SHELF Flashcards
Best screening for trisomy 21
Cell-free DNA testing
Preventing Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Newborn depression with present meconium
=»Intubate the trachea and suction meconium from beneath the glottis
Infant appearance from a maternal Type I Diabetic
Small and hypoglycemic
Septic baby appearance
Pale, elevated temperature, and lethargic
RFs for babies born to diabetic mothers
Respiratory distress
Safest method to suppress lactation
Breast binding, ice packs, and analgesics
Signs of adequate feeding in an infant
3-4 stools/24hrs
6 wet diapers/24hrs
Weight gain
Swallowing sounds
First evaluation in suspected ectopic
Repeat B-hCG in 48 hrs
Uterine perforation signs
2-3 days post D/C:
Abdoinal pain
Scant bleeding
Immediate management of unstable spontaneous abortion
Tx for respiratory depression due to Mag therapy
Calcium gluconate
Greatest gestational concern for obese women
Development of HTN
SLE outbreak tx.
Teratogenic SSRI
Diagnostic test for appendicitis in pregnant ladies
Graded Compression Ultrasound
Hydrops fetalis signs
Can be identified by the collection of fluid in 2 or more body cavities (pleural/pericardial effusion, ascites, cerebral edema)
- Due to failure of liver to produce protein
- Can also see hepatosplenomegaly
Prevention of preterm delivery in multifetal gestation
Adequate weight gain
Sequelae of TTS in surviving twin
Neurologic sequelae
Misoprostol; used to induce labor
B-agonist used to decrease uterine intracellular cAMP and decrease contraction rate
ADRs: Tachycardia
Chest pain
-Do not use this drug for more than 48 hrs
Greatest RF for PROM
Genital tract infxns
Decreased amniotic glucose in amniocentesis may indicate what?
CI’d drugs after PPH
Ergot alkaloids
PPH management
- Uterine massage
- Oxytocin
- If necessary, a Bakri Balloon
Most common source of fever on post partum Day 1
Post term pt. testings
Biweekly NSTs and AFIs
Crown-rump length
Measured on transvaginal ultrasound to accurately date a pregnancy within 5-7 days
Most likely complication following BTL
Hysteroscopic Tubal Occlusion
The placement of coils into the fallopian tubes that cause scarring to block the tubes
- must use back OCP for 3 months
- confirm blockage w/ HSG
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome tx
Aspirin + Heparin
Lichen planus
Chronic dermatologic disorder manifesting as inflammatory mucocutaneous eruptions characterized by remissions and flare ups
Symptoms: irritation, burning, pruritis, bleeding, dyspareunia
-Pts. may also have extra vulvar lesions such as oral ulcers and alopecia
Urge incontinence tx.
Oxybutinin (anticholinergic)
RFs for pelvic organ prolapse
Increasing parity
Increasing age
CT disorders
Chronic constipation
Urethral bulking procedure
Treats intrinsic urethral sphincter deficiencies
Tx. of hemorrhagic cyst
Ultrasound monitoring
Tx of ovarian torsion
Exploratory surgery
Precocious puberty tx
Clomiphene (GnRH agonist)
Imperforate hymen
Incomplete genital plate separation
Sx: Abdominal pain worse with periods; amenorrhea
Test indicated for amenorrhea
Postpartum Telogen Effusion
High E2 levels following delivery and during pregnancy that can potentially lead to hair loss
OCP mechanism of pain reduction in dysmenorrhea
Endometrial atrophy caused by the progestin reduces the amount of prostaglandins produced by the proliferating endometrium
Post-menopausal womens daily Ca2+ requirement
Severe menopausal tx.
Lowest effective dose of OCP for the shortest time possible
Estrogen Hormone therapy effect on lipid levels
Increased: HDL, TGLs
Decreased: LDL
SSRI assoc. w/ hyperprolactinemia
-If pt. desires to be pregnant, they should be weened off this drug
Clomiphene Challenge Test
Helps to determine ovarian reserve in perimenopausal pts.
Vitamin Deficiencies assoc. w/ PMDD
Vitamin A, E, and B6
Most common location of vulvar adenocarcinoma beginning
Bartholin gland
-Be on the lookout for non-tender masses here
Multifocal VIN 2 tx.
CO2 laser ablation
Most common sx. w/ fibroids
Biggest RF for endometrial carcinoma
Complex atypical hyperplasia
Workup following endometrial cancer diagnosis
-Lungs are the most common site of metastasis
General Stress Incontinence tx.
