Shoulder problems Flashcards
What is frozen shoulder also known as?
adhesive capsulitis
In what group of ppl is frozen shoulder more common?
middle age female
What condition is frozen shoulder associated w?
What can be found on examination in a patient with frozen shoulder?
Active and passive block to all movements
External rotation is usually reduced compared to other shoulder
What is the management of frozen shoulder?
- Physio
- Oral intra-articular steroids
- Surgery
What causes impingement syndrome?
tendonitis of RC muscles as they pass through subacromial space
What muscle is usually affected in impingement syndrome?
What are the symptoms of impingement syndrome?
insidious onset of pain
exacerbated by overhead activities and lifting objects away from the body
What can be found on examination in a patient with impingement syndrome?
Tenderness over the greater tuberosity
Painful arc (60-120)
Positive Neer’s and Hawkin’s sign
What is the treatment for impingement syndrome?
steroid injections
surgery - remove impinging structures or widen subacromial space
What are the types of shoulder dislocation? which one is the most common?
- Glenohumeral - most common
- Acromioclavicular
- Sternoclavicular
What is the most common type of GH dislocation?
What is the mechanism of injury in anterior shoulder dislocations
anteriorly directed force on arm when shoulder is abducted and externally rotated
What is the management of shoulder dislocations?
- Check neurovascular status pre and post reduction
- XR post reduction to ensure no fracture
What is a Bankart lesion?
avulsion of the anterior glenoid labrum due to anterior shoulder dislocation