Initial Response to Homicide or Serious Crime - Part 1 Flashcards
- Keep all team members up to date with developments in the enquiry
- Team members a chance to exchange VIEWS and PASS on important information
- 2IC to pass on info about file management and admin matters
- OC to give brief of important investigation topics , priorities and lines of enquiries to follow
- Planned
- Recorded
- Focussed and Managed so not drawn OUT
- Attending the scene at an early stage
- Taking control of the situation
- Coordinating Tasks.
BULLY - What is the definition of Appreciation?
o An appreciation is a proven method of problem solving. The process follows a series of set steps to ensure the optimum course of action is decided upon.
o An appreciation is an ongoing process which involves continually thinking through each new piece of information as it is uncovered.
BULLY - Factors during an appreciation process
o Ask the Question so what? What does this mean? In order to thoroughly examine each factor and draw logical conclusion from it
o EG I only have 5 staff, so what does this mean? The answer to the question leads to logical conclusion
BULLY - Benefits of Appreciation?
o Manages risk
o Reduces uncertainty
o Eliminates duplication
o Ensures nothing is overlooked
o Effective use of resources
What is the definition of Aim?
- An aim is a short (one line) statement which succinctly demonstrates a single object. They must be clear, accurate and concise.
What is the definition of Factors?
- A factor is any circumstance or fact they could possibly have an effect on the manner in which you will achieve your desired outcome.
- Ask the question – so what? What does this mean? In order to thoroughly examine each factor and draw a logical conclusion from it.
What is the definition of Courses Open?
- Courses open are a list of all the possible ways for aim could be achieved, bearing in mind the factors and the deductions made from those factors.
- Advantages, disadvantages and risks of each alternative must be carefully examined and evaluated.
What is the definition of Plan?
- A plan is a proposed course of action designed to put the selected course into action in order to achieve the desired aim.
A plan must be –
* The logical outcome of the appreciation, clear and concise
BULLY - What information should be obtained from a witness? Every effort should be made to obtain?
- ID and LOCATION of suspect
- What the INFORMANT and COMPLAINANT knows
- DETAILS of location of scene
- DETAILS of anyone else at the scene
In some circumstances a delay may occur between the initial report and Police arriving at the scene. During this time, evidence may be lost or contaminated.
In order to reduce this risk, the complainant/informant may be asked?
- Return to the scene, and guard it, if it is considered safe for them to do so
- Not to enter the obvious boundaries of the scene
- Not to touch or move anything
- To prevent others from entering or touching the scene
Preservation of life – Police ensure their own safety and safety of other responders (Other Police staff, AMBOS, FIRE , ) and others present at scene ( witnesses , victims , on lookers , children)
What is the first priority of this risk assessment on arrival at a scene?
o The first priority when conducting a risk assessment at the scene of a serious crime incident will always be to ensure the safety of the attending police members.
What should your Risk Assessment look like?
- Initial action at the scene is crucial but may also present physical risks as well as a risk of contamination to the scene.
- Subject to the appreciation of risks, a reconnaissance should be conducted to establish who is present at the scene. This may include other injured people, or a hidden offender.
What is Victim is Alive and Uninjured?
In cases where the victim is confirmed to have no injuries, no additional issues or complications arise. Proceed to ‘Preserving the scene’.
What is Victim is Alive but Injured?
If a victim is injured but alive, call an ambulance and consider resuscitation if appropriate. If the victim has to be moved for this purpose, note the original body position and record any previous movements.
While at the Hospital, what should your actions be? What should you obtain?
- Medical opinion (nurse, doctor) of victims medical condition
- ESTABLISH victims ID
- SEIZE victims clothing other items as evidence
- SEIZE discarded bandages used to cover wounds. (Record position of bandage on victim)
- NOTE and photos of INJURIES
What do you do if Victim shows no signs of life?
- Apply first aid (possibility person might still be alive)
- Request AMBOS
- Victim should not be moved but if moved note original position (photo, video and sketch of movement
What steps should you follow when a body is discovered?
- Call AMBOS and RESUSCITATION, if victim moved note down original position.
- Remain with body until CIB / supervisor arrives
- Arrange DOCTOR or trained / qualified paramedic to pronounce life extinct
- Treat VICTIM as a scene (don’t move body)
- INSTRUCT med staff to leave clothing ON
What should you do when preserving a scene after body found?
- Some exhibits may be fragile and easily destroyed or contaminated therefore weather conditions, temperature, public activity, animals or time may influence your decisions about what initial actions are required and their priorities.
- Remember: Freeze, control, guard and preserve.