Shoulder Mobs Flashcards
Ant mob of GH
improves horizontal abd, ext, ER
pt lies prone, abd to 90, towel under ant shoulder, stabilize the elbow, give ant directed force just lat to post edge of acromion
Post mob of GH
improves flex, horizontal add, IR
pt lies supine, abd to 90, stabilize under the elbow, give post directed force just lat to acromion
Distraction of GH
pt lies supine, bring into abd, place hands by humerus-trunk junction, add arm, pull humerus lat, stab arm with sternum
Scapula elevation/depression
pt lies on uninvolved side, one hand by the clavicle, other with web space about the inf angle of scap. weight shift to move scap inf and sup
Scapula protraction/retraction
pt lies on uninvolved side, hands about clavicle and inf angle of scap, push the scap into med wall to abd, then push into adduction, moving with your legs
Scapula upward/downward rotation
pt lies on uninvolved side, hands about clavicle and inf angle of scap
upward rot - bring the inf angle towards you
downward rot - bring the inf angle towards the spine
Scapular Carving
pt lies on uninvolved side, have pt pro/retract so that you can grab under the med border of scap, other hand about clavicle. distract scap, pulling away from the body
Inf mob of GH
improves flex and abd
pt lies supine, go to ~90 abd, support arm under the elbow, come off the acromion and give inf directed force