Same Kind Of Different Flashcards
First white person i spoke to since i was 15
Miss debbie. When 15 walking in open 1950 ford on we from my aunties He offered help Asked for jack Three boys came and taunted Lady did nothing Boy made noose around neck
Ron hall
Denver moore
Lynn vincent
Denver lived
On plantation 200 acres, pecan trees, in louisianna, cotton fields
Story about boy who whistled
Beattil his eye fell out then tied to a cotton gin and thrown from a bridge
Supposedly ended but worked for free, lived in sheck, owned two overalls all in red river parish
Made him dream of places black people got paid….jumped on and went to fort worth texas
Couldnt read write was homeless alot til he met n
Miss debbie nosiest skinniest woman he ever met
We meet hall on a
Tarmac near a mercedes with okeefe paintings
Used to sell campbells soup, then was a banker now an art dealer. Low middle class to upper.
Hall didnt hang alot of art in place
Because of the derelicts…they probably came in to et out of heat but hall was afraid they were casing it..had smash and grab of cash and jewelry a few days later….fixed his idea of homeless people
Denvers nickname
Lil buddy because pawpaw carried him around. Mom was too young
Family structure in bayou
Different varied extended because they were poor. Rare nuclear family.
Man owned land Letyou use Buy seed and clothes from him on credit You work free Share half profit with man Man only one that can weigh cotton Man owned land and you
White people said he was trying to make things better for blacks
Cold would stick its hand up
Through floor
Eight flour sack dresses
Denvers grandma
Denvers first tragedy
At six, big mama wentto bed after getting two red devil pills cause her legs gave her fits, cat jumped and meowed could see smoke
Shooed cat Went to bigmama No flames Pawpaw at work Work bro thurman Hit him Chimney and roof on fire Back to bigmama Roof ready to cave He crawled to backdoor Hear her wake up cough pray when roof fell in
In the 50s the social order of the south
Was lie charcoal in snow Plain to the eye Blacks had their own area niggertown Many worked for halls grandaddy Nice folks lived there Nigger bill Nigger moses
No real names
No checks
No forms
Didnt own shotgun houses
Whaat lived under shotgun houses
Mongrel dogs
Workers would board trucks
To work cotton field, grandady would buy lunch with marked canteens to drink eat on floor
White workers
Gathered for dinner at the house, white black got paid same and he made loans to blacks who paid them back
Denver went to live with
Beebee his dad who had a car also heavyset and was popular with ladies
Beebee didnt go to church
Because two of his girlfriends and husbands were there. Beebee would listen with kids from car outside .
Preacher delivery
From lulluby to full sweat
Offering plate
Would come out the window
Bebe never came back because
Car broke down
Car was sabotauged
Man stabbed him out of woods
Might have been a husband
They then went
With uncle janes in a wagon
New kind of slave
Two massas
One who owned land
One who owned store
Always in hole
James moved
To plantation from sharecropping
Uncle james mule named
When working the brothers
Planting seeds
Looking for army worms
Worked with uncle and aunt
Women cooked inside men cooked whisky in woods
Who moonshined
White and black people
Cook possum
Burn hair off
Boil him get grease out
No store just for salt and pepper
Food came from woods or ground
Where did you get cornbread
Put corn thru mill get meal and put on bill
Christmas gift
Two pigs to hang in smokehouse nothing went to waste
From rooter to tooter
Eat anything but skunk
Uncle james whip
With a switch from a pecan tree for visiting a girl
Black religion
Baptist and social center of every plantation
Field hand would drive everyone in a wagon
To baptist church
Brother brown the field hand could read bible
When denver was 12
He was dressed in white and dunked in the river with 4 other baptized and had dinner on the ground… Srange to be in water in clothes because he usually swam naked
What did he look for during baptism
Gators … Sunk to the bottom and didnt know he was supposed to come back up he popped up down river
What happened to uncle james
He died and aunt effa moved away the boys got split up and he moved with his sister or auntie not sure where brother went
Dont need no calendar
You only gotta be where you gotta be
White boys ambushed
Black boys using logs to cross river to get to school. Told them to wade. Had stick rock war. White boys won.
Keep eyes down
To avoid confrontation.
