Sexual ethics 2 Flashcards
what is Peter Vardy’s book
the puzzle of sex
what does Peter Vardy’s book identify and point to
the link between sex and reproduction has been broken
and key areas of concern in modern attitudes to sex
points to inconsistencies in our thinking
what is Peter Vardy concerned with and why
liberal attitudes to sex
because any act has become acceptable within the boundaries of consent
what does Peter Vardy argue sex has become
a commodity legitimised by science and encouraged by mass media
what is now the first purpose of sex rather than what (Peter Vardy)
enjoyment rather than a divine union
what status of sex has been lost (Peter Vardy)
an act of love, even a sacred act for some
what does Peter Vardy make a link between
liberal, tolerant attitudes to sex, including porn and internet sex
and the declining rate in marriage and increase in divorce
what does Peter Vardy say sex ed in schools is too often
‘divorced from any wider moral or physical considerations’
the availability of what has meant what has been lost (vardy)
contraception, especially the pill
the primary purpose of sex, reproduction
women are now in control of what meaning what (vardy)
their fertility and sexuality
impacted fertility rates and motherhood is delayed
there has been an increased rate of what which may compromise and demand what (vardy)
fertility and demands artificial fertility treatments
at what age is sex considered morally wrong in the UK
outside the UK what are the views on sex
varies between 13 and 18, in some countries, a girl can get married as soon as puberty (10)
views on adultery across the nations
morally wrong in the western world, a crime in some nations along with homosexuality and pre-marital sex
what is difficult to determine
what is moral or not in relation to sex
What makes vardy a conservative philosopher
the emphasis he places on the original purpose of sex, procreation and an expression of love which is an old fashioned Christian view
what do conservative people normally want to do, and vardy
maintain original meanings in history and prefers to slow down progress
what does vardy’s approach not tie into
modern views of sex and critiques it
what is Jack Dominian’s book called
‘Passionate and compassionate love’
what does Jack Dominian book call for
a new description of sex
where it is seen as a personal expression that communicates recognition, appreciation, confirms sexual identity
brings reconciliation and healing
celebrates life
is a profound way of taking for a loving partnership
what did Jack Dominian used to work for for a long time and why did he stop
the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
Catholic sex teachings were too absolute and legalistic
what is marriage considered as and does this not prevent
a sacred bond which can’t be broken
loveless marriages and marital breakdown
what could work together to offer support to married couples
religion and psychiatry
what dies marriage reflect
God’s love
what should partners find in marriage (Jack Dominian)
love, understanding, kinship, forgiveness and the best place to raise children
what does a church have a duty to do (Jack Dominian)
to prepare couples for marriage, pre-marital counselling as well as offering marriage counselling
what was the problem with RCC’s take on marriage
too hierarchal and similar to the relationship between parent and child
what does Jack Dominian question RCC’s teachings on
a range of ethical issues, like pre-marital sex, contraception, homosexuality and masterbation
what are humans rational enough to do (Jack Dominian)
the most moral thing according to their individual circumstance
it is possible to be Roman Catholic and also accept what because what matters
contraception and homosexuality
what matters is a loving and nurturing environment
Jack Dominian thinks same sex couples should what
same sex couples and marriages should receive support of the church despite bible
What does Jack Dominian not see as the sole purpose of sex
what does he see sexual pleasure as and what makes it moral (Jack Dominian)
gift from god
moral if it takes place in a loving relationship
what is Jack Dominian in line with
liberal protestant and secular approaches
what is Jack Dominian against
how is sexual ethics useful
its good to see where our contemporary ideas have evolved from and how much views have changed as a society
how is sexual ethics not useful
some are hateful against homosexuals and women and shameful, which could be upsetting
how is contemporary views better in sexual ethics
they are more accepting and empowering for women as they give women more control over their body
how is contemporary not better
original purpose of sex is not clear and it strays from God’s teachings
what approach would utilitarianism take to sexual ethics
and strength + weakness
would support whatever promotes the most happiness
more accepting, could be more personal and more universal and secular
could upset those in the minority
what approach would natural moral law take to sexual ethics
and strength + weakness
would believe sex is for procreation, against homosexuals and contraception etc
sticks to original values and fits in with religious teachings
not inclusive, outdated religious approach, doesn’t keep up with modern sexual principles
what approach would situation ethics take to sexual ethics
and strength + weakness
would do whatever is most loving
inclusive, welcomes homosexuality and contraception and solutions to childlessness
situational to each person, no agreed rules, everyone has different ideas of what is most loving, doesn’t correspond with law