Retropubic urethopexy (urethral bulking procedure)
-This fixes the urethral hypermobility
Tx of thyroid storm in pregnancy
Radioactive iodide
-Only use because it’s so dangerous
Bleeding in a woman > 40 yrs old
Always get an endometrial biopsy
RFs for FGR
Late deceleration
Alteration in uteroplacental diffusion that can be caused by any maternal disease that causes vascular damage
-Can progress to placental abruption
Tx for secondary arrest of acute phase of labor
Initial tx. for fetal hypoperfusion (signaled by late decels)
Differentiate from maternal heart rate
Assess for umbilical cord prolapse
Change in maternal position to left lateral decubitis
***Also do this first for variable decels
Maternal O2 supplementation
Tx of HTN
Discontinue oxytocin
Lichen sclerosis
Chronic inflammatory skin condition presenting w/ extreme vulvar pruritis, burning, pain, resorption of the clitoris, and dyspareunia
- Skin changes include purple, polygonal papules or a waxy sheen on the labia
- Can progress to fissures and erosions secondary to the chronic itching
- Small increased risk for SCC
Tx: Topical corticosteroids
Precocious puberty tx
GnRH agonist
-Observation if pt. is nearly 10
Tamoxifen ADRs
Hot flashes (MC); works via antiestrogenic activity in the CNS causing anterior hypothalamic dysfnxn
Endometrial hyperplasia/carcinoma
Hypothyroid pts. in pregnancy
Should have increased dosing of their levothyroxine
-These pts. are unable to adequately increase their prod. of thyroid hormone to meet the new levels of SHBG so they need some help
Management of Threatened Abortion
- US to determine fetal status
- Reassurance
- Return US in one week
Diagnosing ectopic pregnancies
B-hCG + transvaginal US
NAAT testing on gonorrhea and chlamydia
With this test, you only have to treat whatever comes back positive due to its high specificity
Placenta previa delivery date
36-37 weeks
Endometritis RFs
Prolonged ROM (>24 hrs)
Prolonged labor (>12 hrs)
Use of IUPCs or fetal scalp electrodes
Endometritis Symptoms
Uterine tenderness
Foul-smelling lochia
Endometritis tx.
Clindamycin + Gentamicin
-is usually due to a broad-spectrum infxn
Mammary Paget Disease of the Breast
Persistent eczematous or ulcerating rash located around the nipple and areola that indicates an underlying adenocarcinoma
Sx: Bloody discharge Nipple retraction Scales Pain Itching Burning
Uterine Rupture
Typically occurs in pts. w/ prior uterine surgery @ the site of the scar
Sx prior to rupture: Focal, intense abdominal pain
Sx after rupture: Retraction of fetal position (*Pathognomic)
Abnormal FHTs
Oxytocin ADRs
Uterine tachysystole ( > 5 contractions in 10 mins) =» possible fetal hypoxia
Tetanic contractions
Symmetric IUGR
“Fetal causes”
Genetic disorders (aneuploidy)
Congenital Heart Disease
Intrauterine infxn (CMV, rubella, toxo, malaria, varicella)
Intraductal papilloma
Benign breast condition of a single dilated breast duct usually found on biopsy or US
Sx: Unilateral blood discharge w/ no assoc. mass or lymphadenopathy
After confirming a benign breast cyst, what should be done?
Repeat breast exam in 2 months
Transverse fetal lie
Transient condition which spontaneously converts to vertex or breech; evaluate w/ US at 37 weeks to be sure
RFs: Prematurity
Uterine anomalies
Placenta previa
Multiple gestation
Pts. who have chronic HTN and OCPs
Discontinue OCPs if BPs are elevated on two separate occasions
First line test for adnexal mass
Pelvic US
Thin, clear cervical mucous around time of ovulation
Assymetric IUGR
“Maternal causes”
Vascular Disease (HTN, Pre-E, Diabetes)
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
AI disease
Cyanotic cardiac disease
Substance abuse
Endometrial thickness finding alongside a granulosa cell tumor
Biopsy the endometrium first because endometrial cancer is a more grave disease
Is normally a bad prognostic factor for breast cancer BUT allows for tx. w/ Herceptin
-Can be determined via FISH or immunohistochemical staining
Breakthrough bleeding (MC; is assoc. w/ lower E2 doses)
Breast tenderness
Hepatic adenoma
Increased TGLs
Severe Pre-eclamptic features
> 160/>110 on 2 occasions at least 4 hrs apart
Increased serum Creatinine
Increase hepatic transaminases
Pulmonary edema
Visual changes/neurologic symptoms
Tx of Maternal Hypertensive Crisis
- IV hydralazine (vasodilator)
- IV labetalol (a1, B1, B2 blocker; CI’d w/ bradycardia tho)
- PO nifedipine (Ca2+ channel blocker)
Stress incontinence
Caused by a loss of urethral support and intrabdominal pressure exceeds urethral sphincter pressure causing loss of urine
Sx: Leaking w/ coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting
Urge incontinence
Caused by detrusor muscle overactivity
Sx: Sudden, overwhelming or frequent needs to empty the bladder
Overflow incontinence
Impaired detrusor contractility or bladder outlet obstruction
Sx: Constant involuntary dribbling of urine and incomplete emptying of the bladder
Conversion disorder where pts. who desire pregnancy present to the office with the signs of pregnancy (amenorrhea, positive test per their statement), however, all in-office testing is negative
-Requires psychiatric consult
IUD to use in breast cancer pts. about to start chemo
Copper IUD
-Progesterone is CI’d
Menopausal Genitourinary Syndrome
Hypoestrogenemia leads to atrophy of the urethral mucosal epithelium because it also possesses E2 receptors
-Loss of urethral compliance and closure pressure =» urgency, frequency, UTIs
Tx: 1st line - vaginal moisturizes and lubricant
2nd line- topical vaginal E2