White boys
Hung him in noose horses dragging by saddle
Who drove by
Plantation wife with a car and shotgun drove him to aunties in bed a week….thre him off a little in life
Deborah and rons religion was
Methodists on sundays until 1973 for a six week discussion group on life because they were seen as nonbelievers. No fish on bumper
Where was discussion group
Mccoys with 20 couples …. Saved and saved not.
Addressed group on existence, death etc
Kirby coleman
Are you sure you are going to heaven
By daddy paved the church parking lot
Who said lets pray sinners prayer
Who cross-examined gospel
Deborah then she payed the prayer too
Even with 500 bifocals
I can not see inside hearts
3 or 4 close plantations with different men one gave him
A shack and outhouse
Lower than a sharecropper
Children of croppers who just stayed for place to live
Before slaves were freed plantations were self sufficient and had training
Now could only work land and tractors dried that up
Plantation owner didnt share
Information on Schooling Trading Army Radio Telephone Electricity Running water
Fell through a crack in time in louisianna
Thurman was in
California and a 27 28 year old brother jumps a train to see him….still owe for overalls
When he was 32 in 1977, the art dealer
Paid 275000 for a williamsburg colonial in fort worth
Supportive wife
Charity auctions 1000 plate
Deborah couldnt wrap head around decorations and dres
Art dealer travels to
New york Paris Florence Skiing Wine
Moved to million dollar house knocked it down had convertible in Dallas
Armani suits
Deborah plugged into god in ministry with aids babies
Deb and ron had separate loves
His success, maybe art money
Hers to know god maybe children
Billy graham rule
Never be alone with woman whois not your wife
Ron met painter. White wine. She was looking for career help. Not his wit. Beverly hills painter
Only saw her twice then told deb.
How did deb findout
He told friend
Friend told wife
Wife said you tell or i will
Ron blamed
Her disinterest.
After meeting with pastor
They agreed to work things out
What did deb do
Call mistress and forgave her then promised to be a better wife and rewrite future history but they had to go to counseling
First train stop
Dallas first time out of state. Railroad police came. Jumped trains. We to fort worth than California where he was always in trouble. Hard to find work.
Hobo heaven
Fort worth
Get grub scraping up dollar
Coat tie type give quick dollar
Others wAnt to help
Why want a dollar
Hamburger drop
What is a hamburger drop
Stick wrapped burger in trash, pick up eat, someone gives you money for eTing your own garbage…enough for decent meal
Antifreeze for homeless
Jim beam
Where good bath
Fort worth water garden….afternoon pretend to push one in …. Soap up under water. Climb up bake dry in sun like anials in woods trying to survive.
Denver got a few jobs through
The Labor force
Less3 for lunch
Less 2 for ride
20cant even get you a bed
But can buy booze to forget
Denver couldnt get job
Couldnt ReAd Write Have clothes Paper work
Rons new affair
His wife
350 acre ranch
Geographically and otherwise
Velcro hearts
Ron and deb in 1998 moved back to eastward
Fort worth…3 days later a paper told her about a volunteer opportunity at union gospel mission…then a letter came from a friend regarding same thing
Deb feared
Yellowjackets Ski slopes black diamond Black ice Rattlesnakes And one other thing missing gods call
Code of honor in hobo jungle
Split vienna sausage, six pack and dope
Denver earned respect
With fists at telephone, in hobo box
After pipe incident
Went back to Louisiana with a 22 where he robbed a bus but didnt get money got off bus instead wouldnt shoot law on him in texas and shreveport made up name thomas moore
Where did denver go in 1968
Angola prison for 20 years
Who gave denver a knife
Someone he met in shreveport jail
The guards at angila
Pointed guns
In the years he was in
40 prisoners died 100s were cut
He was in jail
10 years then went back to ft worth
Slept on street
15 to 20 years not ready to move inside then moved in where e cleaned for his keep…denver
When deb was little she
Started a fire club where her friends stole matches for her to use
Bucket of frogs on ladies
Not afraid of much
Ft worth good example of
Haves and
Have nots
1998 string of people
Going to mission
Reached mission deb spoke
In a tone that said hear me on this. I picture this place differently. White fence yellow flowers. Beautiful like rocky top. I had a dream. I saw it changed.
Mission director
Don shissler.
