Chapter 14 Other medical compaints Flashcards
What is a general complaint and what are the 3 steps for handling a general complaint?
a general complaint is one like “i feel weak” “i dont feel good”
- Monitor airway/breathing: Be sure there is adequate breathing/ circulation
- If Pt is conscious and no suspected spinal injuries allow pt to get into a comfortable position
- perform ongoing assessments and report any changes in condition
What is a Altered state of mind and the 8 possible reasons for it?
altered state of mine is any change in Pt normal level of conscious and awareness
- hypoxia (decreased levels of O2 in blood)
- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- stroke (loss of blood to parts of the brain)
- seizures
- fever, infection
- poisoning, including drugs, alcohol
- head injury
- Psychiatric conditions
What is the emergency care for a patient with an Altered mental status?
Assess/ monitor Pt airway and breathing:
- Pt may not be able to maintain their own airway
position Pt:
- If no indication of spinal injury place Pt in recovery Position
Administer high flow o<u>2</u>:
- Most common cause of altered state is hypoxia
- apply high-flow O2 via non-rebreather
- in needed assist Pt w/ BVM attached to o2 source
What is hyperglycemia and what are the common causes and the signs and symptoms?
Hyperglycemia is an ⇡ levels of sugar in the body and not enough insulin to regulate, can be referred to as a diabetic coma. Severe hyperglycemia takes about 12-48 to occur and takes 6-12 hours for a gradual improvement
Common causes:
- infection
- failure to take insulin of sufficient amounts
- eating to much
- increase/ prolonged stress
- Sweet, fruity, Acetone like breath
- flushed, dry, warm skin
- hunger and thirst
- rapid weak pulse
- intoxicated appearance, staggering, slurred speech
- frequent urination
- reports that Pt has taken medication
- altered mental status
What is hypoglycemia and what are the common causes and signs and symptoms?
Hypoglycemia is a low amounts of blood sugar either caused my to little sugar or to much insulin
Common causes:
- skipped meals
- vomiting
- strenuous exercises
- physical stress from extreme heat/cold
- emotions stress
- accidental insulin overdose
- Rapid onset of altered state of mind
- intoxicated appearance, staggering slurred speech
- rapid pulse rate
- seizures
- cool clamy skin
- hunger
- headache
What is the patient treatment for a Pt who has hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia?
- Try and find out the reason for the onset of the emergency
- ask Pt “do you have diabetes” “did you take you medications today?” “have you eaten”
- Look for medical tag during second assessment
What are they 4 ways posion can entre the body? And what are some questions to ask the Pt once on scene?
Poison can be, Inhaled, ingested, absorbed, injected
- “What substance was involved”
- “when did the poisoning occur”
- “how much is involved
- “what has been done to relieve symptoms
Describe Pt treatment/ emergency care and sign/symptoms for someone who has ingested poison
- Pt assessment: Patients often vomit so be alert to airway obstruction and breathing issues, this can lead to hypoxia
- alerted state of mind
- burns around mouth
- nausea, vomiting
- abdominal pain
- diarrhea
CNS can be affected check for:
- dilated/constricted pupils
- pt may complain of double vision
- excessive saliva/foaming at the mouth
- excessive tearing/sweating
- patient may become unconscious
- pt may seizure
Emergency care:
- top priority = Pt airway
- may provided activated charcol
- never induce vomiting if:
- Pt is unconscious
- Pt cant maintain airway
- if poison is Acid, Caustic, corrosive or petroleum product
- if Pt has a medical condition
Describe Pt treatment/ emergency care and sign/symptoms for someone who has inhaled poison
Pt Assessment:
- Common source is fire, co, co2
- can be odorless, tasteless, colorless so be aware of hazardous material
- remove Pt from scene
- Check mouth/ nose/ airway for: soot, burns, singed hair
- History of inhaling poison
- breathing difficulty
- chest pain
- seizures, unconscious
- cough, hoarseness, burning sensation in throat
- cyanosis: Bluish-purple color of blood due to ⇑ amounts of deoxygenated blood
- dizziness, headache
Emergency Care:
- Don’t entre scene where poison gas may be present until safe
- remove Pt when safe
- All Pt who have been exposed to CO poisoning need treatment
Describe Pt treatment/ emergency care and sign/symptoms and general treatment guidelines for someone who has Absorbed poison?
Pt assessment:
- absorbed usually only affects area of contact
- poison oak, poison ivy, corrosives, leaning products
- absorbed usually only affects area of contact
- History of exposure
- liquid/powder on the skin
- burns
- itching, irritation
- redness, rash, blisters
Emergency care:
- Once identified alert EMS and follow local protocol
- Contact poison control/medical director
- refer to Safety data sheet (SDS)
- Rinse area with large amounts of water until EMS arrive
General guidelines:
- 1: remove clothing that came in contact with poison
- 2: w/ a dry cloth blot poison from skin
- if powder brush off
- 3: rinse area with water
- may need to use alcohol/ vegetable oil
- 4: continue to monitor Pt vitals be alert for sudden changes
- seizures and shock are not uncommon
What is the Signs and symptoms of CO poisoning?
