Short Answer Questions (PART 1) Flashcards
The role of the family liaison officer (FLO) involves the day-to-day management of the partnership between the family of the deceased and the police investigation.
Describe the primary function of the FLO?
- day-to-day management of the partnership between the family of the deceased and the police investigation.
- The primary function of an FLO is that of an investigator and not a support person.
- However, in performing this role, the FLO must also offer, facilitate and coordinate support that addresses the needs of the family.
The actions of the first responding Police have a critical effect on an investigation and on the potential for gathering evidence.
List the points in general investigation model that should be applied in all cases? VAWSEIPO
Victim – identify and locate victim.
Appreciation – make an initial appreciation of the incident. Assess risk and preserve lives of others.
Witnesses – locate and contain witnesses.
Scene – preserve the scene (set boundaries)
Exhibits – Note evidence and preserve any that would be lost or destroyed.
Ingredients – Consider whether the ingredients of the alleged offence have been established.
Powers – Identify what powers are available and consider whether to execute them.
Offenders – Identify and apprehend suspects.
BULLY * The OC Body has the responsibility to ensure that photographs of the body are taken at the mortuary.
Describe the instructions to be given to the photographer regarding the taking of photographs of the body?
- O/C body must ensure that photographer takes sufficient photos of:
- The body, before it is stripped
- The body, after it is stripped
- Close up photographs of any wounds, marks, internal injuries and unusual features.
- These photos must include a measuring scale placed in proximity to the feature being photographed, to make a permanent record of the dimensions of the feature
The OC suspects must investigate all suspects thoroughly in order of priority as decided in consultation with the O/C investigation.
What particular matters may influence the setting of priorities?
- Aspects that might influence the setting of priorities are the relative weight of evidence against a person or the likelihood of their leaving the area.
- You may also be influenced by a particular urgency in solving the case or the availability of staff.
- Where there are no firm lines of enquiry, priority should be given to anonymous information.
- Information concerning the suspects identity must be acted on immediately
The OC exhibits has a responsibility to maintain an awareness of the significance of each exhibit and what examinations may be available.
What other specific matters regarding each exhibit must the OC exhibits determine?
- The O/C exhibits must ensure that all exhibits are fully examined, in accordance with forensic strategy meeting decisions.
- The O/C exhibits mains an awareness of the significance of each exhibit and what examinations may be available.
- The O/C exhibits will determine, plan and record the examination and interrogation of every exhibit and establish it’s relevance to the investigation
When a witness is at court, what material may a witness use to refresh their memory prior to giving evidence?
At court request the witness refresh their memory by reading any previously signed statements or interview transcripts.
What are the purposes of a methodically conducted area canvass?
- Often links exist between the scene of a crime and the offender, victim and witnesses.
- A methodically conducted area canvas therefore present a high likelihood of identifying or contacting the offender, associate of the offender, significant witnesses, identifying evidence or exhibits and establishing significant facts.
- The offender had to move into and out of the area around the scene in order to access the scene itself and it is not uncommon for the offender to reside within the canvas area.
- A canvas can therefore identify witnesses to the movements of the offender before and after the offence occurred, as well as witnesses to the actual offence.
BULLY - The file manager must assist the 2IC on a daily basis to carry out a number of duties.
Describe these duties.
The file manager where there is no logistics officer appointed must liaise closely with the 2IC to establish the requirement for the investigation headquarters, including:
- Location
- Office support staff
- Transport
- Equipment
- Communications
- ICT requirements
What information should the disclosure manager provide to the crown solicitor regarding disclosure?
The crown should be provided with an identical copy of all material that is disclosed to defence counsel. The crown should also review an un-edited copy of the material, where appropriate. This material should remain under control of the file manager while it is being reviewed.
The exhibits register may take the form of an electronic document which forms the master record of every exhibit obtained during an investigation.
What action can be taken to preserve the integrity of the exhibits register?
To protect the integrity of the electronic exhibits register, only the OC exhibits and typist should have password access to make alterations to it, although every member of the investigation should be able to view it.
What is the first thing to consider when undertaking a course of action at a serious crime scene?
Every person who undertakes a course of action at a serious crime scene must first consider what risks may exist.
The initial police responders must assess the situation quickly yet carefully and decide what the most important things to do are, and how and in what order they should be done.
Their primary function include:
-Attending the scene at an early stage
-taking control of the situation and
-coordinating tasks
What action must police staff at the scene of a serious crime take if the media are present?
If members of the media are present at the scene, keep them away from the immediate crime scene cordon and make no comment about the incident.
Consult with OC investigation on arrival and explain what has happened, identify media members and where they are located.
BULLY - State why it is important that Police who have first contact with the informant to a serious offence should be debriefed regarding the contact?
- Police who have first contact with the informant should be debriefed and a full record made of their contact.
- This record could become crucial if the informant is later identified as a suspect.
- In some circumstances, consideration should be given to interviewing such officers as investigative important witnesses.
BULLY - What responsibilities does the OC suspects have when an alibi is put forward by an offender concerning a matter in respect of which proceedings have been commenced?
- It is the responsibility of the OC suspect to make thorough enquiries to determine the veracity of the alibi and to fully report the result of these enquiries to the crown solicitor, via the 2IC.
- OC suspect must make enquiries of people and other persons whose particulars have been supplied to confirm or rebut evidence in support of alibi.
Complete enquiries to establish where the suspect was at the time of the offence, who they were with and what they were doing. - Wherever possible corroboration of the alibi provided by the suspect should be sought from forensic or other sources that are independent of the suspect.
On some occasions it may be necessary to conduct a prompt, preliminary interview with a witness who possesses information or material that is likely to rapidly progress the investigation.
State the types of information that could be obtained by an early preliminary interview?
Information that may lead to:
- Early identification or arrest of a suspect
- Recovery of evidence or information relevant to the offence
- Prevention of imminent disposal or destruction of evidence connected to the investigation
- Prevention of the commission of other offences
In the case of homicide or serious crime involving a Māori victim, an iwi liaison officer (ILO) must be engaged as early as possible.
In what ways can the ILO provide assistance to the investigation?
This will enhance relations with the family throughout the investigation by providing an understanding and awareness of the Māori culture, protocol and beliefs.
The interactions with Māori may involve participating in ceremonies such as formal welcomes the traditions, beliefs and values of Māori should be respected wherever possible, within the confines of the integrity of the investigation.
BULLY - You are the first at the scene of a homicide and you are advised that the suspect is still present.
What should be your first priority in relation to the suspect?
The identification, apprehension and isolation of the suspect are priority. Locating the suspect quickly can provide the investigation with forensic and other evidence that may otherwise be lost.
How can specialist Police units such as the Criminal Profiling Unit or Criminal or geographic profilers assist the OC area canvass during the area canvass planning stage?
Specialist police unit such as the criminal profiling unit or criminal or geographic profilers may be consulted to assist with setting parameters or identifying locations where suspects are likely to frequent or reside.
BULLY - During the suspects phase of an investigation, it is important for the OC suspects to regularly debrief their team members.
What general matters should be covered during the debriefs?
Their initial briefing should encompass:
- The circumstances of the offence including an analysis of the scene and witness evidence available
- The full details of all persons of interest and any suspect, where the identity of suspects are known
- Details of any descriptions of the suspect provided by the witness
- Whether any particular MO/ crime signatures have been identified
- The OC suspects phase must regularly debrief their team members on the enquiries they have conducted and the results of these enquiries so that they can maintain a constant flow of information at conferences between the members of the suspects team and other investigation staff.
- Priority information must be brought to the attention of the OC investigation as necessary.