Quiz 5 Flashcards
What is the incidence in the general population of twinning?
1 in 90 pregnancies
The perinatal morbidity in multi fetal gestation is how many times higher than for a comparable singleton pregnancy?
Three to four times
In what percent of twin gestations is each member of the twin pair in the Cephalic presentation at the beginning of labor?
Vanishing twin syndrome is seen in approximately what percent of twin pregnancies detected by ultrasound early in the first trimester?
Approximate what % of eclamptic seizures occur before overt proteinuria?
What drug is successful in preventing neonatal gonococcal ophthalmia in the newborn of a woman with Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection?
Delivery of an infant through a birth canal with primary herpes infection is associated with a neonatal infection rate of…
Approximately what percent of Americans infected with HIV virus are women?
Universal screening for Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is recommended between which weeks of gestational age?
Cesarean section is indicated when there are lesions consisted with HIV infection and…
the suspected infection is recurrent
Antiviral therapy should result in a decreased risk of perinatal transmission (of HIV) to as low as
A 34 year old patient complains of cyclic breast tendernessa nd diffuse nodularity on monthly breast self-examination. Your examination finds multiple firm, mobile masses, predominantly in the upper outer quadrants of each breast. You aspirate one of these masses and obtain clear, straw-colored fluid. What is the best initial management of this condition?
Mechanical support of the breast
A 45 year old woman has an abnormal screening mammogram. The next step in management should be…
diagnostic mammogram
A 21 year old patient complains of a breast mass present for a few days. The initial evaluation modality should be…
A 33 year old woman presents for evaluation of a palpable mass in the upper outer quadrant of her left breast. The mass was found on breast self-examination roughly 3 months ago and its presence is confirmed on clinical breast examination. A diagnostic mammography is reported as normal. The most appropriate next step in the management of this patient is…
tissue diagnosis
In what percent of twin gestations is each member of the twin pair in the cephalic presentation at the beginning of labor?
What is a characteristic of patients at increased risk for peripartum cardiomyopathy?
History of preeclampsia
Delivery of an infant through a birth canal with primary herpes infection is associated with a neonatal infection rate of…