Quiz 2 Flashcards
Which of the following would be the first line of treatment in the management of symptoms of PMS?
Complex carbohydrate diet
When does “quickening” occur? (How many weeks of gestation)
When can Doppler devices detect fetal heart tones? (Weeks?)
Intrauterine pregnancy is generally detectable by tansvaginal ultrasonography when the B-hCG is greater than…
1,000-2,000 mIU/mL
Due to the position of the fetus, round ligament pain is often more pronounced…
on the right side
What test is most likely to be abnormal in a Turner’s Syndrome patient?
Neonatal jaundice that persists for how long requires further investigation?
2 weeks
If a heel-stick initial blood sample is collected before 12-24 hours after delivery, a second sample should be collected when to decrease the probability that phenylketonuria and other disorders with metabolite accumulation are missed as a result of early testing?
1-2 weeks
Premature infants, neonates receiving paraenteral feeding, or those treated for illness should have a newborn screening test performed when?
7 days of age
80% of spontaneous abortions occur by what gestational age?
12 weeks
Recurrent early abortion is associated with what chance that one parent is an asymptomatic carrier of a chromosomal abnormality?
What is the relationship between the risk of spontaneous abortion being caused by a chromosome-related abnormality and gestational age?
The early in pregnancy that it occurs, the more likely it is chromosomally abnormal
Compared with a urine pregnancy test, the usefulness of the serum assay for B-hCG is limited by…
The time required to obtain the results
In the work-up for a possible ectopic pregnancy, it should be remembered that urinary pregnancy tests generally turn positive at what point?
Time of missed period
A tubal pregnancy in what region typically presents later than an ectopic in the others?
Which type of pregnancy is most likely to occur as a result of a tubal abortion?
Abdominal pregnancy
First line therapy for a patient who had an imperforate hymen and persistent lower abdominal pain with moderate endometriosis is NSAIDS and…
continuous oral contraceptives
If a patient with primary amenorrhea undergoes laparoscopy, what is the likelihood that an identifiable cause will be found?
A 26 year old woman presents with 2 years of sever dysmenorrhea associated with diarrhea during her menses. On bi manual exam you note uterine immobility and tender modularity posterior to the uterus. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s dysmenorrhea?
An 18-year old woman complains of sever cramps and nausea at the time of her menses. Her pelvic exam is unremarkable. A trial of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy has given only partial relief. The best treatment option for this patient is
Combined oral contraceptive
A 47 year old woman has long-standing pelvic pain associated with endometriosis. A previous laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis has given her several years of relief. Over the last 6 months her symptoms have gotten progressively worse. What is the best treatment option for this patient?
Administration of a GnRH agonist
How many days after the first menstrual period does it take for home pregnancy tests to become positive?
4 days
A 30 year old primigravid patient at term progresses from 4cm dilation to 7cm dilation in 5 hours. How would this labor be described?
A protraction disorder
For a labor pattern to be considered optimal, contractions must generate peak intrauterine pressures of at least how many mm Hg?
Which presentation typically converts to either a vertex or face presentation?
What percent of singleton term deliveries are breech presentations?
Repetitive late fetal heart rate decelerations are considered particularly ominous with respect to fetal well-being if associated with…
Decreased FHR variability