Playing for Pizza - Background Notes Flashcards
Playing for Pizza is a short novel by
John Grisham, released on September 25, 2007
The novel is about an itinerant American football player who can no longer get work in the
National Football League
agent, as a last resort, signs a deal for him to play for
the Parma Panthers, in Parma, Italy.
a third string NFL quarterback for the Cleveland Browns
Rick Dockery
who throws three interceptions in 11 minutes in the AFC championship game, blowing a HOW MANY point lead and resulting in the Browns missing their chance at their first-ever Super Bowl appearance.
He is cut from the team, vilified in the press, and is facing legal troubles due to a questionable WHAT
paternity lawsuit
His agent Arnie tries to find him work in the NFL, but no team will take him. Arnie manages to find him a starting position for the Parma Panthers of the
Italian Football league for meager compensation.
Rick accepts the job, glad to get away from the negative press and his legal troubles in the United States, but wary of living in Italy, where he doesn’t
know the language and where American football draws little attention or respect.
The Parma Panthers have only two other Americans on the team –
halfback Slidell “Sly” Turner, who ends up leaving early in the season, and Safety Trey Colby.
The Panthers win their first game with Rick, then lose a couple for various reasons, including the
loss of his American teammates to homesickness and injury
Despite these problems, Italy and the team are growing on Rick, and he begins to feel some loyalty to them despite the fact that
Arnie has found him a more lucrative job offer with a more respected CFL team.
Rick decides to honor his contract with the Parma Panthers. With renewed resolve, a talented Italian wide receiver and a new strategy, they win each of their remaining regular-season games, then advance to the playoffs and the Italian Super Bowl, a very close and hard-fought game against their rivals, the
Bergamo Lions.
Former NFL third string quarterback and Iowa alum who loses his NFL job and winds up playing in Italy for the Parma Panthers. (Actually modeled after Mike Souza who played at Illinois State and then the CFL and then played with the Parma Panthers). He is unmarried and is constantly looking for a girl.
Rick Dockery
An American who coaches the Panthers.
Sam Russo -
Rick’s agent, who found him the job in Italy playing with the Parma Panthers
Arnie -
Running back from Colorado State, an American who quits early in the season.
Slydell Turner -
A safety turned wide receiver who breaks his leg mid-season. Played at Ole Miss and was 3rd team SEC.
Trey Colby
Talented but egotistical Italian-born wide receiver, known to walk off field in the middle of games.
Fabrizio -
fullback of the Panthers and Italian Judge who sorts out Rick’s legal problems. Idolizes Franco Harris
Giuseppe “Franco” Lazzarino
Center, and co-owner of a local restaurant where Rick is introduced to traditional Italian cuisine.
Talented Italian linebacker who plays for rival team, the undefeated Bergamo Lions. Injured on the “Kill Maschi” play, designed by Rick in preparation for their first matchup. Idolizes Lawrence Taylor and demands to be called “L.T.” like Taylor.
Maschi -
Writer for Cleveland Post, who attacks Rick (in print) following his disastrous performance in his last NFL game, then follows up with more nasty articles after Rick has relocated to Italy.
Charley Cray
American college student studying in Italy, and love interest for Rick.
Livvy Galloway
Beautiful opera singer with whom Rick is infatuated.
Gabriella Ballini
What NFL team did Rick Dockery play for?
What real life person is Rick based off of?
Peyton Manning
Tim Tebow
Mike Souza
Matt Schaub
What is Ricks agents first name?
What country wanted a Former NFl player in their league?
Progress: 5 of 10 questions
Beautiful opera singer Rick Dockery is infatuated with?
Progress: 6 of 10 questions
What football team wanted Rick?
Parma Panthers
parma Panthers???
How many points were the Browns up by when Rick came in the game?
Progress: 8 of 10 questions
Who broke their leg half way through the season?
Trey Colby
Charles Cray
Who is Rick’s coach on the Parma Panthers?
Sam Russo
John Harbough
Charles Cray
sam Russo
Why did he stay with Italy instead of going to Canada?
TO stay true to his contract