Capsular patterns and open/closed packed positions Flashcards
Capsular pattern of the TMJ
limitation in mouth opening
Capsular pattern of the OA joint
extension, side flexion equally limited
Capsular pattern of the Cervical spine
Side flexion and rotation equally limited, then extension
Capsular pattern of the GH joint
lateral rotation, abduction, medial rotation
Capsular pattern of the ulnohumeral jt
flexion, extension
Capsular pattern at the radiohumeral joint
flexion, extension, supination, pronation
Capsular pattern at the proximal radioulnar jt
supination, pronation
Capsular pattern at the distal radioulnar joint
full ROM, pain at extremes of rotation
Capsular pattern at the wrist
flexion and extension equally limited
Capsular pattern at the traeziometacarpal
abduction, extension
Capsular pattern at the MCP and IP
Flexion, extension
Capsular pattern at the hip
flexion, abduction, medial rotation
Capsular pattern at the knee
flexion, extension
Capsular pattern at the talocrual
plantarflexion, dorsiflexion
Capsular pattern at the midtarsal joints
dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, adduction, medial rotation
Capsular pattern at the first MTP joint
extension, flexion
closed and open positions: TMJ
Closed: clenched teeth
Open: Mouth slightly open
closed and open positions: GH joint
Closed: abduction and lateral rotation
Open:55 abduction, 30 horizontal adduction
closed and open positions: AC joint
Closed: abduction to 90
Open: arm at side
closed and open positions: Ulnohumeral joint
Closed: extension
Open: 70 degrees flexion, 10 degrees supination