Sexual offending Flashcards
Paraphilia (disorder)
Intense sexual interest in other things than genital stimuation from normal, cpnsenting and mature partners
–> disorder: causes distress for individual and risk or hamr for others
Paraphilic preferences
Activity preferences:
–> courtship disorders: exhibitionism, frotteurism, voyeurism
–> algolagnic: sexual masochism and sadism
Target preferences:
–> children (pedophilia)
–> fetishism (objects)
–> transvestic fetishism (wearing clothes of different gender)
(zoophilia, gerontophilia, necrophilia, …)
In DSM-5; to young females and strangers; in public: parks, street, …; high recidivism; recent studies: more nuisance; etiology –> few hypotheses: behavioral theory (classical conditioning), courtship disorder hypotheses (disfunction in development of sexual courtship); treatment: medication and psychotherapy
Pedophilia + treatment
= sexual attraction towards children aged 13 or younger
–> not every pedophile is a child molester (they can choose not to be)
Very limited treatment (mostly with pedophiles who have already acted on their desire) –> for help seeking pedophiles also very limited treatment
–> Help seeking pedophiles: very limited bc of shame, fear, … (= difficult to do more research on the subject and treatment for it)
Typologies (2)
- Robertiello en Terry
Common characteristics: low self esteem, physical unattractive, potency problems, …
They want a mutual comforting relationship with child –> tend to groom (behaviour to manipulate child to comply with the sexual abuse) –< convince themselves that child likes it - MTC:CM3
2 Axis:
1: fixation and social competence
–> high fixation, low competence: immature, problems with relationships and sexual development
–> high fixation, high competence: succesfull people with high fixation on chuldren
–> low fixation, low competence: passive, low sex drive –> do tend to go towards children
–> low fixation, high competence: normal people with normal relationships and sexual experiences where there is something that causes a evolution towards deviant sexual behaviour
2: amount of contact with child
–> high: narcissistic (prioritizes their needs) , interpersonal (want a relationship with child)
–> low:
High injury: sadistic or non sadistic (a lot of agression)
Low injury: sadistic or non sadistic (needed for coöperation)
Flag system
What is appropriate?
6 criteria:
Mutual consent
–> acceptable, slightly transgressive, seriously transgressive, severely transgressive
Assesment of pedophilia
Phallometry: tying a rope around penis and showing pictures of children so we can see if there is more bloodflow which means the person is aroused
–> only supportive experiment not conclusive
Choice reaction time: show a sexual stimulus and a second stimulus (ex. arrow) –> person has to click the key as fast as he can –> measure the reaction time –> delayed = distracted or aroused
Risk assesment of pedophilia
STATIC-99R = risk of recidivism
Adult sexual behaviour (defintion, prevalence, predators, recidivsm, treatment, cognitive distortions)
Rape = deed of sexual penetration without consent –> with or without violence
Sexual assault = broader term –_> sexual contact without consent
17 % of women experienced sexual assault
Predators are most likely people you know
Recidivism risk decreases the longer you are offense free
People have false ideas of sexual assault –> ex. married women cant be raped by husband, prostitutes cant be raped, …
Treatment: cognitive behavioral therapy, medication and social support