Maniac Magee Background Flashcards
1. Which of the following best describes Maniac on his first appearance in town? (from Chapters 21 – 25) Unkind. Artistic. Athletic. Withdrawn.
2. To what minor league baseball team did Grayson belong? (from Chapters 36 – 40) The Gray Gallopers. The Scranton Wilkes-Barre Barons. The Bluefield Bullets. The Blue Sky Rangers.
bluefield bullets
3. Where does Maniac take shelter following the events of Christmas? (from Chapters 41 – 46) In an abandoned home in Two Mills. In Harrisburg's streets. In a Valley Forge reconstruction. In the zoo.
valley forge
4. What does Maniac teach Grayson how to do? (from Chapters 36 – 40) Sing. Jump. Run. Read.
5. What prevents Maniac and Mars from getting into a fight the second time they meet? (from Chapters 31 – 35) The police intervene. Maniac backs down. Amanda intervenes. Mars backs down.
- What does Amanda seek to have Maniac do in the attempt to get him to stay with her family? (from Chapters 31 – 35)
To win free pizza for the neighborhood.
To befriend those who hate him and treat them to pizza.
To untie the Cobble’s Knot.
Win a sporting competition at school to impress everyone.
untie the knot
- How does Maniac earn his nickname? (from Chapters 26 – 30)
He is dressed shabbily.
He screams randomly.
He is very fast and no one can catch him.
He eats bugs.
very fast and no one can catch him
- What happens to Grayson five days after Christmas? (from Chapters 41 – 46)
He dies.
He reveals himself as Maniac’s long-lost uncle.
He suffers a heart-attack but lives.
He decides to move back to West Virginia.
9. What does Grayson teach Maniac how to do? (from Chapters 36 – 40) Pitch. Play soccer. Play football. Bat.
bat? pitch?
- How does the Beale family discover Maniac is homeless? (from Chapters 26 – 30)
He gives them an address that doesn’t exist.
He says he is staying in a town that does not exist.
He lists his address in the West End.
He lists his address in the East End.
lists address as east end
11. Who sends Mars to get Maniac to bring him home? (from Chapters 41 – 46) Mr. Beale. Mrs. Beale. Mars sends himself. Amanda.
mars sends himself
12. What food has Maniac never tried until living with the Beales? (from Chapters 26 – 30) Pizza. Chicken strips. Burgers. French Fries.
- Why does Maniac value his time with the Beales so much? (from Chapters 31 – 35)
He does not have to worry about food.
He feels he is part of a family.
He doesn’t have to go back to Hollidaysville.
He has someone he can sleep at night.
feels part of famiy
14. Why is Old Ragpicker so incensed that Maniac is in the East End? (from Chapters 31 – 35) Because Maniac is lazy. Because Maniac is white. Because Maniac is wealthy. Because Maniac is strange.
15. What does Maniac go out of his way to avoid in town? (from Chapters 41 – 46) The bridge. The railroad tracks. The P&W trolley trestle. The shoe factory.
trolley trestle
- Why is Amanda so surprised at first to meet Maniac? (from Chapters 26 – 30)
Because he is white and the entire town is black.
Because she has heard nasty rumors about Maniac.
Because she was hoping to run away without being spotted by anybody.
Because he is white and in a black part of town.
white in black town
17. Who are the first welcoming people Maniac meets? (from Chapters 26 – 30) The Graysons. The Thompsons. The Beales. The Pickwells.
pickwells? Beales?
18. What does Maniac paint on the outside of the band shell room? (from Chapters 41 – 46) A self-portrait. An address. A smiley face. A mural of Two Mills.
- Why does Maniac feel he must ultimately leave the Beale home? (from Chapters 31 – 35)
The Beales are worried that Amanda may fall in love with Maniac.
He does not want to live with them anymore because they are black.
He has fallen in love with Amanda and must leave to protect her.
Many in the East End are angered that a white boy is staying among them.
angered that a white boy
0. Where does Maniac decide to live after leaving the Beale household? (from Chapters 36 – 40) The football field. The grocery store. West End. The zoo.
Who is Amanda Beale? (1 point)
Jeffery’s long lost sister.
The 1st person Jeffery met in Two Mills.
Jeffery’s wife
Why did Amanda kick Mars Bar? (1 point)
He kicked her first.
He tore a page from her book.
He tried to kiss her.
How many children are in the P family? (1 point) Eight Ten Three Five
Who is the author of Maniac Magee? (1 point) Katherine Paterson Jerry Spinnelli Sharon Draper Sandra Cisneros
How did Jeffrey Magee’s Parent’s die? (1 point)
Train came off the train tracks
A plane crashed into their house.
Heart attacks.
Why did the Cobras stop chasing Jeffery at Hector St? (1 point)
They were tired and out of breathe
They were losers
Hecotr St. is the divider between the East and West End.
What did Mr. Cobble sell at Cobble Corner? (1 point) Pork Chops Ice Cream Batteries Pizza
What happened to Jeffery Magee’s parents? (1 point)
They died in an accident.
They ran away because the won the lottery.
The were kidnapped after a home invasion.
What was so awkward about living with Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan, while Jeffery was growing up? (1 point)
They had three of everything.
They didn’t talk and they lived separately
They place tape down the middle of their house.
What was Jeffery’s nickname? (1 point) Maniac Trooper Kongo Relish
Why wouldn’t Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan get a divorce? (1 point)
They loved each other.
To build a cage
They were Catholics
Where did Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan live? (1 point)
New York, New York
Boston, MA
Hollidaysburg, PA
What was the Cobra’s mission? (1 point)
To beat up Jeffery.
To mock all the neighborhood children.
To hurt all the mammas and papas.
What food was Jeffery allergic to? (1 point) Gummy Bears Pizza Spaghetti Mars Bars
How did Mrs. Beale do to get Jeffery to stop trash talking in her kitchen? (1 point)
She placed him in a boot camp fro trash talkers.
She hugged him.
She slapped him.
Who did Jeffery Magee do to live with after his parent’s death? (1 point)
His step-parents.
Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan
The Beales
Who gave Jeffery his nickname? (1 point) The towns people Mr. and Mrs. Beale Armanda Ms. Coleman
How long did it take Maniac to run from Hollidaysburg to Two Mills? (1 point)
1 and a half years.
Two years.
1 year.
How did Maniac get to Two Mills from Hollidaysburg? (1 point)
He fell on his way home and froze to death in a snow drift
He jumped on a train
He ran.
Why did Jeffery get out of bed and open the front door his first night at the Beales? (1 point)
He wanted to leave becasue they were crazy.
He was happy to have an address.
He was looking for his mom.
Who are the Cobra’s? (1 point)
Gang of kids headed by McNab.
Snacks that tried to attack Jeffery.
Bikers from Bridgeport.
How did Jeffery win the Large Pizza Certificate? (1 point)
He won the race in front of Cobble Corner.
He ate the most pizza at the pizza eating contest at Cobble Corner.
He untied the knot at Cobble Corner.