Development antisocial behaviour Flashcards
Antisocial behaviour
deliberatly hurting people, norm-violating and/or law violating
Legal perspective
> 12: not responsible –> can be monitored
12 - 18: minor –> tried as an adult when min. 16 years, psychological exam
Inervention of prosecution with minors
1: Alarming upbringing situations: worrisome liviing situation –> recommended help –> don’t coöperate –> mandated help
2: Juvenile offenses: youth justice system –> protection, measures (rehabilitation, training, communicty service, …)
–> very severe crime: can be locked up
–> too severe crime: can be tried as an adult
Is juvenile offense getting worse?
No, it seems like it because of the influence of the media but it is actually decreasing
Explanations: security, digital revolution, less exposure to risk factors
Theories of juvenile offense
1: Strain theory: society puts pressure on us to achieve –> frustration (strain) –> crime to cope
–> general strain theory: crime to cope with negative life events (cope with negative emotions)
2: Social learning theory: learn from others, reinforced by reward or avoidance of capture
3: Labelling theory: labelled delinquent –> more chance to reoffend
4: Neurobiological theory: abnormalities or damage to brain
Determinants of antisocial behaviour development
Genetic factors, prenatal influences, psychiatric disorders (odd en cd), adverse childhood experiences (ACE) = traumatic childhood events (more females than males)–> the more, the more likely to commit MULTIPLE crimes
Trajectories of antisocial behaviour
1: Life course persistent trajectory: starts very young, escalates later on, accompanied by poverty, abuse, neurobiological problems,…
2: Adolescent path limited: start early adolescence, stops early adulthood, normal rebellious fase
3: Childhood limited path: starts early childhood and gets internalised later on in life
4: Low antisocial behaviour: low levels of antisocial behaviour
Intervene as early as possible
Treat them not as standalone actors but with family, environment, …
Line between challenging teenage behaviour and at risk behaviour difficult to find sometimes
Most grow out of it on their own (influence: love, labour, living situation)
Different goals with adolescents than with adults