Shall we negotiate? Module 1 Flashcards
What is the BATNA?
Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement
Another way to describe the BATNA?
A player’s best outside option
What is the ZOPA?
Zone of Possible Agreements
Another way to describe the ZOPA?
The deal space
What is a player’s RV?
Reservation Value
Another way to describe the RV?
The lowest amount you’ll accept in a negotiation
When might it be best not to enter a negotiation? Give a few examples
When expected costs (e.g. time) of negotiation exceed the expected benefit
When your BATNA is low and you expect the other party to know it
When your BATNA is high and there is no ZOPA
When starting a negotiation sends the wrong signal
When the relationship may suffer from negotiation
When negotiation is culturally inappropriate
From a game-theoretic perspective, in what negotiation games does the first-mover have an advantage?
Ultimatum game
Infinite-period alternating offer game
From a game-theoretic perspective, in what game does the first mover have a disadvantage?
Two-period alternating offer game
In practice, what tends to be the main first-mover advantage in negotiations?
In practice, what tends to be the main first-mover disadvantage?
Not having the opportunity to gain more information
What are the 5 key elements of a game?
Players Actions Knowledge Outcomes Preferences
What does a player’s strategy include?
The action a player will take in every possible situation in the game
In the extensive form of a game, how is it denoted when a player is unsure of what node they’re in?
A dashed line
What are the 2 ways that players can take their actions in a game?
Sequentially or simultaneously