Sheep and Goat Repro Flashcards
What is flushing?
Increasing nutrient uptake by 20-30% 2-3 weeks before breeding (8 weeks prior for rams)
When do small ruminants cycle?
Late summer/early fall (short day breeders)
What is a suitable ram:ewe ratio for breeding?
What is the most effective test for pregnancy?
Non-return to estrus in 16-17d
When is about the earliest one can determine pregnancy by ultrasound?
When do ewes typically get pregnancy toxemia and what can be done to prevent it?
Ewes with twins, fatties, or thin ones
Increase calories and protein ~6wk before parturition, 1/4lb increase per week
How is hydrometra treated?
T/F: Rams with a larger scrotum tend to sire kids that reach puberty faster
How long is the estrous cycle in sheep?
How long is gestation?
How long do each of the stages of parturition last?
Contractions - 2-8h
Abdominal press - 20min-2h
Lamb stands 30min, suckles 2h
Placenta expelled 2-4h
When do sheep reach puberty?
When should AI be performed in sheep?
18 - 24h after the start of estrus
Nutrition should be increased by 50% during the last ___ of gestation
Sheep reach peak milk production around ___ weeks, and it drops off by ___ weeks