Guard Duty Flashcards
What are the two types of guards
Interior and exterior.
What are interior guards?
Detailed by installation commanders to protect property and enforce regulations and preserve order.
What two guard types fall under interior guards?
Main and special
What do main guards consist of?
A combination of patrols and fixed posts.
In general, what is the primary duty of exterior guards?
To protect a unit from surprises and to give the unit time to prepare to counter any threats.
What do special guards do?
Protect vehicles, parks, trains, boats, aircrafts and for other special purposes.
What are exterior guards?
Lookouts, listening posts, outposts, especially designated patrols, guards in combat zones, field training areas, and guards outside the limits of a military installation.
Exterior guards perform as prescribed by special orders and instructions and not as formal and restricted as interior guards.
What are 3 examples of exterior guards?
Lookouts, listening posts, outposts
Is the composition of an exterior guard the same as that of an interior guard?
No- exterior guards have no commanders that are detailed for that duty and their actions are prescribed by instructions from their leaders, SOPs and special instructions.
What are the duties of a guard?
Memorize, understand and comply with the general orders for guards.
Understand and comply with special orders applying to their particular post, including the use of countersign and parole word.
What type of guard is not,ally used to protect a unit in a tactical environment?
Exterior guard
What are the 3 general orders?
1- I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quite my post only when properly relieved
2- I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner
3- I will report any violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief.
What two types of orders can a guard receive?
General orders
Special orders
Who may give a guard member orders?
The guard’s chain of command
Can a NCO be the Commander of the guard?
What is a Soldier normally responsible for at his guard post?
The post and all government property in view
What is deadly force?
The power to cause death or severe bodily harm
What does the term “challenge” mean?
Any process carried out by one unit or person with the object of ascertaining the friendly or hostile character or identity of another
What specifies the time for challenging?
The special orders
Who is responsible for the instruction, discipline, and performance of the guards?
The commander of the guards
What two words does the countersign consist of?
Challenge and password
In a countersign, what is the challenge?
The first word used to challenge a person or party
In a countersign, what is the password?
The second word or sign used to reply to a challenge
What is the proper use of deadly force?
Only the minimum amount of force necessary to make an apprehension
At what position do you hold your rifle while challenging?
Port arms
When challenging, what is the position of your pistol?
What are the two different types of guard mountings?
Formal and informal
What is your chain of command as a Main guard?
1) relief commander
2) sergeant of the guard
3) commander of the guard
4) officer of the guard
5) field officer of the day
6) commanding officer who is commanding the installation, organization, unit or garrison
What is F.O.D.?
Field officer of the day
What is a sentry?
A guard, sentinel, or lookout
What is a sentinel?
An individual of the guard whose duties are prescribed by general and/or special orders, also referred to as a guard, sentry, or lookout
If you sleep on duty, what could be your punishment?
Court martial
What is the normal length of time for a field officer of the day?
How long will a fixed post guard normally stay at his/her post?
Two hours
Who is normally in charge of establishing the special orders for guard posts?
The post commander
Does a guard salute indoors?
When are guards not required to salute?
No salute is given when engaged in a specific duty
What is a parole word?
Is used to check on the countersign when inspecting guards
To whom is the parole word imparted?
To persons entitled to inspect the guard, the commander, and members of the guard
Upon hearing the parole word, what action is taken by a guard?
- Replies with both parts of the countersign
- The guard does not use the password at any other time
What are special orders?
Special orders instruct the guard in the actual performance of his duty while on a particular post
What punishment may be given if any person in time of war who discloses the parole word or countersign to any person not entitled to receive it?
Punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct
What is meant by the term “supernumerary”?
An extra member of the guard who is used when needed to replace a guard or to perform special duties as prescribed by local directives
When in doubt, what is considered the best means of identification of an individual?
A visual check of his ID card?
How would you challenge people in a vehicle?
The same as on foot, but make one or all of the individuals dismount the vehicle if deemed necessary
May a guard leave his post to investigate or apprehend a person involved in a disorder near his post?
When challenging one person, what is the five step procedure used?
1) when the approaching individual is about 30 steps away from the guard, the guard assumes the proper challenge position and commands “halt!”
2) when the person stops, the guard commands “who goes there?”
3) after the person answers, the guard commands “advance to be recognized”
4) when the individual is close enough to be recognized without putting the guard in danger, the guard commands “halt!”
5) after recognition, the guard then passes the individual or detains him and calls the commander of relief
What is the six step procedure when challenging a group of individuals?
1) when approaching individual of the group is about 30 steps away from the guard, the guard assumes the proper challenge position and commands “halt!”
2) when the person stops, the guard commands “who goes there?”
3) after the person answers, the guard commands “advance to be recognized”
4) when the individual is close enough to be recognized without putting the guard in danger, the guard commands “halt!”
5) after recognition, the person advanced will step by the guard
6) guard will either group in one by one to be accounted for by the first person advanced or pass them as a group according to special instructions
If a guard is not relieved at the expiration of his tour, what should he do?
Continue his duty and contact the commander of the relief
Who is responsible for ensuring all guards understand their special instructions?
Commander of the guard
Must guards be qualified with the weapon they are carrying?
When will a sentry not render a hand salute?
1) when engaged in a specific duty
2) when talking with an officer (unless a senior approaches and is saluted)
3) when on a post that requires the challenge
What is signified when a guard fires his weapon into the air 3 times in rapid succession?
Great danger
What field manual covers guard duty?
FM 22-6