis Xavier
Japan forbid its ships to go to foreign lands so the monopoly for the silk trade fell to
Portugese merchants in Macao
29 years old, drunken, rags, fisherman from Hizen near Nagasaki, adrift at sea and grabbed by a Portugese ship
What happened at Kurasaki villafe in Hizen
24 Christian punished by local daimo. Staked at the water’s edge and after a week died
who decided to take a chance on Kichijiro offering him a way to get home since he had money,a ship and a captain
the ship almost did not cast off because it had a problem with what animal
white ants
the tour guides cunning comes from
weakness of character, works only when others watching, pleads pardon in an ugly way
Last supper: he who belives and is baptized will be saved he that does not will be
The early church portrays Christ as a shepherd. WIth a short mantle and a small tunic hlding a lamb and clasping a staff. The eastern church pictures him with a
long nose, curly hair and a black beard.
define sepulchre
- a chamber that is used as a grave;
[syn: burial chamber, sepulcher, sepulchre, sepulture]
when the left macao thay had 8 days of fine weather and then on 5/6 their first storm, they had to fix the sails and patch the rifts who did not help
the tour guide
the tour guide prayed to
Santa Maria
define obsequious
- attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery;
[syn: bootlicking, fawning, obsequious, sycophantic, toadyish]
define fawning
intr. v. fawned, fawn·ing, fawns
1. To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing.
- To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.
they came to land and hid, had torches, called him padre, made sign of the cross, camt be seen by Gentiles, 6 years without a priest or brother but the faith was still alive; time to feed the seed. WHere was this first village
The young man who talked n arrival at tomogo was named
the old man who holds the highest post of authority in the village church is known as the
the group tasked with teaching Christians in the village
the helpers in the village
Mideshi - all families/villages might be different
once in the village the priests offered
nightly mass like the catacombs, hid during the day and dug a cove under the hut just in case
what month rains every year
June and that is when officials relax vigilance
what anaogy did the priest use about the Japanese without a priest
a ship without a chart, abandoned,
what was tomogi like
poor farmers, grew potatoes and wheat in small fields, no rice fields
why is tomogi so open to faith
for its human warmth, the magistrate takes the revenue and gives nothing back
the Japanese have made up their own Christian lingo in the absence of a priest
conference (konshan) , heaven (parais), hell (inferno)
we hear a little missing diversity when Rodrigues says
they all look the same
some of the members of the town include
young Mokichi
Ichizo (50)
Omatsu (Ichizo’s older sister)
Sen (Omatsu’s niece0
how many visitors to hut a night
2 so as not to arise suspicion
how does the village hold prayer services and feast days
by interspersing prayer in normal celebration so if someone walks in it does not look out of the ordinary
what was the reward for turning in a priest
300 silver coins, 200 for a brother, 100 for a christian
the faces of these Christians were like
masks - no expression of sadness or joy
what made it hard to sleep at night
which priest wants to split up and which thinks they should stay together
Fr. R says split up Fr. GArrpe says stay together
Kichijiro was a Christian who apostatized when
eight years ago when his whole family was betrayed by an informer, family refused to tread on - rest of family was burned at stake
name of 2nd village the priests vistited
in these villages of squalor he people eat live and die like
the people wanted something to revere. what did the priests give them
upon 1st sight their own crucifixes, later in village they broke apart rosary beads and gave each a stone - ANOTHER CONCERN ABOUT ERROR IN OUTLOOK
the wisdom of peasants is that they pretend they are
life is of particular value when you are
accomplishing something.
Kichijro brags about his role in going to goto so that others
give him food and sake
culture of tomogi
sitting posture weird, thatched roves, filthy houses, diet of potatoes radishes and warm water
Shimbara rebellion was mostly a reaction to
the yearly tax being too high
Japanese social order
peasants, samurai(weapons,daggers,swords), landowners (can kill and confiscate)
hair styles
mostly bald with long braid down back
6/5 samurai come and take Jiisama what do they promise to do in 3 more days
come for another
father r prayed for
death to come soon, life with anguish about faith and god was melancholy, envied garrape
no man can completely escape
vanity fr. r noted while watching the interpreter
fr r rode through Nagasaki on a
fr r said that he could not love the people lined on the side of the road
the way Christ had loved
over the bay the column of clouds looked like a
castle in the sky
in the magistrate’s office the cell reeked like urine and on the wall were the words
Laudate eum – and he felt protected – later finds out it was etched by fr f
on the journey to the cell his captives asked
where he was from, what society, how many more were in Maco, but never asked him to renounce his faith
was annoyed in his cell by what he thought was
snoring and he laughed that people could sleep while he suffered
what he thought was snoring was actually
moans from people in the pit and he realizes others are suffering more
who snuck in to see him in the cell
fr r still struggled with the bible story of
judas, why did Jesus reject Judas in the end; not given to man to understand
fr f says he did not apostatize because of pit
but rather was never in the pit but hung in a pit of foul excrement he apostatized for those pople whom GOd didn othing. Fr f prayed and god did nothing. Fr r prove that you are justice goodness and love
to quiet imagination fr r
banged is head on cell wall
fr f yelled at fr r
to not be so preoccupied with hispwn salvation! Save the people. If Christ were here… Painful act of love.Your church will judge you . your brethren will judge you. the christin bronze speaks - trample! expelled from mission, deprived rights of priest never see homeland again
hets ter ffest
dutch dictionary shelf for spirits of the dead. Japanese console the spirits who were supposed to return on the 15th day
what do they call fr f anf fr r
apostate Paul and APostate Peter
every day fr r had to come out of his home for inspection ny the
otona - a local representative of the magistrate
one of fr r’s new jobs
was to identify Christina objects and he would receive rice cakes and money
fr r’s new name
okada san’emon and had to take his wife
Japan believes that their salvation
is from the mercy of te Buddha wo people depend on in their hopeless weakness this differs from Christianity which proclaims that one must believe with all his might and strength of heart - Christianity is not what you take it to be.
we find out that there are still large contongents of Christians in
goto and Ikitsuki
the Japanese leaders wanted to kill Christianity at its
roots - if more came they would have to apprehend again if the root is cut the leaves die
how many more years did fr r live
30 and then buried at a temple
fr f said that Christianity in japan was like a butterfly
caught in a spider’s web only external with a lost reality
Japanese can not comprehend anything that transcends
being human