SHARP Flashcards
What does SHARP stand for?
Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention
What chapters cover the SHARP Program?
Chapter 7 and 8
What are the goals of the SHARP Program?
1) create a climate that minimizes sexual assault incidents, which impact army personnel, army civilians and family members, and, if an incident occurs, ensure that victims and subjects are treated according to army policy
2) create a climate that encourages victims to report incidents of sexual assault without fear
3) establish sexual assault prevention training and awareness programs to educate soldiers
4) ensure sensitive and comprehensive treatment to restore victims’ health and well-being
5) ensure leaders understand their roles and responsibilities regarding response to sexual assault victims, thoroughly investigate allegations of sexual assault, and take appropriate administrative and disciplinary action
What is the army’s slogan for the SHARP Program?
What does I. A.M. STRONG stand for?
Intervene, Act, Motivate
What is the I. A.M. STRONG campaign?
It is the army’s campaign to combat sexual assaults by engaging all soldiers in preventing sexual assaults before they occur
Why should soldiers Intervene, Act, and Motivate?
Soldiers are duty-bound to intervene, act, and motivate others to stop sexual assaults and sexually offensive language and gestures that create an environment to this abuse
What are the precursors to sexual assault that soldiers must stop before things get to sexual assault?
Sexual innuendos, sexual harassment and egregious indecent assaults
How can you reduce your risk of being sexually assaulted?
Be prepared, alert, and assertive
What are some ways to being assertive?
State what you want
No means no (use a confident voice and body posture)
Match your body language to your words - don’t laugh/smile while saying no
Do not just go along for the wrong reasons
Watch out for warning signs or red flags from your partner in intimate situations
How can you be prepared?
Travel with a buddy
Stay in groups,as there is safety in numbers
Plan your outings and avoid getting into a bad situation
Stay sober. (About half of all US sexual assaults involve the use of alcohol by the offender, victim or both)
Never leave a drink unattended. Educate yourself about date rape drugs
Walk only in lighted areas after dark
Keep the doors to homes, barracks and cars locked
Know where the phone is located
Don’t go anywhere alone with someone unless you know the person very well and trust him
How can you be alert?
Trust your instincts. If a place or person feels unsafe it probably is
Watch for signs of trouble such as strangers in private areas or persons loitering in places where they shouldn’t be
If you sense trouble, get to a safe place as soon as possible
If you feel you are in danger, attract help any way you can
Don’t dress in view of a window
Report any unauthorized or suspicious individuals in the barracks
What are the red flags you should watch for?
Someone ignores, interrupts, makes fun of you
Sitting/standing too close to you or stares at you
Has a reputation for being a “player”
Drinks too much or uses drugs. Tries to get you to use drugs/alcohol
Tries to touch or kiss you or gets into your personal space when you barely know them
Wants to be alone with you before getting to know you, or pressures you to be alone together
Does what he wants without asking what you want
Gets angry or sulks if he doesn’t get what he wants
What is acquaintance or date rape?
Rapes that occur between people that know each other. Date rape refers to situations in which one person has consented to go on a date with another person the a rape occurs
What should you do if you have been sexually assaulted or believe that you have?
Go to a safe location away from the attacker
Contact your local sexual assault response coordinator (SARC), victim advocate (VA) or health care provider. You may also contact your chain of command or law enforcement. However, if you do, an investigation will occur and you will not have the option of making a restricted report
Seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of becoming pregnant or acquiring a STD. Ask the health care provider to conduct a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE) to preserve forensic evidence. If you suspect you had been drugged, request that a urine sample be collected
Preserve all evidence of the assault. Do not bathe, wash your hands, eat, drink or brush your teeth. Do not clean or straighten up the crime scene
Write down, tape or record by any other means all the details you can recall about the assault and your assailant
What is the army’s policy on sexual harassment?
It is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated
What are the results of sexual harassment?
Destroys teamwork and negatively affects combat readiness
What is sexual harassment?
A form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders
What are the 3 factors of sexual harassment?
Submission to, or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a persons job, pay, career
Submission to, or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person
Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment
Who is covered under the army sexual harassment policy?
Soldiers, civilian co-workers, and family members
What are the different categories of sexual harassment?
Verbal, non-verbal, physical contact
What are examples of verbal sexual harassment?
Telling sexual jokes, using sexually explicit profanity, threats, sexually oriented cadences, sexual comments, whistling in a sexually suggestive manner, describing certain attributes of ones physical appearance in a sexual manner, using terms of endearment such as “honey, baby, sweetheart, dear, stud, hunk”
What are example of non-verbal sexual harassment?
Stating, blowing kisses, winking, licking ones lips Ina suggestive manner, displaying sexually oriented pictures or cartoons, sexually oriented screen savers, sending sexually oriented notes, letters, faxes, emails
What are examples of physical sexual harassment?
Touching, patting, pinching, bumping, kissing, grabbing, cornering, blocking a passageway, providing unsolicited back or neck rubs
What are extreme forms of sexual harassment?
Sexual assault or rape
What are the types of sexual harassment?
Quid pro quo, hostile environment
What is quid pro quo?
Latin term meaning “this for that”
What are some examples of quid pro quo?
Demanding sexual favors in exchange for:
Favorable assignment
Disciplining or relieving a subordinate who refuses sexual advances
Threats of poor job evaluation for refusing sexual advances
What are some third-party examples of what can happen when a person submits to sexual harassment and a sexual relationship occurs?
Allegations of sexual favoritism
Person feels unfairly deprived of recognition
Advancements, or career opportunities because of favoritism shown to another soldier or civilian employee on the basis of a sexual relationship
What happens when a hostile environment occurs?
Soldiers or civilians are subjected to offensive, unwanted and unsolicited comments or behaviors of a sexual nature
When is an environment classified as a hostile environment?