Volunteer coordinator
Chain smoking
Live wire
Jims suggestion
Serve meal once a week over the counter and out the back door….they chose tuesday
Society sees homeless
As lazy and not the hidden pearl
Deb saw in a dream
A man
Cost of meal at mission
Listen to preacher tough love message but seemed manipulative to ron
Blind brother bill
No one ever came out praising
Huge angry black man yelling
About stolen shoes….it was the man from her dreams….in his 60s… Loner….yellow eyes….hardly spoke…poker face…no eye contact…face stone slate
They thought his name was dallas
Why did ron say hi to dallas
To please deb not god
Found out his name was denver not dallas
As appoachable as an electric fence
Denver said mission was fine
Until white couple Attacking me Cornering me Told her not to mess Getting smart with me Could get hurt
Skill to be homeless
Know whos who
Whats what
Stay away from me
She wasnt scared of me with her spiritual eyes
What do volunteers want are they the law’?
Asking to many questions - skeptical
Didnt just come on holidays like other guilty
How long for ron to have change of heart about tuesdays
Months. Started to look at tuesdays lie days at rocky top.
Wanted to lend ear or be example.
Debs goal
Change lives not just serve macaroni. First idea beauty shop night, comb lice, style hair, give pedicures, facials, makeovers. Then movie night.
Caring caused metamorphosis
Then birthday night.
Rons realization
Denver might not e nut case but might see something he didn’t lie in him. That was when denver finally spoke,
Where did ron take denver
To a restaurant for the first time. Ron was glad they were out of buttermilk because it made him gag to watch.
Denver dropped his head at breakfast and
Asked ron a personal question…what is your name. In his circle you dont ask nobody his name. Ron hall.
Mr ron.
Miss debbie
If denver opened up to debbie and others saw
It would hurt his survival.
Denver asked ron
What you want from me…. Answer….i just want to be your friend….let me think about that
Folks at e mission think ron and debbie are from
Cia because they are always asking name and birthdate
What did denver find strange
That people line up to pay 3 for coffee
Denver thought Starbucks barista talk
Was the start of a rumble
How long did denver think about becoming rons friend
One week
Denvers concern about white folk
Catch and release fishing
Blacks use to sustain
Whites go to trouble to release
Maybe they do the same with friends
Denver wore layers of street
A mile thick
Denvers first thought about ronsfriendship
What does he want?
I didn’t like it.
Being a friend is a heavy commitment more than a husband or wife.
Friends is like soldiering together. Live together die together.
Fair exchange aint robbery.
Even swap straight down the line.
If you is looking for areal friend then i is one forever.
Ron felt humbled and promised not to catch and release.
They hugged outside starbucks.
Ron and denver talked over coffee
Met once a week for coffee.
Talked about 20th century slavery of debt bondage.
After lincoln, plantations used legal tricks
Army in charge of south
Then came sharecropping a devils bargain
Crack in plantation south that caused fissure
Meager sustenance no education lots of debt
Ron realized not too far off from his grandaddy story
Denver did not think the man
Was not a bad fellow
Just doing his thing
Why did denver think the key ring weird
Do you own something for all those keys or do they own you
God spoke to denver all those years and ron
Felt privilege to listen
When you are precious to god, denver warned, you are
Important to satan. Something would happen to debbie
April 1, debbie went to gym then
Annual physical. Something found in abdomen. Did sonogram then sent to hospital. Shadows on liver
Next day scheduled
Got to hospital
20 people prayed during test, 50 during surgery
Bible story
Giants in promised land
Who did denver pray with for debbie
Chef jim
Poor people
Prayed and gave what they had
How many years were they married when cancer struck
3 decades
Is it in my liver
Yes but there is still hope. But ron didnt know how to cry
Denver prayed a vigil
Near the dumpster . Prayed for her to heal and asked him why when she followed works of mercy. He answered with shooting star. God decides where stars fall.accept what you dont understand. Most important job he ever had.
A year had passed since doctor call, she talked
About friends in chemo labs, future weddings,grandchildren at rocky top talked about all living not death. Had another surgery. First cancer free than cancer in other places
Ron hoped god would buff up
And perform miracle
New cancer drug
Cpt11 tried in san antonio. But was a disaster for her burning cramps, ravaged her and she started planning memorial…went to er than private room.then to doctor for private room….maybe 3 days didnt square with prayers….clock cant be turned back
Denver said ron watching deb die
Was like watching roof fall on bigmama
Denver said our limitation
Is gods opportunity. Leave it up to god. Sometimes to touch us god touches someone close to us.
