Introduction to Personality Psychology Flashcards
Etymologically, was derived from Latin word “persona” which means theatrical mask worn by Roman actors in Greek drama
psychological point of view refers to the enduring
characteristics and behavior that comprise a person’s unique
adjustment to life,
classification system that categorizes individuals based on their typical
patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving (MBTI)
personality type
characteristic pattern of behavior, emotion, and thought that is relatively stable
over time and across different situations (consistency).
personality trait
distinctive qualities or attributes that make up an individual’s
personality (individuality)
Personality characteristics
a set of related assumptions that allows researchers to use logical deductive
reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses.
scientific theory
A single assumption is not enough for a good theory.
A good theory should bring together multiple observations.
Set of assumptions:
A theory must consist of related assumptions.
Isolated assumptions can neither generate meaningful hypothesis nor
possess internal consistency.
Set of related assumptions
not proven facts. However,
researchers treat them as if they are true. This helps researchers do useful
studies, which keep improving the theory.
begin with the
general theory and, through deductive reasoning, arrive at a particular
hypothesis that can be tested.
Logical deductive reasoning
A theory that is clearly and logically stated provides an opportunity for researchers to
formulate hypothesis that they can either verify or falsify
subdiscipline of psychology that affect the kind of science they conduct and the theories they create.
Psychology of Science
*A useful theory generates research.
*A useful theory is falsifiable or verifiable.
*A useful theory guides action useful theory organizes data
*A useful theory is internally consistent
*A useful theory is parsimonious
is a proposed explanation or prediction about a specific phenomenon that can be tested through observation and experimentation.
Researchers can derive testable hypotheses from a useful theory
refers to the classification of things according to their natural relationships. A mere classification is not enough to make a theory; however,
taxonomies can evolve into theories when they begin to generate testable hypothesis.
defines important problems about life, existence, and knowledge, and theories offer solutions to these problems using observation
and experimentation.
Ability to Stimulate (Evaluating a Theory)
Generate Research
supported or refuted through empirical evidence (Evaluating a Theory)
Falsifiable and Verifiable
classify or clear meaning of info or data(Evaluating a Theory)
organizes data
offers solution and guide what to perform next (Evaluating a Theory)
guides action
not changeable assumption( as is on what you’re claiming) not clashing against each other and harmonious info, (Evaluating a Theory)
Internally Consistent
simplest straightforward theory (Evaluating a Theory)
early childhood experiences and the role of unconscious mind and internal
conflicts in shaping personality
Psychodynamic Approach
emphasizes the influence of external stimuli such as reward,
punishment, and models in shaping personality.
Behavioral Approach
emphasizes the impact of unique experience, subjective
perceptions and innate drive towards growth and self-actualization in shaping personality.
Humanistic Approach
Understanding traits,or the enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are relatively stable over time and across different situations, that make up a personality. (Characteristics and Quality)
Trait Approach
how individuals think, perceive, and interpret information, and how these cognitive processes contribute to the development and expression of personality. (mental processes)
Cognitive Approach