Shit from slides I should know Flashcards
If you try bute for a lameness and it doesn’t help you may not
be able to block it out
Neurogenic atrophy
Focal of generalized, greater than expected degree of lameness-happens quickly, weeks
Disuse atrophy
Generalized, happens slower over months, may be accompanied by contracture (foot or joints)
Fluid in interstitium
Fluid in cavity
More dramatic than edema, usually painful
Suprascapular n. injury
Contracted heels
narrowing of foot, taller
- Imbalance
- Angular deformity
Knocked down hip/tuber coxae position
pelvic fracture
Tuber coxae prominence
muscle atrophy
Shifting weight
Dropped elbow DDX
- Radial n. injury/paralysis
- Olecranon fracture
- Triceps myopathy
- Distal humeral fracture
- Proximal radial fracture
Caudal extension of hindlimb
Upward fixation of patella
Knuckling hindlimb
femoral ner paresis/paralysis
Straight post leg conformation increased risk of
medial femoral chondylar cysts
Boney proliferations on palpation are not usually
Carpal sheath effusion seen
lateral to accessory bone
Wind puffs
Fetlock effusion
Hoof test
- Toe
- Quarters/nails
- Bars
- Frog
- Heel
Semimem and semited palpation important if
- horse has PSSM
- hx of tying up
No muscle over
medial femorotibial joint
-lateral femorotibial joint is under muscle
It is important to distinguish tarsal sheath effusion from
Effusion of plantar pouch of tarsal joints
Can’t usually palpate tarsal sheath
unless there is effusino
- Long plantar ligament desmitis
- standardbreds
- sickle hocked horses
Walk: 4 beat, symmetric, no suspension
Trot: 2 beat diagonal, symmetric suspension
Pace: 2 beat lateral, symmetric suspension
Rack/told/fino: 4 beat lateral (diagonal), variable symmetry, no suspension
walking a tight rope
Cross fire
Back leg hits front legs
In hindlimb lameness, hip excursion is
increased on lame leg
In hindlimb lameness, pelvic high
down on sound
Stifles stay slightly flexed w/ proximal suspensory pain in racehorses
Bunny hop at the canter
Usually a stifle problem
Lameness grades
- Hard to see, not consistent
- Hard to see, may be consistent on circle
- Consistent at trot
- Obvious at walk
- Minimal weightbearing
Mechanical/neuro lameness
- Stringhalt
- Fibrotic myopathy
- Shivers
- Upward fixation of patella
- Healed ruptured peroneus tertius
- Cervical facet osteoarthritis
- Kissing spine
- Wobblers
- Suprascapular nerve injury
- Rabies
- Polysaccharide storage myopathy
Coxofemoral luxations
Head of femur luxates craniodorsal, affected leg appears shorter, hip higher
Trochanteric bursitis
Vertebral column
Cervical-7 Thoracic-18 Lumbar-6 (5-7) Sacral-5 fused Coccygeal-15-21 (18)
Wobblers common locations
Caudal cervical
Hunter’s bump
Prominent tuber sacrale
- sacroiliac subluxation/OA
- Back exercises
Physeal closure MC/MT III
4 months
Physeal closure Distal radius
18-24 months
-little growth after 1 yr old tho
Physeal closure Distal Tibia
17-24 months
Ossification of cuboidal bones in
last 2-3 months of gestation
Normal foal conformation
carpal valgus and outward rotation
Normal weanling conformation (4-5 months old)
Fetlock straight
Mild carpal valgus and external rotation
Normal yearling conformation
Surgical Treatment angular deformity
- Do at less than 3 months only if severe
- Typically after rapid growth phase is complete
- Metacarpus > 2 mos
- Tibia > 4 mos
- Radius > 6 mos
Flexor tendon laxity tx
heel extension
Tendon contracture tx
IV Oxytetracycline
Distal tendon sheath starts at
distal 2/3 of MC/MT extends to foot
-encases DDFT, SDFT (+manical flexoria)
Most common chip fracture in TB race horses
Dorso-medial/-lateral PI OCF
Palmar/Plantar Osteochondral disease leads to
For MCIII/MTIII condylar fractures Coaptation is
Bucked shins
Dorsal metacarpal disease
-lameness from dorsal cortex maladaptive remodeling of MCIII
Bucked shins predisposes to
dorsal cortical fractures
Cortical drilling, tx for bucked shins
Forelimb bears
~60% of weight
Most forelimb lameness originates
distal to carpus (95%)
Hindlimb bears
35-40% weight
Most hind limb lameness originates from
Hock or stifle (80%)
Collateral ligament desmitis DIPJ, on a circle the
outside leg is under more stress
PIII fracture types
- wing
- articular wing
- axial/sagittal
- extensor process
- comminuted
- solar margin chip
- solar margin foal
If there is a fetlock OCD you should
radiograph all four fetlocks
Portable x-ray machines
10-30 mA
In radiography, highlighted surfaces are
perpendicular to the beam
marker is always
dorsal or lateral
7-12 MHz U/S penetrates
2-3.5 MHz penetrates
5-7 cm
20-30 cm
Collagen is strong in
Aggrecan resists
Compressive forces
Bad joint things
- Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)
- Aggrecanases
- Cytokines
- Prostaglandins
- Oxygen derived free radicals
Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases
-Binds and inactivates MMP
Facilitated ankylosis
- Surgical-drilling
- Chemical-EtOH, MIA
- Laser
Brand name/drug name steroids
- Depo-medrol - Methylprednisolone acetate
- Vetalog - triamcinolone
- Celestone Soluspan - Betamethasone
- Predef 2X - Isoflupredone
Bisphosphanates act on
Osteoclasts to inhibit bone destruction/remodeling
-renal injury, bone fx
Most common joints affected by OC
- Tarsus
- Stifle
- Fetlocks
OC - Tarsus, you are what you will be after
5 months
OC - Stifle, you are what you will be after
8-11 months
Failure of regression of epiphyseal cartilage
-leucency/flattening on rads
Subchondral bone cysts location
Medial femoral condyle of distal femur
-width of opening influences prognosis, not depth
Most common OC locations in tarsus
- MM
Most common OC lesions in stifle
Proximal interphalangeal OA shoeing