SHARP/EO Flashcards
What does the acronym SHARP stand for?
Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention
What is the definition of sexual harassment?
A form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s job, pay or career…or
- Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person, or…
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
What is the definition of sexual assault?
Is intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent.
What are the options for dealing with and intervening with sexual harassment?
- Direct approach: confront harassed directly and tell him/her that the behavior is inappropriate and must stop.
- Indirect approach: send a letter or other indirect message to harasser stating facts, personal feelings about the inappropriate behavior, and expected resolution.
- Third party: request assistance from another person to intervene with situation.
- Chain of command: report behavior to an immediate supervisor or others in the chain of command for assistance in resolving the situation.
- File an informal or formal complaint: complaint filing procedures outlined in Appendix D, AR 600-20
What is an informal complaint? (Sexual Harassment)
Any complaint that an individual does not wish to file in writing. Informal complaints may be resolved directly by the complainant or with the help of another unit member, the company commander, or another individual in the complainant’s command. An informal complaint is not subject to a time suspense.
What are the steps taken in the instance of an informal complaint? (Sexual Harassment)
- Individual submits an informal complaint.
- Agency official receives complaint.
- Agency official explains the complaint process to complainant.
- Agency official attempts to assure resolution.
What is a formal complaint? (Sexual Harassment)
A formal complaint is one that a complainant files in writing and swears to the accuracy of the information. Formal complaints require specific actions, are subject to timelines, and require documentation of the actions taken. The decision to file a formal complaint rests solely with the complainant; however, the complainant must file a formal complaint within 60 calendar days of the alleged incident.
What steps are taken in the instance of a formal complaint? (Sexual Harassment)
- Individual submits formal complaint.
- Agency official receives complaint.
- Agency official explains the complaint process.
- Complainant and agency official complete DA Form 7279.
- Agency official refers complainant to appropriate organization (if needed).
- Commander is notified of formal complaint.
- Commander initiates investigation.
- CO takes steps to protect complainant.
- CO makes decision based on investigation.
- Individual submits appeal.
- EOA conducts follow up.
What is reprisal?
Taking or threatening to take an unfavorable personnel action, or any other act of retaliation, against a military member for making or preparing a protected communication is prohibited. (AR 600-20, Glossary)
What are the exceptions to the complaint process? (Sexual Harassment)
- Suspected criminal activity.
- IG office process
- Promotable COLs and higher/ IG/ SES
- Reserve component
- National Guard
- DA civilians
What is an unrestricted report? (Sexual Assault)
The victim can disclose, without requesting confidentiality or restricted reporting, that he/she is a victim of a sexual assault to a SARC, VA, HCP, Command authorities, or others. The victim will have access to medical treatment and counseling, support, and consideration for protection and expedited (permanent or temporary) transfers. If a victim chooses to file an unrestricted report, the SARC, VA, HCP, chain of command, and law enforcement, will be notified that the crime occurred. An official investigation will be triggered, and the alleged offender may be prosecuted. Must be referred to CID, regardless of severity. Once a victim files an unrestricted report, he/she cannot change to a restricted report. If at any time a victim declines to participate in an investigation or prosecution, that decision should be honored by commanders, investigators, and all other personnel involved in the case.
What is a restricted report? (Sexual Assault)
The victim can confidentially disclose and report a sexual assault to a SARC, VA, or HCP. The victim can also confidentially communicate with a chaplain. The victim will have access to medical treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and VA, without triggering an official investigation or prosecution of the alleged offender. If the victim chooses to file a restricted report, the installation commander will receive non-identifying information indicating an alleged sexual assault occurred. If the victim files a restricted report, he/she can change to an unrestricted report at any time.
What are the steps taken for an unrestricted report? (Sexual Assault)
- Ensure victim’s safety and seek emergency care.
- Preserve evidence
- Victim notifies SARC and/or unrestricted reporting chain.
- Seek medical care for victim
- SARC provides info
- SARC assigns VA to provide assistance
- Victim may consult with legal assistance attorney
- Victim’s CO provides support and referrals as needed
- Coordinate for “no contact order” MPO or CPO as needed
- Victim may request expedited transfer
- Investigation
- Disposition of case
What are the steps taken in a restricted report? (Sexual assault)
- Ensure victim’s safety and seek emergency care
- Preserve evidence
- Victim notifies SARC and/or restricted reporting chain
- Seek medical care for victim
- SARC provides info
- SARC assigns VA to provide assistance
- Explain option to switch to unrestricted report
Exceptions to the reporting process (sexual assault)
- Communications with chain of command or law enforcement
- Support from local or state healthcare or law enforcement
- RC and NG considerations
- Family member considerations
- DA civilian considerations
What is a DD Form 2701?
Initial information for victims and witnesses of crime
What is DD Form 2702?
Court-Martial information for victims and witnesses of crime
What is DD Form 2910?
Victim reporting preference statement
What is DD Form 2911?
DoD sexual assault forensic examination report
What is DA form 7279
Equal opportunity complaint form
What does EOA stand for?
Equal opportunity advisor
What does SARC stand for?
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
What does VA stand for?
Victim Advocate
What is Quid Pro Quo?
Conditions placed on an individual’s career or terms of employment in return for favors.
What is a SAFE kit?
The medical and forensic examination of a sexual assault victim under circumstances and controlled procedures to ensure the physical examination process and the collection, handling, analysis, testing, and safekeeping of any bodily specimens and evidence in criminal proceedings. The victim’s SAFE kit is treated as a confidential communication when conducted as part of a restricted report.
What are the roles/responsibilities of a SARC?
- Ensure overall management of sexual assault Prevention, training, and victim advocacy.
- Ensure victims of sexual assault receive guidance and emotional support during administrative, medical, investigative, and legal procedures, and that victims understand the process involved.
- Assign a VA to assist victim immediately upon notification of an incident of sexual harassment or sexual assault.
What are the roles/responsibilities of a VA?
- Establish contact with each victim who alleges that an act of sexual assault occurred, if the victim is receptive to such contact.
- When assigned by the SARC, provide crisis intervention, referral, and ongoing non-clinical support to the sexual assault victim. In the case of multiple victims, each victim should have a VA (IVA or UVA). The victim alone will decide whether to accept the offer of victim advocacy services.
- Inform victims of the options to use service providers (for example, medical, legal, and chaplain) and resources available to victims.
What are the different categories of sexual harassment?
Verbal, non-verbal, physical contact.
What chapter covers the EO program in AR 600-20?
Chapter 6
Who is responsible for maintaining a positive EO climate in the unit?
The Commander