- Throbbing, headaches and agitation
- nausea, vomiting
- confusion/ poor judgement
- diminished vision, blindness
- cherry read color to skin (very late sign)
- breathing difficulty with rapid pulse
- dizziness, fainting, unconsciousness
- seizure
- paleness
What is a stroke and what are the 2 types of strokes?
Stroke: Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) caused when an area is deprived of blood
- Ischemic stroke: Blood clots thrombus ( develops in vein/artery and blocks at site of development) or a embolus (develops and travels through veins/artery until it gets stuck) block an artery
- Hemorrhagic stroke: Cerebral artery burst bleeding into brain
What is the Pt and assessment and emergency care for a stroke?
Signs/Symptoms can be mild to life-threating,
Can have temporary signs/symptoms= mini-stroke= warning signs for impending larger stroke
Inability to speak:
- inability to speak or fail to understand when spoken to
Impairment in one part of the body:
- loss of muscle control on one side of the face
- loss of movement on entire side of body
altered mental state:
- potential change in personality
- potential seizures, loss of conscious
Inability to speak:
Combination of : ⇑BP, slow pulse, rapid or irregular breathing= Signs of major stroke
Emergency care:
- As pressure in the skull increases swelling and bleeding
- breathing become difficult Continue monitoring breathing/ airway
- never give food/drink if suspected for stroke
- be prepared to ventilate
- check both radial pulse for different
- Follow primary assessment
- figure out time of onset of symptoms
- very specific window for care for stoke Pt
- figure out time of onset of symptoms
- ask about past medical history of stroke
- high bp, diabetes, heart disease
- continue to take to Pt event if they cant speak
- As pressure in the skull increases swelling and bleeding
What a seizure and what are the common causes causes?
Result of nervous system malfunction
Common causes:
- Chronic medical conditions
- epilepsy
- hypoglycemia
- poisoning, alcohol, drug poisoning
- hypoxia
- stroke
- fever (common in children)
- infection
- head injury/brain tumor
- complications of pregnancy
What are the Signs/Symptoms of Seizures?
Seizures can be more than 5 minutes and are normally not life-threating
- Mild twitching- whole body muscle contractions
- Pt can become unconscious
- Potential vomiting
- Pt typically are tired after seizure
What are the Signs/Symptoms of Seizures?
Seizures can be more than 5 minutes and are normally not life-threating
- Mild twitching- whole body muscle contractions
- Pt can become unconscious
- Potential vomiting
- Pt typically are tired after seizure
What is a status epilepticus?
Is a seizure w/out conscious periods
- can be fatal
- can cause aspiration
- hypoxia
- hyperthermia
- heart problems
What are the 4 phases to a Grand mal or generalized seizure?
Aura Phases:
- Patient becomes aware seizure is coming
- aura described as a flash of light an unusually smell lasting a second
Tonic Phases:
- Pt becomes unconscious and collapses to the ground
- muscles contract, often forces out a scream from Pt
- sputum can be forced out appearing as a foam
- Pt may stop breathing
Clonic Phases:
- pt muscles contract and relax
- Pt may become incontinent
- may bite tongue and checking causing excess bleeding
Postictal phase:
- Pt gradually regains conscious
- Pt will be confused and potentially combative
- Pt gradually becomes aware of surrounding
What is emergency care for a seizure?
During a scene assessment ask if Pt was injured on the ground, check for potential spinal/head injury
If Pt is still seizing do:
- Stay calm
- Move objects away from Pt body to prevent future injury
- Place padding under head
- Don’t restrain Pt, don’t force anything into Pt mouth
- If suspected epilepticus
- prevent aspiration, notify EMS
- place Pt on their side and provide suction if needed
- assist ventilation w/ BVM attached to 100% O2
- When seizure stops assess breathing
- if no spinal injury, roll Pt onto their side
- administer O2
- use Jaw thrust maneuver
- include description of seizure
What are the signs/symptoms for abdominal pain?
- Abdominal pain (local or diffuse)
- colicky pain ( cramps occur in pain)
- abdominal tenderness (local or diffuse)
- anxiety, reluctant to move
- loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
- fever
- rigid, tense or distended bowel
- signs of shock
- vomiting blood
- blood in stool
Pt often in the guarding position, helps reduce abdominal pain
What are the signs/symptoms for abdominal pain?
- Abdominal pain (local or diffuse)
- colicky pain ( cramps occur in pain)
- abdominal tenderness (local or diffuse)
- anxiety, reluctant to move
- loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
- fever
- rigid, tense or distended bowel
- signs of shock
- vomiting blood
- blood in stool
What are signs of shock?
- rapid and thready pulse
- restlessness
- cold clammy skin
- falling BP
- rapid breathing (hyperventilating)