HOMICIDE AND SERIOUS CRIME VICTIMS - Post Mortem - Part 1 Flashcards
Define Value?
The victim is one of the three key elements of a homicide, together with the suspect and the location. Understanding the victim, their lifestyle and routine may help to establish the reason for their death and the likely identity of the suspect.
What is the role of the O/C Investigations?
- Notify the Coroner early of the death, as detailed in the Police Manual chapter ‘Contacting a Coroner’
- Arrange the post-mortem examination, in consultation with the Coroner
- Consult the Pathologist before the post-mortem commences, regarding the relevance and benefit of conducting X-ray or CT/CAT scans of the body.
BULLY *Who should be O/C Body? *
o The O/C body should be an experienced investigator with awareness of forensic issues. Where this is not practicable, the OC body may require additional support and / or mentoring.
BULLY *Role of O/C Body during PM? *
o Primary role of the OC body during PM is to observe, document and deal with exhibits associated with the body.
Consultation with Other Experts?
An appreciation must be made of what value experts could contribute to the examination of the body. It is important the options are evaluated before the body is moved
- Photographs and/or video recordings taken at the scene
- Actions of the first responders
- Identity of the body
- History of the body- including medical history, drugs found at the scene, action taken or developments since the discovery of the body
- Best method and route for the body removal, to minimise contamination of the scene or the body, for example by using sterile stepping plates
- Supervision of the body removal
- Chain of custody of the body from the scene to the mortuary
- Safe custody of exhibits
- Family and/or cultural considerations
BULLY - What should you do when body has been disturbed?
- Do not attempt to restore the scene to its original unchanged condition.
- Make enquiries to enable the original unchanged scene to be subsequently reconstructed and photographed, if required.
BULLY - Scenerio: Samples at the scene
Whether samples are taken at the scene will be decided by the OC Investigation. This is advisable where evidence would otherwise be lost or contaminated by moving the body, such as?
- Larvae and insects
- Potential fingerprint evidence from the skin on the body of the victim and/or items of clothing worn by the body, e.g. fine woven fabrics
- DNA swabs
- Extraneous items such as loose hairs, fibres, glass, paint or other fragments
- Firearm residue samples.
What should you do when preparing removal of the body?
- OC Investigation is ultimately responsible for ensuring how the removal and examination of the body will be managed. The body must not be moved without specific authority from the OC Investigation
BULLY * Who gives the final authority / approval to move the body?
o The body must not be moved without specific authority / approval from OC Investigation.
What should you consider when recording body details and removing body from Scene?
- Record body position by sketch and Police photographer to take pics
- Consult with OC INV / OC SCENE marking the body in position before moving it e.g. marking distance from two fixed points
Record all details / position of body.
* Position of the limbs.
* Appearance of the body
* Wounds and clothing
* Direction of any trails of blood present on the body.
At the earliest opportunity, the OC Investigation, in consultation with the OC Body, must make an appreciation in respect of the post-mortem examination.
These factors should be considered in the appreciation:
- Identification of the body at the mortuary
- Authority from the Coroner to conduct post-mortem
- Consultation with the pathologist
- Safe custody of exhibits
What is a Post-Mortem Examination?
The primary role of the OC Body during a post-mortem is to observe, document and deal with exhibits associated with the body, in a structured, methodical manner
What is the purpose of a Post-Mortem?
The primary reason for conducting a post-mortem examination is to establish the cause of death.
Who may attend a Post-Mortem?
- The pathologist
- The Coroner
- Any other pathologist assisting (if authorised by the Coroner)
- A doctor who treated the deceased
- A doctor, nurse or funeral director representing the deceased (if authorised by the Coroner)
Who from Police should attend the Post-Mortem?
- The OC investigation
- The OC Body
- A member specifically designated as exhibits officer for post-mortem, if required
- Police photographer
- SOCO or fingerprint officer, if required.
What other experts can attend a Post-Mortem?
- ESR (Forensic Scentist)
- Crown Solicitor (Must get approval from Coroner)
As well as:
* Odontologist
* Biologist
* Medical illustrator
* Toxicologist