Sexual Identity Development Flashcards
Sexual Identity
Involves meaning making in two parallel domains:
exploration and reflection is equally important for both heterosexuals and homosexuals
Some experience sexual orientation central and stable ways - others more fluid and contextual
Personal Subjectives and actions
include individual’s perceptions and feelings about their sexual identities, as well as actual sexual behaviors and the meanings attached to them.
Interactive intimacies
include the influences of family, peer groups, and intimate partnerships and the meanings attached to experiences with significant others
Sociohistorical connections
defined as the social norms, policies, and laws found in various geographical locations and cultures, as well as the values existing during particular historical periods
D’Augelli’s Model of LGB Identity Development
- sequential and uniform nature does not capture this identity formation
- its a life long process
- influenced by social and environmental circumstances
3 sets of interrelated variables influence sexual orientation development:
Personal subjectivities and actions
Interactive Intimacies
Sociohistorical connections
Wothington et al.’s Model of Heterosexual Identity Development
Recognizes the two processes of sexual identity development (individual and group identity)
Drawn for Marcia’s identity development statuses (foreclosed, moratorium, diffusion, identity achievement)
5 developmental statuses (applicable to each process) Unexplored commitment Active exploration Diffusion Deepening commitment Synthesis
D’Augelli’s Model of LGB Identity Development cont.
Exiting heterosexual identity: (1) recognizing that one’s sexual orientation is not heterosexual and (2) telling others that one is LGB.
Developing a personal LGB Identity status: challenging internalized myths about LGB identity and developing a personal identity.
Developing a LGB social identity: creating a network of support comprised of individuals who affirm one’s LGB identity.
Becoming a LGB offspring: disclosing one’s LGB status to parents and redefining one’s relationship after disclosure.
Developing a LGB intimacy status: making decisions about how one will engage in life partnerships and intimate relationships.
Entering a LGB community: the development of commitments to political and social action; understanding that one’s LGB identity involves confrontation w/ social and political forces.