If behaviors unreasonably interfere with their performance, regardless of whether the harasser and the victim are in the same workplace
What are the 5 techniques of dealing with sexual harassment?
Direct approach Indirect approach Third party Chain of command Filing a formal complaint
How do you use the direct approach?
Confront the harasser and tell him that he behavior is not appreciated, not welcomed, and that it must stop. Stay focused on the behavior and its impact
How would you prepare to use the direct approach?
Use common courtesy and write down thoughts before approaching the individual involved
How would you use the indirect approach?
Send a letter to the harasser stating the facts, personal feelings about the inappropriate behavior and expected resolution
How do you use the third party approach?
Ask someone else to talk to the harasser, to accompany the victim, or to intervene on behalf of the victim to resolve the conflict
How do you use the chain of command approach?
Report the behavior to immediate supervisor or others in the chain of command and ask for assistance in resolving the situation
How do use the filing a formal complaint approach?
Use the complaint procedures outlined in appendix D of AR 600-20
How does the elimination of sexual harassment within a unit begin?
With a policy of aggressive and progressive training to identify and prevent inappropriate behavior
What should soldiers understand and learn from the training?
How to recognize, prevent, report it, and the consequences of engaging in sexual harassment
What should training for junior enlisted and civilian employees in the unit focus on?
Defining sexual harassment and gender discrimination, sanctions that may be used to punish harassers, techniques for soldiers to deal with sexual harassment and methods of filing a complaint through the complaint system
What should training for junior officers, NCOs, and civilian supervisors focus on?
Promoting a healthy work environment within the section or unit as well as technique for receiving, handling, and resolving complaints, leader responsibilities in processing informal and formal complaints, and must emphasize the prevention of reprisal actions against complaints
What should training for senior NCOs, WOs, officers, civilian managers and senior executive service personnel focus on?
Fostering healthy command climate and using appropriate means of determining a healthy command climate, focus on sanctions for offenders and reinforce the elements of training they receive at a more junior level
What regulation covers assault prevention and response?
AR 600-20 ch. 8
What is the purpose of SHARP?
Reinforces the army’s commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability
How should the army treat victims of sexual assault?
With dignity, fairness and respect
Is sexual assault a criminal offense?
When and where does the army’s sexual assault policy apply?
Both on and off post during duty and non-duty hours. Applies to working, living, and recreational environments (including both on and off post housing)
Is the use of victim advocacy services optional?
When must the victim advocacy program be available to victims?
24 hrs a day/7 days a week birth in the garrison and deployed environments
What are the 3 echelons of sexual assault victim advocates (VAs) in a garrison environment?
The installation sexual assault response coordinator (SARC)
Installation victim advocates (VA)
Unit victim advocates (UVAs)
What are the 2 echelons of sexual assault victim advocates I. A deployed environment?
What is the army’s definition of sexual assault?
Rape Nonconsensual sodomy (oral or anal sex) Indecent assault Unwanted inappropriate sexual contact or fondling Attempts to commit these acts
What is the army’s definition of other sex-related offenses?
All other sexual acts or acts in violation of the UCMJ that do not meet the above definition of sexual assault or the definition of sexual harassment
What are some examples of other sex-related offenses?
Indecent acts with another and adultery
What are the two types of reporting of sexual assault?
Restricted and unrestricted
What is restricted reporting?
Allows a soldier who is a sexual assault victim, on a confidential basis, to disclose the details of his/her assault to specifically identified individuals and receive medical treatment and counseling, without triggering the official investigation process
What is unrestricted reporting?
Allows a soldier who is sexually assaulted and desires medical treatment, counseling, and official investigation of his/her allegation to use current reporting channels (chain of command, law enforcement) or he/she may report the incident to the SARC or the on-call VA
Who is informed of an unrestricted report?
Only those who have a legitimate need to know
Where can you find detailed explanation of restricted and u restricted reports?
AR 600-20 appendix H
What does AR 600-20 cover?
Army command policy
If a sexual assault occurs, what steps must a unit commander take?
1) take immediate steps to ensure the victims safety, emotional security, and medical treatment needs are met and that the SARC and appropriate law enforcement/criminal investigative service are notified
2) ensure that the victim or his/her representative consent, in writing, to the release of information to nonofficial parties about the incident and that the victims status and privacy are protected by limiting information to “need to know” personnel
3) ensure that victims of sexual assault receive sensitive care and support and are not re-victimized as a result of reporting the incident
4) collaborate closely with the SARC, legal, medical, and chaplain offices and other service providers to provide timely, coordinated, and appropriate responses to sexual assault issues and concerns
5) encourage the victim to get a medical examination no matter when the incident occurred
6) report all incidents of sexual assault to CID in accordance with AR 195-1, paragraph 6
7) report sexual assaults to the SARC to ensure victims have access to appropriate assistance and care from the initial time of report to completion of all required treatment
8) report all incidents of sexual assault to the office of the SJA within 24 hrs
9) notify the chaplain if the victim desires pastoral counseling or assistance
What regulation gives the commander guidance on what their responsibilities are?
AR 600-20 ch. 8-5 and AR 600-20 appendix H
What is the purpose of SHARP training?
To eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a comprehensive program that focuses on awareness and prevention, education, victim advocacy, reporting, response, and follow up
Who can a soldier report a sexual assault to if they want to keep it restricted?
The SARC, VA, or healthcare provider, a chaplain
Who can a soldier report a sexual assault to if they want it to be unrestricted?
Chain of command, law enforcement or report the incident to the SARC
Who are the personnel that are considered the “responder group” for sexual assaults?
SARC VA Healthcare provider Law enforcement and criminal investigators Judge advocates Chaplains