Signs and symptoms and lung sounds Flashcards
What are signs/symptoms of hyperglycemia?
- Sweet, fruity, acetone-like breath
- flushed, dry, warm-skin
- hunger and thirst
- rapid weak pulse
- intoxicated appearance, staggering, slurred speech
- frequent urination
- reports that Pt hasn’t taken prescribed diabetes meds
- altered state of mind
Signs/Symptoms of hypoglycemia?
- rapid onset of altered mental status
- intoxicated appearance, staggering, slurred speech
- rapid pulse rate
- seizures
- cool clammy skin
- hunger
- headache
General signs of a cardiac emergency
- Chest pain/discomfort, described like a heaviness or squeezing
- may radiate to arms, shoulders, neck, jaws,
- difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
- unusual pulse
- indigestion, nausea, vomiting
- sweating (diaphoretic)
- pale, gray, cyanotic including mucous membranes
- feeling of impending doom
- anxiety or irrability
What are the signs/symptoms of ingested poisoning?
- Altered state of mind
- burns around moth
- odd breath odors
- nausea, vomiting
- abdominal pain
- diarrhea
- dilated/constricted pupils
- Pt may complain of double vision
- excessive saliva/foaming at mouth
- excessing tearing/sweating (diaphoretic)
- Pt may become unconscious
- Pt may seizure
What are the signs/symptoms of a inhaled poison?
- History of inhaling poisons
- breathing difficulty
- chest pain
- seizures, unconscious
- cough, hoarseness sensation in throat
- cyanosis
- dizziness, headache
What are the signs/symptoms of CO poisoning?
- Throbbing headache and agitation
- nausea, vomiting
- confusion/poor judgement
- diminished vision, blindness
- cheery red colour ( very late sign)
- breathing difficulty w/ rapid pulse
- dizziness fainting unconsciousness
- seizures
- paleness
what are the signs/symptoms of absorbed poisons?
- History of exposure
- liquid/powder on skin
- burns
- itching, irritation
- redness , rash, blisters
what are the signs/symptoms of a stroke?
Possibility for temporary signs (mini-stroke) these indicate an impending larger stroke
Inability to communicate
- fail to speak or fail to understand when spoken too
impairment in one part of the body
- loss of muscle control
- loss of movement on entire side of body
Altered mental state
- potential change in personality
- potential seizures and loss of Consciousness
- ⇑BP, slow pulse, rapid or irregular breathing: potential signs for a major stroke
What are the signs/symptoms of a seizure?
typically last 30sec to 2 mins or longer <5 mins is a medical emergency
- Mild twitch⇒ whole body muscle contractions
- Pt can become unconscious
- potential vomiting
- Pt often tired after seizure
Status epilepticus:
A seizure that lasts longer than 5 minutes or more than one seizure without returning to a normal level of consciousness
What are the signs/symptoms of abdominal pain?
- Abdominal pain (local or diffuse)
- colicky pain ( cramps that occur in waves)
- abdominal tenderness (local or diffuse)
- anxiety, reluctant to move
- loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
- Fever
- rigid, tense or distended bowel
- signs of shock
- vomiting blood
- blood in stool (bright red, tarry black or coffee grounds)
What are the signs/symptoms for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Shortness of breath, gasping for air
- tripod position
- bulging neck veins
- coarse ratting sounds in lungs
- cyanosis
- prolonged exhaling through pursed lips
- barrel-shaped chest (typically with emphysema)
- Presence of home O2 systems, breathing treatments, medications, and inhaler (puffer) medications
What are the signs/symptoms of Asthma?
- Tripod position
- spasmodic, apparently unproductive cough
- high-pitches wheezing during exhalation (may occur during inhalation)
- very little movement off air during breathing
- overinflated chest, with air trapped in the lungs
- rapid shallow respirations
- rapid pulse often exceeding 120
- fatigue, confusion, agitation lethargy
- inability to speak in full sentences without catching breath
Signs/symptoms of pneumonia?
- Chest pain, usually made worse with breathing
- rapid breathing
- respiratory distress
- productive cough with pus un the sputum
- fever usually exceeding 38o C
- chills
- hot, dry skin
- possible wheezing and infiltrate’s upon auscultation
What are the signs/symptoms of acute pulmonary edema?
- Shortness of breath
- rapid, labored breathing
- frothy, pink, blood-tinged sputum (a late-sign)
- bulging neck veins, jugular vein distension
- rapid pulse
- cool, clammy skin
- exhaustion
- anxiety,
- exhaustion
- swelling at the feet/ankles
- coarse crackles to silence upon chest auscultation
What are the signs/symptoms of hyperventilation syndrome?
- Air hunger or gulping of air
- deep, sighing, rapid breathing with rapid pulse
- sensation of choking
- dryness or bitterness of the mouth
- tightness or lump in the throat
- marked anxiety with escalating to panic and a feeling of impending doom
- dizziness, light-headiness fainting
- giddiness or unusual behaviour
- drawing up the hands at the wrist and knuckles with the fingers flexed
- blurred vision
- numbness or tingling of the hands and feet or around the mouth
- pounding of the heart with stabbing pains in the chest
- fatigue great tiredness or weakness
- a feeling of being in a dream
- Clear air entry apex to bases
What are signs/symptoms of pulmonary embolism?
- Shortness of breath
- cough
- pain anxiety
- syncope
- hypotension, tachycardia
- cool, clammy skin
- jugular, vein distension
- clear air entry apex to bases
Signs/Symptoms of congestive heart failure both left and right sided
Heart failure:
- short of breath
- tachycardia
Right sided heart failure:
- swelling of lower extremities
- increased urination
- jugular vein distension (JVD)
- syncopal episodes
Left sided heart failure:
- increased respiratory rate
- sob when laying down
- pale or cyanotic skin
- coughing foamy sputum of blood
- wheezing
- hypertension
What does WHEEZING sounds indicate?
- Asthma
- Anaphylaxis