Auctions - Module 4 Flashcards
What does auction theory help create?
Institutions, e.g. auctions, markets, matching processes
What 3 main purposes does mechanism design serve to optimise?
Information discovery
Through what actions do auctions elicit information?
What are the two key properties of auctions?
They are universal, any type of good or service
They are anonymous, identity doesn’t play a role
What is a forward auction?
One seller, many buyers
What is a reverse auction?
Many sellers, one buyer
What is a double auction?
Many sellers, many buyers
What is the key difference between sealed-bid and open format auctions?
Information is revealed either only to the auctioneer, or publically
What price is paid in a first price reverse auction?
The lowest price bid
What’s another name for a second-price auction?
Vickrey auction
What’s another name for an auction with time constraints?
Auction by the candle
What does it mean that private values for a good are i.i.d?
Independent, other’s valuation doesn’t affect my own
Identically distributed, probability my value is less than x is the same probability that someone else’s value is also less than x. Anonymous
What special case do we consider when considering the distribution and expectations of private values?
Private values follow uniform distribution [0,1]
Given that private values are i.i.d and follow the uniform distribution [0,1], what is the expected maximum value with N agents?
If private values are i.i.d and follow the uniform distribution [0,1] what is the second highest expected value, where x is the highest value?
If private values are i.i.d and follow uniform distribution [a,b] what is the expected maximum value?
a + (N/(N+1))*(b-a)