Sh Act 3 Flashcards
I fear / Thou played’st most foully for’t
- Banquo
reveals Banquo’s growing suspicion that M participated in Duncan’s death
cacophonous ‘f’ sound represents disgust Banquo feels
To be thus is nothing / But to be safely thus
- Macbeth
doesn’t feel safe in his reign due to Banquo
harder to maintain his kingship than he thought it would be
jealous and insecure
There is none but he / Whose being I do fear
- Macbeth
anxious and paranoid about Banquo’s threat to his throne
afraid of Banquo being a natural king
For Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind
- Macbeth
he has debased his mental state for Banquo’s children
has all been pointless if prophecies are true
upon my head they have placed a fruitless crown
- Macbeth
represents Macbeth’s inability to bear any sons
metaphor demonstrates how desperate and paranoid Macbeth has become to keep his throne
connotations of without success
And put a barren sceptre in my gripe
- Macbeth
infertile symbol of kingship
witches gave him a pointless prediction
he’s angry that he did such an awful thing for no point
we have scorched the snake, not killed it
- Macbeth
snake represents Banquo
- seen as deceitful
the person who could ruin their established place as king + queen in their Garden of Eden
Under him my genius is rebuked
- Macbeth
even Macbeth’s guardian angel is scared of Banquo
hyperbolic language emphasises how distrustful and uneasy he is
thy soul’s flight / If it find Heaven, must find it out tonight
- Macbeth
rhyming couplet demands audience attention to amplified emotion
words convey fluffy and sincere light tone which heavily contrasts the plot
syntax - conflicting emotions
distances himself from Banquo- only talks about his soul
After life’s fitful fever, [Duncan] sleeps well / Treason has done his worst
- Macbeth
trying not to feel guilt and tormented
- did Duncan a favour
believes D is truly at peace whereas he is plagued with uncertainty and agitation
beleaguered by bloody hallucinations and guilt-induced fantasies
O full of scorpions is my mind
- Macbeth
metaphor - scorpions represent M’s uneasiness, dark desires and death
cannot rest easy while Fleance and Banquo are alive
mind is vastly out of control
- craves death, unstable and no conscience
play the humble host
- Lady Macbeth
appearance vs reality
alliteration emphasises depth of their deception
the grown serpent lies; the worm that’s fled
- Macbeth
threat to M’s throne has been removed(Banquo)
acknowledges his sone could also become a threat
Are you a man?
- Lady Macbeth
trying to snap him out of his moment of madness / weakness at Banquo’s banquet
compares him to a woman as he acts hysterically - openly scolding and belittling
dare look on that/ which might appal the devil
- Macbeth
proving he is a man
hyperbolic language suggests B is so horrific, even the epitome of evil would be scared
showing bravery
It will have blood they say. Blood will have blood
- Macbeth
feels trapped in inevitability of violence
blood shed seeks more blood in revenge
- creating a cycle
a wayward son / Spiteful and wrathful
- Hecate
chief godess of magic and witches
even she disapproves of Macbeth
I hear Macduff lives in disgrace
- Lennox
M’s court has a culture of whispers and rumours
theme of concealment and betrayal