HOMICIDE AND SERIOUS CRIME VICTIMS - Area Canvass Enquiries Flashcards
Often links exist between the scene of a crime and the offender, victim and witnesses. A methodically conducted area canvass therefore presents a high likelihood of?
- ID and contacting the offender
- Associate of offender
- Witnesses
- ID evidence or exhibits
- Establishing significant FACTS
- Area canvass team remains focussed
- canvass results in efficient use of resources
- the return of relevant and manageable information and material
BULLY * How can the O/C Area Canvass ensure staff morale remains high?*
o Providing regular feedback on the way canvass enquiries are contributing to the progress of the investigation, together with updates on the progress being made with other phases of the enquiry.
- Identifying the offender
- Identifying and locating evidence, such as vehicles, discarded clothing, weapons and other articles
- Identifying witnesses
- Gathering information.
Four reasons for area canvass reviews?
o Evaluate the quality of complete work and provide quality assurance
o Identify lines of enquiry to be highlighted to 2IC
o Monitor ongoing progress of the canvass
o Facilitate the detailed recording progress
What should be Reconnaissance?
- The OC Investigation, OC Area Canvass and OC Suspects should attend the external/ general scene as soon as practicable, to make a reconnaissance of the area and conduct an appreciation and set the parameters and objectives of the canvass
An initial area canvass will normally be conducted when Police first attend the incident.
- A formal area canvass will normally follow and re-visits are frequently required to capture persons who were not present during the earlier canvass enquiries.
- Area canvass should be conducted at the same time as the original offence occurred, to capture people who regularly pass through that area at that time of the day, e.g. a homicide of a person in a park in the early hours of the morning.
- Specialist Police units such as the Behavioural Science Unit or criminal or geographic profilers may be consulted to assist with setting parameters or identifying locations where suspects are likely to frequent or to reside
Time parameters are used by area canvass staff to verify the presence of individuals at an address or area, and to interview potential witnesses. Time parameters should be set for?
- The offence (i.e. times between which the offence is thought to have occurred)
- The scene (i.e. times when people visited the scene)
- Sightings (i.e. times at which a victim, other witness or offender was seen at particular locations)
Overall - what should you IDENTIFY?
o Gather information and carry out initial scene assessment
o Consider warrantless powers to deal with evidential material
o Establish the crime scene itself.
o Consider approach path and establish a common approach path for all movements into and out of the scene, using a path which avoids any route possibly taken to or from the scene by the suspect / victim
o Consider other related crime scenes
o What is happening at the scene and who is there
o Note and record observations
o Establish headquarters
o Provide a sitrep to COMMS
A detailed master record of ongoing progress should be continually maintained and updated by the OC Area Canvass, showing?
- Which addresses have been visited,
- Which occupants interviewed,
- The documentation completed,
- And any relevant comments made
In addition, the O/C Area Canvass should continually review completed canvass forms as they are submitted, in order to:
- Evaluate the quality of completed work and provide quality assurance
- Identify lines of enquiry to be highlighted to the 2IC
- Monitor ongoing progress of the canvass
BULLY *Upon completion of Area canvass phase O/C area canvass must submit a report? *
o Summary of all action taken
o Any significant findings highlighted
o Attention drawn to any action that has been undertaken which is outside of the original phase strategy
Their initial briefing should encompass?
- The circumstances of the offence including an analysis of the scene and witness evidence available
- The full details of all persons of interest and any suspect, where the identity of suspects are known
- Details of any descriptions of the suspect provided by witnesses (a schedule of descriptions may be prepared to assist)
- Whether any particular modus operandi/crime signatures have been identified.
Identify possible suspects whose status will be determined by the OC Investigation.
Possible suspects may be indicated from or by?
- Area canvass
- Intelligence analysis
- Police notings linking suspect to relevant area
- Fingerprints
Discuss what information the OC Case or OC Witnesses can ascertain by maintaining witness contact?
o By maintaining contact with witnesses, police will be more likely to be made aware of any threats, intimidation or interference and can arrange for appropriate action to be taken.
BULLY - What would the appropriate instructions if area canvass identify a witness with information of probative value?
o Advise staff that evidence of probative value must be obtained in a formal written statement rather than notebook form. There is also a need for the questionnaire to be endorsed, if statement is taken.