Passive/active lameness exam Flashcards
Foot balance
Whether foot is level in a medial to lateral plane
Sacroiliac pain detected:
By palpating directly over tuber sacrale
Gluteal soreness most often detected
in the area caudal to the tuber coxa
Trochanteric bursa
Palpate stifle by first locating the
tibial tuberosity
Femoropatellar effusion evaluated at
either side of middle patellar ligament
Medial femorotibial joint effusion evaluated
caudal to medial patellar ligament and cranial to medial collateral ligament
Palpation of lateral femorotibial joint
- between the lateral patellar ligament and long digital extensor and/OR
- between the long digital extensor and lateral collateral ligament (more m.m. here)
Tarsocrural joint palpate
- Tendons as they pass over the calcaneous.
- Distal tarsal joints
- Pay attention to bony remodeling
Gate most useful to ID lameness
A hip hike is NOT
a rotation of the pelvic area in left and right rotation
Grade 1 lameness
-Difficult to observe, not consistent
Grade 2 lameness
- Difficult to observe at walk or trotting straight
- Consistent under some circumstances (circle, under saddle, hard surface)
Grade 3 lameness
Lameness consistent at trot under all circumstances
Grade 4 lameness
Lameness obvious at walk
Grade 5 lameness
Minimal weight-bearing