Awards And Decorations Flashcards
What is the difference between a decoration and an award?
Decoration - a distinctively designed mark of honor denoting heroism or meritorious/outstanding service or achievement for individuals and units
Award - recognition given to individuals or units for certain acts or services, badges, accolades, emblems, citations, commendations and streamers
What are some examples of Individual US Army decorations?
Medal of Honor Distinguished service cross Distinguished service medal Silver star Legion of merit Distinguished flying cross Soldiers medal Bronze star medal Purple Heart MSM Air medal ARCOM AAM
Examples of US unit decorations?
Presidential unit citation
Valorous unit award
Meritorious unit commendation
Army superior unit award
What is a medal?
Term used to include 3 categories of awards: decorations, good conduct medals, service medals.
What is meant by meritorious achievement?
An act which is well above the expected performance of duty. The act should be an exceptional accomplishment with a definite beginning and ending date. The length of time is not a primary consideration, however speed of accomplishment of an important task can be a factor in determining the value of an act
What is meant by meritorious service?
Distinguished by a succession of outstanding acts of achieve to over a sustained period of time. Individual performance must exceed that expected by virtue of grade and experience based on accomplishments during an entire tour of duty
What is the objective of the DA military awards program?
To provide tangible recognition for acts of valor, exceptional service or achievement, special skills or qualifications, and acts of heroism not involving actual combat
What are the categories in which individual awards are grouped?
Decorations GCM Campaign and service medals Service ribbons, badges, and tabs Certificates and letters
No military decoration will be awarded more than 2 years after the act or period of service to be honored. What decoration is the exception?
Purple Heart
Commanders authorized to award combat and special skills badges are authorized to revoke such awards. When can an award of any combat or special skill badge be automatically revoked?
On dismissal, dishonorable discharge, or conviction by courts-martial for desertion in wartime
Any enlisted servicemember who is credited with extraordinary heroism in line of duty and who retires after 20 years or more is entitled to an increase in retired pay, subject to the 75% limit on total retired pay. What is the percentage of increase in retired pay?
How are decorations, GCM, service medals and service ribbons ranked in order of precedence when worn or displayed?
1) US military decorations
2) US nonmilitary decorations
3) POW medal
4) GCM
5) reserve component achievement medals
6) service medals and ribbons
7) US merchant marine decorations
8) foreign decorations
9) non-US service medal and ribbons
While clearly an individual decoration, how does the Purple Heart differ from all other decorations?
An individual is not recommended for PH. Rather, he is entitled to it upon meeting specific criteria
What are some examples of enemy-related injuries which clearly justify award of the PH?
Injury caused by enemy bullet, shrapnel, etc
Injury caused by enemy-placed trap/mine
Injury caused by enemy-released chemical, biological, or nuclear agent
Concussion injuries caused as a result of enemy-generated explosions
Mild traumatic brain injury
What is so special about peacetime achievements?
Must have significantly contributed to the readiness or effectiveness of a unit or organization or have made notable contributions to the morale or esprit de corps of units or organizations
Who may recommend a soldier for award of decoration?
The recommending official must be senior in grade or have first-hand personal knowledge of the event at the time of the action or service to the individual being recommended for an award.
What medal is awarded only by the president of the United States?
Medal of Honor
What decoration is awarded when an action does “not justify the award of a Medal of Honor” while engaged in an action against an enemy of the US?
Distinguished service cross
What decoration is awarded to a person who has distinguished himself by “exceptionally meritorious service” to the government in a duty of great responsibility?
Distinguished service medal
What decoration is awarded for “gallantry in action” against an enemy of the US?
Silver star (a valor award. Not awarded for service)
What decoration is awarded for distinguishing himself by “exceptionally meritorious conduct” in the performance of outstanding services and achievements?
Legion of merit
What decoration is awarded for “heroism not involving” actual conflict with an enemy?
Soldiers medal
What decoration is awarded for “heroic or meritorious achievement or service not involving participation in aerial flight” in connection with military operations?
Bronze star medal
What decoration is awarded for “outstanding” meritorious achievement or service?
Meritorious service medal
What decoration is awarded for heroism, meritorious achievement, or meritorious service?
Army commendation medal
What decoration is awarded for meritorious service or achievement of a lesser degree than required for an ARCOM?
Army achievement medal
What DA Form is used to initiate, process and approve award recommendations of all US army individual decorations to include valor and heroism?
DA Form 638
What medal is awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity in active federal military service?
Army good conduct medal
What is the basis for approval for the GCM?
The immediate unit commander’s personal knowledge of and the individuals official records for periods of service under previous commanders during the period for which the award is to be made
What army regulation addresses military awards?
AR 600-8-22