Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis Flashcards
this theory place big emphasis on the influence of childhood experiences to personality
Freud believed that people are
motivated primarily by drives of?
which they have little or no awareness
Freud believed that all human behaviors have a?
Sigmund Freud was born in
Freinsberg, Moravia (now Czechoslovakia)
Freud lived in for 80 years
Freud first used
(induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to
suggestion or direction) for treating hysteria but later abandoned it because he found out that not all his patients could be hypnotized.
According to Freud, personality consists of three interacting forces
a. the Id, b. Ego and c. Superego.
It is concerned only with satisfying personal desires, regardless of the physical or social limitations that might prevent us from getting whatever we want. The
actions taken by the id are based on the pleasure principle.
It uses wish fulfillment to satisfy its needs: If a baby is hungry and doesn’t see food nearby, the id imagines the food and thereby at least temporarily satisfies the need. (CHILD)
The primary job is to mediate/ balanced the demands of the Id and the outer forces of reality. Possibilities of right or wrong. (OLDER SIBLING)
The moral arm of the personality. It is formed when a child reach the age of 5 and develops from the internalized patterns of reward and
punishment received from the parents.
Freud postulated a dynamic, or motivational principle, to explain the driving forces behind people’s actions. To Freud, people are motivated to two things?
To seek pleasure
and to reduce tension and anxiety.
Freud used the German word Trieb to refer to a stimulus within the person. It operates as a constant motivational force
the aim of this drive is pleasure, but this pleasure is not limited to genital satisfaction.
Sex (Eros) Libido
Sex can take many forms
narcissism, love, sadism, and masochism
Besides the genitals, the mouth and anus are especially capable of producing sexual pleasure are called
Erogenous Area
manifested during the infant who are primarily self-centered, with their libido invested almost exclusively on their own ego.
develops when people invest their libido on an object or person other than themselves
the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person.