Signs/Symptoms of Pulmonary Disorders Flashcards
Decreased bronchial sounds, prolonged expiration Inspiratory and expiratory wheezes Decreased voice Incrased use of accessory muscles Tachypnea Decreased tactile fremitus Possible increased percussion
Decreased or no breath sounds Crackles Decreased or no voice sounds Trachea is deviated to the affected side Decreased tactile fremitus Decreased sound with percussion
Normal voice
Decreased expansion , tachypnea, clubbing
Increased rhonhal fremitus
Crackles and wheezes Normal voice sounds Possible decreased motion at chest, increased use of accessory muscles Decreased tactile fremitus bilaterally Increased percussion sounds bilaterally
Decreased breath sounds with prolonged expiration
Crackles and wheezes (or no sounds)
Decreased voice sounds bilaterally
Barrel-shaped chest, moves as a unit, increased use of accessory mm
Decreased tactile fremitus bilaterally
Increased percussion sounds bilaterally
Bronchial breath sounds Cracles Whispered pectoriloquy Decreased motion on affected side Increased tactile fremitus Decreased percussion sounds
Decreased breath sounds Crackles Decreased voice sounds Decreased chest motion Decreased tactile fremitus Decreased percussion sounds
Heart failure
Dependent crackles
Normal voice sounds
Normal chest expansion
Pleural ffusion
Decreased breath sounds over the effusion and bronchial breath sounds above the fluid
Possible pleural rub
Decreased voice sounds over the effusion, increased above the fluid
Decreased chest motion on the affected side
Increased RR, trachea deviated to the unaffected side
Decreased or no tactile fremitus
Decreased percussive sounds
No breath sounds No advenitious sounds No voice sounds No motion on the affect ed side Trachea deviated to the unaffected side Decreased tactile fremitus