Sexual Self Flashcards
Things as simple as areas on our bodies where we are supposed to feel sexual pleasure.
Erogenous Zone
This occurs when you are unable to resolve an issue during any of your psychosexual stages.
The Oral Stage (0-18 months)
Mouth, hunger or overindulgence
Mouth, hunger or overindulgence
Oral stage
Anal (18-36 months)
Anus, withholding bowel or uncontrolled bowel habits
Anus, withholding bowel or uncontrolled bowel habits
Anal Stage
Phallic Stage (3-6 years)
Genitals, unable to cope with sexual feelings
Genitals; unable to cope with sexual feelings
Phallic Stage
A phase of dormant sexual feelings
Latency (6 to puberty)
Latency (6 to puberty)
A phase of dormant sexual feelings
Whole body, maturity of sexual interests
Genital (Puberty onwards)
Puberty onwards
Whole body, maturity of sexual interests
Anything that follows or leads to sexual arousal is a form of sexual behavior. This is the key ingredient by which every creature share. Mainly, we have sex because of this goal in mind.
Survival is the key ingredient.
(extra notes: we have sex because what better way is there to survive than to pass your genes to a potentially limitless line?)
These are the two factors that push us to have sex.
Biological influences (Examples would be the hormones that circulate through your body), and Social and Psychological influences, like family, religion, culture, personality and emotions.
According to William Masters and Virginia Johnson, Sexual activity is a cycle which consists of mainly four phases
Excitement, Plateau, Orgasm and Resolution (EPOR)
This is the first phase in the cycle, divided into two, desire, when we feel sexual urges after perceiving sexual cues, and arousal.
This is the next phase after excitement, this is usually the brief period before orgasm. At this point you are almost at the peak of your sexual pleasure.
This phase has several indicators, for men it is the feeling of inevitability of ejaculation followed by the ejaculation itself. For women, there is the feeling of intense pleasure.
Lastly, we have this phase, it is characterized by the decrease in arousal and sexual urge after ejaculation
A person, contrary to popular belief does not fall in love at first sight. Love is first divided into three stages:
Lust, attraction, and attachment
This is the first stage of love, highly influenced by the two main hormones testosterone and estrogen
After the first stage, you get these blasts of feelings where you think you’re in love indicating that you are developing ___________. During this stage,, you releasee increased amounts of dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin. These substances are called neuurotransmiters.
After the attraction stage, once all the chemicals in your body are regulated, the body yet again finds another way to make you stay together, even after we stop feeling the intense lust or attraction. This last stage is called
Attachment, during this stage there is a strong feeling of loyalty caused by two major hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin.
Chemicals released during lustt
Testosterone / Estrogen
Chemicals released during attraction
Adrenaline, Dopamine, Serotonin
Chemicals released during attachment
Oxytocin, Vasopressin
Psychology of Mate Selection: Why do we fall for a specific person? What has made them a viable mate??
Evolutionary Psychology
the meaning of SOGIE
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression
This makes sex and gender more comprehensible and with this, we are more likely to avoid creating negative associations based on how sexuality is presented
This is the first aspect of SOGIE, which defines individuals based on who they find sexually attractive. For instance, a woman who likes a woman is considered a lesbian and a man who likes a man is considered gay.
Sexual Orientation
The second aspect of SOGIE, this is how a person identifies based on their internal sense of self. For instance, a person can be born with a penis but identifies as a female
Gender Identity
Lastly, this aspect of SOGIE refers to how you would express attributes that relate to gender like through clothes or behavior. For instance, Jake Zyrus presents himself at times as masculine, feminine, or even a mixture of both. He is biologically a female but chooses to identify as a male and expresses himself in fluid ways.
Gender Expression
Methods of Contraceptives
Condom, Pills, Intrauterine device (IUD), Injectibles, implants, sterilization (ligation or vasectomy)
Sexually transmitted infections
Neisseria Gonorrhea, Treponema Pallidum, Chlamydia Trachomatis, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)