Denver told ron
I know you are questioning god. God calls good ones home to bring glory to his name. She will go when she is finished her work….take that to the bank.
The next day doctors suggested a last step
Colonoscopy that could kill her
How do you live the rest of your life
In just days
Deb seized for how many hours
Denver came to the house
With word from the lord, this simple man was dialed into god, said She was ready to go to paradise. Saints on earth had a chain. Told deb to lay down the torch and i will pick it up. Denver said pray with him to let deb go. When her work was done.
Denver cried
Over coffee with mr ron. Then went to miss debbie . Put his head behind her she opened her eyes and said he would minister to the homeless. Go on home in peace. Farewell see you on the other side. 3 days later buried at rocky top.
What did they spread at funeral
Blue bonnet seeds
Miss debbie with denver
Looked past skin and meanness and looked inside. She loved him enough to stand up to him
The next day at church was a
Celebration, 1000 people gathered and talked for two hours
Denver spoke at church and said
In a rousing voice a message about courage hope and the love of a woman. God prompted him to pickup her torch.
They prayed for a miracle and
Got one in denver.
Denver knew ron became his friend because
Ms debbie told him too. And denver was afraid that mr ron would cut him loose soon, ron took him to help fix up by debbies grave and collect rocks for three days
What did he do to get comfortable
Opened door Tented blanket in bed Heard footsteps in room Peace came over him Soft hands tucked blankets Heard ms debbie say you are welcome in our home It was no dream because he was not sleeping Knew mr ron was actually his friend He fell into deep sleep
What did they do with rocks
Built pillars for gates and for a fence for six days.
Name of cemetery
Brasos del dio the arms of god
Denver had something to tell ron as they were working
He saw ms debbie the other night. In a visitation. Everything he said has always been true. Ron began to believe things that he before would not have believed.
Ron to denver relationship
First at deborahs insistence
Then some henry higgins to the homeless
Then not to catch and release
Then a new step… Where ron too said forever
Deb dreamed of
Bringing beauty to east of Lancaster. She didn’t get fences and flowers but did sow compassion.
New mission 10 feet of red dirt ready to recieve the kernel for women and children and the deborah hall memorial chapel. Sick and lost found hope. Fruit of her death. Denver. 100s of women and children.
Sunday after groundbreaking at new baptist church in se fort worth
Heard denver speak at debs funeral, pastor wanted denver to preach…..prayed for standing room only crowd but they were somewhere else. Only a few were there. The pastor looked like a black abraham lincoln.
How did denver want to be described instead of giving his background to the congregation
As a nobody
Thats trying to tell everybody
About somebody
That can save anybody
Denver took pulpit he got
Louder pulling people off the street. The pastor said i believe that gid wants denver come back to teach a revival. Like deborah said, there was a wise man in the city ….
Denver used to worry that
He was different from homeless. Fromdeb and ron. But we are all different. We are all homeless working our way toward home.
What did ron bring histeacher
A cup ofurine and he had to stand with his nose on a chalkboard circle
What did ron steal from debbue
Her ford stock graduation present
Denvers grown sister
What happened on thanksgiving
The turkey flew away
Who warned of the fire
Mule or horse
Tea of toadstools and cow patty
Cow-lip tea
What shirts were the college bys wearing
Rons moms name
Blind date made fun of rons
What can grasshoppers do
Denvers childhood whit friend
What was the first new thing denver owned
A schwinn bike
What did ron witness on the freeway in dalla
The presidents motorcade
At denvers baptism his aunt thought
He drowned
Where did ron serve for two years
Who bought rons first painting
Goldberg aka snookems
Where did ron and debtake the homeless
To a concert
Where did sr bettie serve lunch
Wy was denver in the hospital
Whybdid denver praybfor deb at night
Because other people prayed all day
Who was mr ballantines angel in the nursing home
Debs last job on earth
To have michael feel god
Denvers au t
Pearlie may
Black people were childlike and better off like slaves