Sexually Transmitted Diseases Flashcards
Syphillus Chlamydia Gonococcal infections Herpes HPV
Primary and Secondary Syphilis
within one work day
All other stages of Syphilis
one week
one week
Gonococcal infections
one week
What causes syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
“O” of TORCH?
How is Syphilis transmitted?
Sexually acquired
Vertical transmission
What is the longest progression of syphilis?
late (tertiary) syphilis
Where is the classic chancre of syphilis seen?
What develops at the site of inoculation for syphilis?
painless papule
What are 3 risk factors of Syphilis?
- HIV infection
- Combination methamphetamine and sildenafil use
- Having acquired recent sexual partners from the internet
What are the 4 Stages of syphilis?
- Primary
- Secondary
- Latent
- Tertiary
What is one to two centimeter ulcer with a raised, indurated margin called?
How long does it take the chancre to heal spontaneously?
3-6 wks
Where is a wide variety of symptoms seen in syphilis?
Secondary syphilis
What is the most characteristic finding in secondary syphilis?
Rash (not vesicles)
Where stage of syphilis is condyloma lata found?
Secondary syphilis
What are Condyloma lata?
weeping papules
T/F There are signs and symptoms in Latent Syphilis?
When dos early latent occur?
1st year after infection
When is syphilis non-infectious to sex partners?
Late latent
When is syphilis infectious to sex partners?
Early latent
When is the transmission to fetus still possible although non-infectious to sex partners?
Late latent
What are 3 symptoms that can occur in Late syphilis?
- Gummatous
- Cardiovascular
- Neurosyphilis
Gummatous syphilis occurs where?
Anywhere (skin, bones, or internal organs)
What gummas?
heaped up granulomatous lesions
What cardiovascular structures are infected by syphilis?
ascending thoracic aorta
What cardiovascular problems does syphilis create?
Dilated aorta
Aortic valve regurgitation
Syphilis on the central nervous system
Argyll Robertson pupils
“Prostitution pupils” (accommodates but don’t react)
Where s Tabes dorsalis found?
Neurosyphilis syphilis
What are the two nontreponemal screening tests for syphilis?
- Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
- Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR)
What are the two treponemal confirming tests for syphilis?
- Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS)
- Microhemagglutination test for antibodies to T. pallidum (MHA-TP)
To visualize syphilis spirochete
Darkfield microscopy