Signs, Triads, Hallmarks, Pathopnomonics, PE tests Flashcards
clenched fist over chest
Levine sign -> stable angina
lateral pressure on lesion causes epidermis separation
nikolskly sign -> pemphigus vulgaris, scalded staph syndrome
fine coal dust/wet newspaper appearance on otoscopic exam
aspergillus otomycosis
white sebaceous-like appearance on otoscopic exam
candidal otomycosis
perihepatitis + PID
fitz hugh curtis syndrome
cotton wool spots on macula and retina
non proliferative DM retinopathy
cobblestoning of intestinal mucosa
aphtous ulcers, perirectal abscesses, anorectal fistula
dyspareiunia, dyschezia, dysmenorrhea
cervical petechiae, strawberry/friable cervix
trichomonas vaginalis
EKG findings of Hz spike nand wave discharges
absence sz
young adult. gross hematuria, recent GI or respiratory infxn, arthralgia, rash, abd pain
IgA nephropathy (mc cause of glomerulonephritis)
hematuria, proteinuria, RBC casts
htn, edema (periorbital/peripheral), oliguria
post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
asymptomatic microhematuria, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, ocular defects
alport syndrome
perinuclcear antineutrophil cytoplasmic abs (pANCA)
pyoderma gangrenosum
erythema nodosum
weight loss
flat macule or slightly raised plaque with irregular borders
superficial spreading melanoma
melanoa mc in AA patient
acral lentiginous -> hands/feet
melanoma mc in older pt on sun damaged area
lentigo maligna
inflammation of extra ocular muscles
fat stranding
anterior displacement of the globe
orbital cellulitis
urethritis, arthritis, conjunctivitis
reactive arthritis triad
can’t see, can’t pee, can’t climb a tree
bilateral hilar adenopathy
corneal opacity with penlight exam
takes up fluorescein stain
corneal ulcer